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By: Brad Herrmann.  There are no other names because Dr. Harry Klinefelter found the problem in 1942 and is named named after him for his find.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Brad Herrmann.  There are no other names because Dr. Harry Klinefelter found the problem in 1942 and is named named after him for his find."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Brad Herrmann

2  There are no other names because Dr. Harry Klinefelter found the problem in 1942 and is named named after him for his find

3  Only in males  Extra “X” chromosome

4  Taller  Less Muscular Body  Less Facial and Body Hair  Broader Hips  Weaker Boned  Lower Energy

5  Look similar to other males without the syndrome  Taller  More likely to have certain health problems ◦ Autoimmune dissorders ◦ Breast cancer ◦ Vein diseases ◦ Osteoporosis ◦ Tooth decay

6  Normal  Makes little to no sperm  Between 95% and 99%of XXY males are not fertile

7  Boys ◦ 25% to 85% of XXY males have some language problem ◦ Learning to talk late ◦ Trouble using language to express what he wants ◦ Problem reading ◦ Trouble processing what they hear  Adults ◦ Harder doing work that involves reading and wrighting ◦ Most hold jobs and have a successful careers

8  Boys ◦ Quiet and undemanding ◦ Less self –confident ◦ Less active helpful  Teens ◦ Shy ◦ Struggle in school and sports  Adults ◦ Lives similar to other men

9  Special services to help at school  Different methods to teach  Therapies ◦ Physics ◦ Speech ◦ Occupational ◦ Behavior ◦ Mental health ◦ Family  TRT ◦ Testosterone Replacement Therapy

10 

11  "Klinefelter Syndrome." Genetics Home Page. Web. 27 Jan. 2011..

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