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5. Compound nucleus reactions Prof. Dr. A.J. (Arjan) Koning 1,2 1 International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 2 Division of Applied Nuclear Physics, Department.

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Presentation on theme: "5. Compound nucleus reactions Prof. Dr. A.J. (Arjan) Koning 1,2 1 International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 2 Division of Applied Nuclear Physics, Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 5. Compound nucleus reactions Prof. Dr. A.J. (Arjan) Koning 1,2 1 International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 2 Division of Applied Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Email: EXTEND European School on Experiment, Theory and Evaluation of Nuclear Data, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 29 - September 2, 2016

2 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL Elastic Fission (n,n’), (n,  ), (n,  ), etc… Inelastic OPTICALMODEL T lj  Reaction Shape elastic Direct components  NC PRE-EQUILIBRIUM COMPOUND NUCLEUS NUCLEUS

3 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (basic formalism) Compound nucleus hypothesis - Continuum of excited levels - Independence between incoming channel a and outgoing channel b abababab=  (CN) P b aaaa  (CN) = T a aaaa p kakakaka 2 Pb=Pb=Pb=Pb= TbTbTbTb S TcS TcS TcS Tc c  Hauser- Feshbach formula = abababab p kakakaka 2 Ta TbTa TbTa TbTa Tb S TcS TcS TcS Tc c

4 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (qualitative feature) Compound angular distribution & direct angular distributions 45° 90° 135°

5 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (complete channel definition) Channel Definition a + A  (CN )*  b+B Incident channel a = (l a, j a =l a +s a, J A,p A, E A, E a )      Conservation equations Total energy : E a + E A = E CN = E b + E B Total momentum : p a + p A = p CN = p b + p B Total angular momentum : l a + s a + J A = J CN = l b + s b + J B Total parity : p A (-1) = p CN = p B (-1)             lala lblb

6 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (loops over all quantum numbers) In realistic calculations, all possible quantum number combinations have to be considered s ab = (2J+1) (2I A +1) (2s a +1) S p kaka 2 J=| I A – s a | I A + s a + l a max p =  S l a = | j a – s a |j a = | J – I A | S S ja + sa ja + sa J + IAJ + IA l b = | j b – s b |j b = | J – I B | S S j b + s b J + IBJ + IB T JpT Jp a, l a, j a, b, l b, j b W T JpT Jp c, l c, j c T c S d p (a) d p (b) T JpT Jp a, l a, j a T T JpT Jp b, l b, j b T Width fluctuation correction factor to account for deviations from independence hypothesis Given by OMP Parity selection rules

7 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (the GOE triple integral)

8 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (flux redistribution illustration)

9 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (multiple emission) E N N c -1NcNc N c -2 Z ZcZc Z c -1 SnSn SpSp SaSa SnSn SpSp SaSa n’ n (2) fission SnSn SaSa SnSn SpSp SaSa p JpJp SnSn SpSp SaSa a SnSn SpSp SaSa d g g g n n TargetCompound Nucleus + Loop over CN spins and parities

10 REACTION MODELS & REACTION CHANNELS Optical model + Statistical model + Pre-equilibrium model s R = s d + s PE + s CN n + 238 U Neutron energy (MeV) Cross section (barn) = s nn’ + s nf + s n g +...

11 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (compact expression) and T b ( b ) = transmission coefficient for outgoing channel b associated with the outgoing particle b J = l a + s a + I A = j a + I A and  =  -1   A with lala =  ab where b = g, n, p, d, t, …, fission  b  ab =  k a 2  J,   2J+1   2s+1  2I+1   d T lj  a  JJ  a,ba,b WabWab T b  b  JJ T d  d  JJ  NC

12 THE COMPOUND NUCLEUS MODEL (various decay channels) Possible decays Emission to a discrete level with energy E d Emission in the level continuum Emission of photons, fission T b ( b ) = given by the O.M.P. JpJp T lj ( b ) T b ( b ) = E  JpJp T lj ( b ) r (E,J, p ) dE E + D E r(E,J,p) density of residual nucleus’ levels (J,p) with excitation energy E Specific treatment

13 Exercise Neutrons + Cu-65 Two incident energies: 1.6 and 5.5 MeV Plot elastic scattering angular distributions for both of them: the direct, compound and total component Exp data: 1.6 MeV: Cu-0, 5.5 MeV: Cu-65 Use TALYS sample case 3 for inspiration 13

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