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Science Coordinators Networking Meeting February 4, 2015 Joyce Barry – Plainview-Old Bethpage Mary Loesing – Connetquot

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Presentation on theme: "Science Coordinators Networking Meeting February 4, 2015 Joyce Barry – Plainview-Old Bethpage Mary Loesing – Connetquot"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Coordinators Networking Meeting February 4, 2015 Joyce Barry – Plainview-Old Bethpage Mary Loesing – Connetquot

2  Jennifer Glennon and Heather Herrero – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  Cheryl Davidson – Long Island STEM Hub, Healthcare RIC  Break  Update from the Science Consortium Meetings  Update on the Strategic Plan for Science Education  Lab Safety  STEM/STEAM Resources  Activity – Examining Other States Science Standards Meeting Agenda

3  Thanks to our sponsors Jennifer Glennon and Heather Herrero for providing the breakfast for this meeting. HMH

4  Cheryl Davidson – Long Island STEM Hub, Workforce Readiness North Shore LIJ  Healthcare RIC STEM Hub

5  Regents item on the Strategic Plan for Science Education  gs/January/115p12a1.pdf gs/January/115p12a1.pdf  News on Science Strategic Plan – courtesy of ESP – Monroe 2 Orleans BOCES News on Science Strategic Plan Update from the Science Consortium

6  All next steps must involve the field.  Groups providing input to SED include the NYS Science Consortium, the Science Content Advisory Panel and the Statewide Leadership Team  NYS has set a timeline of one year to develop new standards  Other states have updated their standards, in some cases modifying the NGSS.  We have the opportunity to influence what these new standards will look like, the content and practices and the degree of specificity contained in the standards. Update on the Strategic Plan

7  MSDS have changed to SDS  193&UnitId=38 193&UnitId=38  NSTA Safety Portal   Safety Contracts  Safe Use of Alcohol in the Laboratory Lab Safety

8    m-education-over-25-steam-links-filled-with-resources- and-information/ m-education-over-25-steam-links-filled-with-resources- and-information/  A Future Segregated by Science A Future Segregated by Science STEM/STEAM Resources




12 Culture of Schooling vs Culture of Innovation

13 Solving a problem using the tools (technology) and resources (science and math)



16  Kids Using Tech Kids Using Tech  STEM Movement Video STEM Movement Video  Z-Space at POB Z-Space at POB  3-D Printing 3-D Printing  Thingiverse Thingiverse  Funding Funding Media Links

17 adoption-map/ NGSS Adoption map – state by state

18  Charge from NYSED: Determine the architecture for new NYS Science Standards  Divide into six groups  With your group, visit the website of the state you have been assigned  Develop a list of pros and cons, with supporting evidence, based on your review  Choose 3 must have’s for new NYS science standards?  Share with the group Activity

19  Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Standards Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Standards  Oklahoma Oklahoma  South Dakota South Dakota  South Carolina South Carolina  Washington Washington  California California Activity – Examining State Science Standards

20  ACS-HACH Chemistry Grant  This is a very small grant--up to $1500 but the application is pretty simple, too. The deadline is April 1. awards/grants/hachhighschool.html Rusti Berent, Ph.D. Funding and Grants Consultant 585-321-9479 Rusti.Berent@VWR.com awards/grants/hachhighschool.html Chemistry Grant

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