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The Gulf-Coastal Plains Indians

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1 The Gulf-Coastal Plains Indians

2 KARANKAWAS Location/Landforms:
The Karankawa Indians lived along the Gulf Coast Galveston Bay to Corpus Christi Marshland Goose Island Grove


4 KARANKAWAS Housing: Karankawa houses held about eight people and were easy to move. Small poles with mats of leaves, grass and palm leaves Portable like and umbrella

5 KARANKAWAS Food Source:
They survived by fishing in coastal bays and by hunting and gathering wild plants near the coast. Fish/shellfish Wild rice Alligator Water plants Deer, bear, and bird sharks

6 KARANKAWAS Appearance:
Karankawas were taller than most Texas Indians. The average man was about six feet tall. Both men and women painted their bodies with red clay or charcoal, and the men pierced their lower lips and chests with small pieces of cane. They wore very little clothing. The women wore clothes made of deer skin or Spanish moss.

7 KARANKAWAS FACTS: Nomadic Used alligator grease for insect repellant
Pottery was waterproofed with natural asphalt Dugout canoes Special ceremony dance (mitoks)

8 ATAKAPAN Location/Landforms:
South of the Caddoes lived Indians who spoke a language called Atakapan. The lived in five bands or small tribes spread across the coastal plains from Louisiana to Galveston Bay. Coastal Area Marshland

9 ATAKAPAN circled

10 ATAKAPAN Housing: Atakapan houses were cone shaped buildings of
Smaller than Caddo and portable like an umbrella

11 ATAKAPAN Food Source: Fish, sea life, deer, bear, bird, shark, and alligator (sea food)

12 ATAKAPAN Appearance: Short and stocky

13 ATAKAPAN facts: Tanned animals with deer brains (French fought over these hides) Nomadic


15 COAHUILTECANS Location/Landforms:
Southwest Plains and the Rio Grande area toward Northern Mexico. Bottom part of Texas. They lived in hundreds of independent bands. Mesquite thickets, desert, scattered grasslands, and cactus

Coahuiltecans lived in dome-shaped huts made by cutting and bending young trees and covered them with reed mats and animal hides. They could quickly roll up the mats and hides, place on their backs to carry, and move to the next camp.

The Coahuiltecans were hunter-gatherers. They ate snakes, lizards, armadillos, worms, snails, spiders, and insects (ants). With meat in short supply, plants formed the major part of the Coahuiltecans diet. Women and children gathered leaves, cactus tuna (nopalitos), fruits, mesquite beans (very sweet), and nuts. They also hunted deer, javalinas, and rabbit

18 COAHUILTECANS APPEARANCE: Yucca sandals Rabbit skin shawls
Long, loin cloths

19 COAHUILTECANS FACTS: The most primitive or least advanced tribe of all the Texas’ tribes Nomadic Had an ambush technique and would then run for days Would use a burning torch to attract fish (night)

20 The Southeastern Peoples

21 CADDO LOCATION The Caddoes were part of a larger culture known as the Mississippian or Mound Builder Culture. Caddoes first moved into the Piney Woods during the Late Prehistoric period. East Texas Rich soil and plenty of rainfall

22 CADDO circled

23 CADDO Housing: Caddo houses were cone shaped buildings of poles covered with cane, grass, & mud Sturdy, beehive shaped houses Small hole in the top for fires More than one family

24 CADDO Food Source/Daily Life:
They fished and hunted deer and small animals (rabbit). Crops were more important in their diet than meat and fish. Major crops included corn, beans, squash, and sunflower seeds. Sometimes buffalo

25 CADDO Appearance: Caddoes made most of their clothing from deerskin, which they tanned a deep black. They wore mostly skirts and leggings Men and women tattooed streaks on their faces and plant and animal designs on their bodies.

26 CADDO Trading: They traded beautiful clay pottery & hunting bows, they received shells from the Gulf Coast, turquoise from the Southwest, copper from the Great Lakes region. Skilled workers used these trade goods and made useful & decorative objects. The fact that Caddoes had such specialized craft workers shows how advanced their culture was.

27 CADDO facts They were organized into 3 confederacies or alliances of people or groups that unite for a common purpose. The Caddoes had the most advanced culture of all Texas Indians. Even in prehistoric times, they settled in villages, lived and farmed in small clearings in the forest. Men helped the women with crops Built mounds for burial and worship

28 WICHITA LOCATION: For protection, villages joined together to create three tribes- Tawakonis, Wacos, and Wichitas. West of Caddo Moved along the Red River and Brazos River Rich, sandy soil

29 WICHITA circled

30 WICHITA Housing: Clay floors Dug moats around the houses
Look much like the beehive Caddo houses “Spirit” door Tipis when hunting buffalo for the skins

31 WICHITA Food Source: The Wichita were farmers who tended large fields of corn, pumpkins, squash, melons, beans, and groves of plum trees. After the fall harvest, entire bands left their homes and spent the winter hunting buffalo. During these months they lived in tipis. A tipi is a cone-shaped tent made of poles covered with animal skins. In the springtime the bands returned to villages and planted crops again. The Wichita would make pemmican (jerky) out of the buffalo.

