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Research and Innovation Priorities of MPC related to the HORIZON 2020 Societal Challenges, INNOVATION WEEK Casablanca 3 March 2015 Raphael Koumeri, PLANET.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Innovation Priorities of MPC related to the HORIZON 2020 Societal Challenges, INNOVATION WEEK Casablanca 3 March 2015 Raphael Koumeri, PLANET."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Innovation Priorities of MPC related to the HORIZON 2020 Societal Challenges, INNOVATION WEEK Casablanca 3 March 2015 Raphael Koumeri, PLANET SA Greece

2 The Strategic Research Agenda - SRA The expected outcomes of the consultation process to identify strategic ICT research priorities include Clear and up-to-date picture of the ICT research capacities of each participating MPC in the terms of H2020 Identification of key future challenges to be faced by each MPC List of ICT priorities for each country February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 20152

3 Identification of Stakeholders Direct MPC ICT research stakeholders RTD policy-makers, advisors & administrative (governmental) ICT research administrators and actors (e.g. universities, non-profit research institutions, etc). ICT business and industry actors - representatives of key ICT companies, ICT SME and other business associations, ICT-related professional bodies, etc. Representatives of national and international ICT and ICT R&D- related programmes, networks and initiatives (clusters, Technology Platforms (TPs), etc). Indirect MPC ICT research stakeholders Broader business community - e.g. Chambers of Commerce, representatives of SME organisations, etc. Public sector agencies and departments. Representatives of the civil society. February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 20153

4 The Consultation Process Gathering Knowledge Planning the Process Identifying stakeholders Developing consultation material Gathering Knowledge Planning the Process Identifying stakeholders Developing consultation material Preparatory Phase Preparatory Phase Consultation Survey Consultation Survey Consultation Workshops Consultation Workshops Final Phase Mobilizing stakeholders Administering the consultation process Analyzing survey results Mobilizing stakeholders Administering the consultation process Analyzing survey results Recruiting expert panel Organizing the consultation workshops in each MPC Recruiting expert panel Organizing the consultation workshops in each MPC Developing the individual countries’ SRAs Developing the bi-regional one Developing the SRA of the MPC Developing the individual countries’ SRAs Developing the bi-regional one Developing the SRA of the MPC Phases Activities Outputs Consultation Plan & Questionnaire Stakeholder List Consultation Plan & Questionnaire Stakeholder List First Analysis Final consultation results Final consultation results Final SRAs Consultation Phase February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 20154

5 ICT Focus “Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (LEIT)”: Information and communication technologies “Societal challenges”: SC1: Health, demographic change and wellbeing, SC3: Secure, clean and efficient energy, SC4: Smart, green and integrated transport, SC5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials, SC6: Europe in a changing world - Innovative, inclusive and reflective societies, SC7: Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens. February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 20155

6 Current status Consultation process finalised. 235 questionnaires were collected: February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 20156

7 “Activities currently being carried out” “Research Priorities over the next 7 years” February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 20157

8 ICT Topics Cross-cutting: Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects Human-centric Digital Age Cybersecurity, Trustworthy ICT February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 20158

9 ICT Topics Cross-cutting: Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects Human-centric Digital Age Cybersecurity, Trustworthy ICT February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 20159

10 Societal Challenges February 2015INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 201510

11 Future ICT Research Drivers Maghreb February 2015Casablanca Workshop11

12 Research and Innovation relation in the MPC INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 2015 An ‘ecosystem’ does not really exist! “Bringing innovation to market”: there is very little in the MPC that could be brought to a market

13 UNESCO Science Report: Problems in developing an S&T Sector INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 2015 the absence of an S&T governance mechanism at state level; low gross domestic expenditure on R&D (GERD); a lack of co-operation between scientific organizations and productive sectors; a low technology component, leading to few manufactured exports and a limited number of high- tech exports; a poor capacity to innovate according to society’s needs; a lack of databases providing information on S&T; challenges facing organizations involved in science.

14 Patents granted – a brief view INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 2015 Egypt

15 Patents granted – a brief view INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 2015 Jordan

16 Patents granted – a brief view INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 2015 Greece

17 Overview: Patents granted to residents

18 Summary INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 2015 Appreciation for S&T is also an almost alien concept in the mindset of the Arab private sector, which has always been strong in trading goods and services rather than manufacturing. The private sector has been unable to produce a critical mass of knowledge workers to utilize these resources to meet national objectives, add to the national and global pool of knowledge or produce patents leading to products and services. High-tech exports from Arab countries are negligible. The acquisition and application of technology is a function of an enabling environment, yet this environment is almost non-existent in many parts of the Arab world.

19 Summary INNOVATION WEEK CASABLANCA March 2015 There is very little linkage between universities and industry when it comes to research output and thus little wealth generation via the commercialization of R&D. In the majority of Arab states, intellectual property regimes are very weak, providing little protection for the output of scientists.

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