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Page 1 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems IIB and GCI Meeting CSR Architecture and Current Registration Status Prof. Liping Di Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems IIB and GCI Meeting CSR Architecture and Current Registration Status Prof. Liping Di Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems IIB and GCI Meeting CSR Architecture and Current Registration Status Prof. Liping Di Director Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS) George Mason University Fairfax, VA, 22030, USA February 23, 2015

2 Page 2 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Introduction GEOSS CSR is a web system for the providers of Earth Observation resources to register their contributed resources with the GEOSS through dedicated secured registration forms and for GOESS users (both machines and human) to discover the resources in GEOSS Resource providers of governments and organisations can register their resources in CSR, providing essential details about the name, contents, Earth observation vocabulary, access point, standards and special arrangements (if any) of their contribution. CSR provides assistance to GEOSS, and ultimately its user, for identifying the GEOSS resources of interest.

3 Page 3 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Current CSR Highlights Currently there are 1055 user accounts and 831 approved registered resources in the CSR system ISO19115 and ISO19119 are used as the basic information model for resource registration. Using ISO Information model not only facilitates the interaction within GEOSS community (i.e. the harvesting between Clearinghouse and CSR), but also enhances the interoperability between external GEOSS clients and CSR. CSR leverages state of the art Geonetwork as the back-end geo-spatial catalog. OGC CSW interface in Geonetwork enhances both query ability and interoperability of CSR. Security Mechanism - Encryption mechanism secures the user information in system (i.e. password) and the privilege management in back-end Geonetwork guarantees a secured metadata discovery and access.

4 Page 4 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems CSR CSW Introduction OGC CSW is the standard interfaces for other applications, and other components of GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) to discover resources registered in CSR. Currently GEOSS Clearinghouse and DAB use CSR to locate Earth observation resources catalog services as a basis for evaluation, configuration, harvest, and distributed query. CSR CSW Interfaces – –GetCapabilities operation allows CSW clients to retrieve service metadata from a server. –DescribeRecord operation allows a client to discover elements of the information model supported by the target catalogue service

5 Page 5 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems CSR and SIR Interaction Providers can nominate new “Standards and Special Arrangements” for approval via CSR All the current “Standards and Special Arrangements” are populated in CSR for user to associate their resources.

6 Page 6 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems CSR System Architecture

7 Page 7 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems CSR Architecture Resource Providers via Secured Web Portal can –Register New Resource and place approval Request –Modify/Delete Resource he/she owns –Search/View all Registered Resources Resource Users (without user account) can –Search/View Only Approved Resources (non-secure search/holding pages) –Create User Account to become Resource Provider CSR Operational Team –Reviews the registered (pending) Resources and approves them (if qualifies) to be visible for harvesting GEO ClearingHouse –Harvests the approved resources via CSW interface

8 Page 8 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Resource Registration (Overview) Basic Info -Resource Category, Name, Abbreviation, Description, Resource Accessibility, GEO Affiliation Properties -Contact Info, Societal Benefit Areas, Resource Availability, Sharing Properties, Geographic Extent, Temporal Extent Standards -Earth Observation Vocabulary -Standard/Special Arrangements * Standards -Earth Observation Vocabulary -Standard/Special Arrangements * * For Resource Category :”Datasets”, “Analysis and Visualization”, “Alerts, RSS, and Information Feeds”, and “Catalogues, Inventories and Metadata Collections”, the Standard/Special Arrangements are mandatory field with at least one entry from either “Data Access”, “Catalog/Registry Service”, Portrayal and Display Service”, or “Data Transformation Services” Submit Request Start

9 Page 9 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Resource Registration – Basic Info

10 Page 10 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Resource Registration - Properties

11 Page 11 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Resource Registration – Properties

12 Page 12 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Resource Registration - Standards

13 Page 13 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Total Resources and Types – Approved * Resource TypesTotal Resources Datasets122 Monitoring and Observation Systems74 Software and applications53 Initiatives16 Websites and documents195 Analysis and visualization262 Catalogues, Inventories and Metadata Collections103 Computational Models1 Alerts, RSS, and Information Feeds6 Total Resources832 * As of 2/5/2015

14 Page 14 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Acknowledgement CSR is developed and operated by Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS), George Mason University through the close cooperation with USGS and GEO Architecture and Data Committee Funding is provided by USGS/FGDC through a cooperative agreement. The current period of funding will be ended by May 2015.

15 Page 15 CSISS Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems Thank you !

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