32 WICHITA Appearance: The Wichita people, were shorter & darker then most other Texas Indians. Men had tattoos around their eyes “raccoon eyes.” Women tattooed their faces & bodies w/zigzag lines, circles, & triangles

33 WICHITA Facts: Lakes and cities named for them
Made lots of things from pumpkin (ropes, baskets, etc.) Farmers and Hunters

34 The Plains Indians

35 COMANCHES Location/Landforms:
The 1st Comanches lived in the northern Rocky Mountains in what is now Wyoming. They were poor hunter gatherers and their environment offered little food. After they acquired horses from the Spanish they left the mountains to hunt buffalo. They became expert riders. They first appeared in New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle in the early 1700’s. Over time, at least 13 bands of Comanche roamed the plains. Each band had a chief with limited power. He could act only with the approval of the band’s council. All adult males were members of the council. The entire council had to agree for decisions to take effect.

36 COMANCHES Food Source:
The Comanches entire way of life depended on the buffalo. The animals provided clothing, shelter, and most of their food. The Comanches were nomads: people who wander from place to place in search of food.

37 COMANCHES Housing: Like other Plains Indians, the Comanches lived in tipis.

38 COMANCHES Appearance:
They decorated their bodies and made most of their clothing from buffalo hides. Comanche women had short hair. Men allowed their hair to grow long, parting it in the middle, with braids on each side.

39 More special information about the plains peoples
The Apaches were a warlike people and forced other tribes, like the Tonkawas, to move to other territories. The Kiowas practiced the Sun Dance, an important and elaborate religious ceremony.

40 The Diet of the plains peoples
Buffalo Deer Corn Beans Pumpkins Watermelons

41 APACHES JUMANO BLUE (took over the area)

42 APACHES Locations/Landforms:
Around A.D. 1000, a Native American people moved south from the present-day Canada across the Great Plains. They posed a threat to the people who already lived on the land. In order to survive, these newcomers became fierce fighters. “Apache” comes from the Zuni word apachu, which means “enemy”. Two of the Apache tribes, the Lipans and Mescaleros, were very important to Texas history.

43 APACHES Housing/Food Source:
The Lipans 1st appeared in the Texas Panhandle in the 1500’s. They lived as independent bands. The Lipans wore clothes made of deerskin. To keep warm in the winter, they wrapped themselves in buffalo hide robes. Buffalo hides also covered their tipis. The Lipans hunted buffalo and other animals and sometimes farmed. During spring and summer they lived in small villages where the women planted and harvested crops of corn, beans, pumpkins, and watermelons. In the fall and winter they moved about, following buffalo. The Mescaleros were among the Apache tribes that settled in New Mexico. Their lands stretched from present-day El Paso to the Pecos River. Unlike the Lipans, the Mescaleros were a hunting and gathering people.

44 The homes of the plains peoples
Tipis, also known as Teepees

45 The Puebloan Indians

46 The location of the Puebloan peoples
West Texas Mountains and Basins region of Texas

47 The homes of the Puebloan Peoples
Adobe pueblos Huts covered with grass or animal skins

48 The Diet of the Puebloan Peoples
Corn Beans Squash Cactus Deer Birds Rabbits Fish

49 JUMANOS Housing: Jumanos farmed and lived in pueblos made of adobe.

50 JUMANOS Location: Around A.D the Jumanos established villages on the land between the Pecos River & the Rio Grande.

51 JUMANOS Food Source: The Jumanos grew corn, beans, and squash. Most of their fields were close to the river and streams, providing them with reliable sources of water. Unlike in most other Texas Indian cultures, Jumano men did most of the farming. Farming was difficult during droughts, or periods with little or no rain.

52 JUMANOS Trading: The Jumanos were great traders. They supplied corn and other crops from the farming villages to Plains Indians. In return they received animal hides, meat and wild nuts and beans.

53 JUMANOS Appearance: They painted their faces in horizontal lines. Men cut their hair short except for one long lock, to which they attached feathers. Women had long hair, which they sometimes wore in braids. The arrival of the Apaches ended the Jumanos’ trade and drove the Jumanos toward the Rio Grande.

54 TIGUA Location: The Tiguas are the oldest group of Native Americans still living in Texas today. They settled along the Rio Grande, in a pass between two mountain ranges. There they established the town of Ysleta. It was the first permanent town in Texas.

55 TIGUA Food Source/ Daily Life:
The Tigua way of life is similar to that of the Jumanos and Conchos. They were farmers, and most of their food came from the corn, beans, and squash they grew. Their meat came from deer, rabbits, antelope, and other game that the men could find. Women and children gathered berries and other wild foods. The council governed the tribe and elected the chief, who served for life. The chief, was the Tiguas’ religious leader.

56 More special information about the Puebloan Peoples
Kiva: large room where the tribal council met and where other community activities occurred Cacique: Spanish word for a Tigua religious leader

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