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By:Tania Todorova Wild animals are many. Some are protected, others are endangered, while others are free living. All animals have a different lifestyle.

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Presentation on theme: "By:Tania Todorova Wild animals are many. Some are protected, others are endangered, while others are free living. All animals have a different lifestyle."— Presentation transcript:


2 By:Tania Todorova

3 Wild animals are many. Some are protected, others are endangered, while others are free living. All animals have a different lifestyle. Here in Bulgaria found a variety of wildlife. Among the wild animals that are found in Bulgaria are a wolf, bear, wild boar, red deer, fallow deer and roe. Endangered species in Bulgaria are recorded in the Red Book. Such are the marten, wolf, ferret colorful, brown bear, otter, wild cat, black stork, honey buzzard, eagle, corncrake, woodcock, dove hralupar, white-backed woodpecker, black woodpecker, a small spotted eagle, falcon hobby, big hawk, Egyptian vulture, eagle toed, Saker and other.

4 The next slides will introduce you to some of the animals that you met.

5 Wolf


7 The wolf (Canis lupus) is a mammal of the family dogs (Canidae). Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and dog Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) are classified as subspecies of the wolf. Anatomy of the wolf differs in some scars from that of the domestic dog. The wolf usually has golden yellow eyes, longer legs, bigger feet, more prominent jaw, a long snout and brain, which is typically 30% larger than that of the dog. It should be mentioned and above the tail near the base, which is absent in dogs. Finally, while many dogs elbows are directed away, these wolves are turned inwards towards the belly, almost touching it. This allows them to run at speeds up to 70 km / h.

8 The wolf is a predator. Pack of wolves hunt any large herbivorous in its territory, while lone wolves are more likely to eat and smaller animals. Hunting methods range from surprise attacks to long chases. Through interaction in a pack of wolves could pursue large prey for hours before being slow, but success is relatively low. Lone wolves catch small animals as they jump and press down to earth with his front paws, technique, typical also for foxes and coyotes. When wolves attack is usually directed to the neck, throat and sides of the animal. Pack most often kill the weak, elderly and sick animals as large and healthy specimens of their retort sometimes injure or even kill wolves hunters. Some studies show that only one out of ten attempts to kill moose by a pack of wolves with complete success. The diet of wolves include, but not be restricted to large mammals such as deer, elk, bison and ovtsebikove. They also caught beavers, zaytsevidni, rodents and other small animals. Wolf needs 1,5-5 kg meat per day to survive, but because it is not always able to eat every day, can eat up to 10 kg at a time.

9 brown bear


11 Brown Bear, Distribution, Characterization Brown bear (Ursus arctos) is an animal of the family Mechkovi. It is one of the biggest predator in Bulgaria. He lives in Bulgaria and Europe, in Western and Central Asia to the Himalayas in North America Lives singly, rarely in pairs. There are good-natured kind, but is unpredictable - it can very quickly fall into a rage. The mass of adults is between 100 and 350 kg. The body length is 1.50 to 2.50 meters.

12 Lifestyle and Nutrition Brown Bear lives in woodlands. Although it looks clumsy, over short distances can run at a speed of 45 km/h. It feeds on roots, acorns and young grasses. She loves wild strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, wild apples, plums, pears, watermelons and ants. In summer, brown bears spend considerable time in eating, as they need 14 kilograms of food a day. Most of the winter spent in sleep in their dens. Live on the fat accumulated during the summer, but if hunger, go outside. When food is not enough, bears kill smaller animals they

13 Propagation Little bears are born during hibernation of the bear. The female gives birth every 2-3 years from 1 to 3 small, who initially blind and naked and weigh only 350 grams. They suck milk from his mother until they are three months and grow rapidly. In the spring go out to play and learn to fight and hunt. Small brown bears grow very quickly - in the first year after birth, small size increases almost 200 times. Bear kept small and do not care otdlya to 2 years.

14 Eagles


16 Eagles (Aquila) are a genus of large birds of prey daily to the family hawk (Accipitridae). Birds of prey fed with various small, medium and large animals such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates and even carrion. Many of the species in the genus are migratory. Monogamous birds. Lay fewer eggs, usually 1 to 3. Incubating only female or both parents. Young birds are held with parents usually end up the season

17 By:Tania Todorova

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