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John W. Garvy Elementary School Student Code of Conduct School Rules September 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "John W. Garvy Elementary School Student Code of Conduct School Rules September 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 John W. Garvy Elementary School Student Code of Conduct School Rules September 2016

2 “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” -Aesop

3 PRACTICE RESPECT Come to school on time. Do not arrive earlier than 8:15 AM. (OR) Breakfast begins at 8:10 in the MPR. Be responsible with homework and handouts from your teachers and the office. Handouts will go to the youngest or only this year. Use your planner everyday in every class. Maintain a clean locker… magnets only. Shower and wear deodorant daily. Dress respectfully

4 The SCC serves as a guide to improve schools’ learning environments when students: Understand the positive behaviors expected of them Believe they have the skills to achieve Receive recognition and praise for doing good work and behaving appropriately Feel that school staff members care about them and are helping them grow Your responsibilities: Read through this booklet with a parent. Sign Acknowledgement of Receipt form and give it to your teacher. Behave appropriately to ensure your safety and the safety of everyone at Garvy. Student Code of Conduct

5 HIGH EXPECTATIONS - ACHIEVE We expect appropriate behavior at all times. Every student at Garvy has the right to a safe and valuable education. Achieve your greatest academic potential! Treat others how you would like to be treated. Remember that everywhere you go, you are a Garvy Bulldog. Be proud of it!

6 With P.A.W.S. in mind, think about the following: Maintaining personal space Respecting everyone and everything at Garvy Following verbal directions Achieving your greatest academic potential Keeping your area and yourselves clean Using integrity in decision making Walking through the school with voices at 0-1 Using polite manners Getting help when it is needed Respecting the cell phone policy Being on-time Completing all school work and homework

7 School Rules Each classroom has a set of rules. Students are to respect the rules and all adults in the building at all times. Rules while outside of the classroom include: Follow the dress code. Go directly to your destination. Do not stop at the restroom unless it is an absolute emergency. In order to use the restroom (grades 5-8), you will have to sign in and out and go alone. You may not use the restroom during instruction time unless it is an absolute emergency. Students may only visit their lockers upon arrival, before lunch, after lunch and at the end of the day.

8 Rules on school grounds: Swearing/name calling are not acceptable on school grounds. Derogatory name calling is not appropriate and will not be tolerated. Maintain personal space – keep your hands to yourself. Bikes must be locked only on the bike rack. We are not responsible for your bike if it is not secured properly. No skateboards/scooters at school. They do not fit in the lockers.

9 Conversation Levels 0 Silence is Golden Standing in line, passing in the hallway, listening to instruction, when the whistle blows, at all times when directions are being given 1 Whisper Talk Only one person can hear you 2 Voice at Low Levels when Completing group work, reading with a partner, working on a computer project, working in the hallway, asking for help, quiet discussion 3 Voice at Medium Levels when Completing group work with 3-4 group members 4 Voice at High Levels when Presenting information to the class, reading out loud in class, performing in front of an audience 5 Voices Out of Control when Playing outside, cheering for the Garvy Bulldogs!

10 Morning Routine When the whistle blows, line up behind your classroom number immediately at Door 4 Form 2 straight lines (boys and girls) Follow the directions given by adults Enter the school in a single file line with voices at 0-1

11 Lunch Routine When standing in the lunch line, students who brought their lunches will stand on the right and students who receive hot lunch form a line on the left. QUIETLY line up in the hallway in TWO STRAIGHT lines with voices no louder than a 1. There are primary classes in session while you are in the lunchroom. Be responsible in the lunch line and listen to the directions given by school staff. Do not take food without permission. Students are to remain seated at all times in the lunchroom and use conversation voices. Be respectful to the lunch staff and monitors.

12 Lunch Routine cont. Assigned seats will be given to those who can’t follow lunch room procedures. Please throw your own garbage in the trash when you are dismissed. When the whistle blows, voices are at 0. You will be released by tables. Classes are in session, so the hallways must remain quiet. No gum is allowed at lunch. Pack a lunch or buy one everyday. Lunch is a very important meal and allows your brain to function. Caffeine drinks (Jolt, Monster, etc) are not allowed at Garvy. Please avoid pop at lunch too.

13 Dismissal Routine You must leave with your homeroom out of Door 4. No student should ever leave the building without being dismissed by their teacher. Please go directly home if you are walking. If you are waiting for a ride, please walk further down the sidewalk to avoid congestion. Go home at dismissal. Loitering on school grounds is not permitted. There is no supervision after 3:30 P.M.

14 What can happen if I disobey school rules?

15 Tier 1 Behavior Pyramid Infraction #1 Date/time: Infraction #2 Date/time: Teacher must notify parent with this form or phone call. Document here: Infraction #3 Date/time: Skill Building Session: Infraction #1 Date/time: Teacher must notify parent with this form or phone call. Document here: Infraction #2 Date/time: Skill Building Session: Infraction #1 Date/time: Skill Building Session: Fun Friday is every Friday for approximately 20 minutes. Depending on the infraction, or if you fill a row, you may attend a skill building session, in place of Fun Friday.

16 Progressive Pyramid Discipline Per quarter, students will progressively receive three strikes, then two, then one before attending a skill building session, depending on the SCC violation. If at any time the student engages in behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct, that behavior can override this pyramid and result in either a lunch detention or suspension. If a student continues to engage in a targeted behavior, the student will be assigned a Restorative Conference, a more progressive pyramid may be used and the Chicago Public Schools Student Code of Conduct will be followed. The progressive pyramid is a visual tool for students, parents and teachers to utilize in tracking targeted behaviors to decrease repeated offenses.

17 Tier 2 Behavior Pyramid Infraction #1 Date/time: #2 Date/time: #3 Date/time: #4 Date/time: Teacher must notify parent with this form or phone call. Document here: #5 Date/time: Restorative Conference: Infraction #1 Date/time: #2 Date/time: #3 Date/time: Teacher must notify parent with this form or phone call. Document here: #4 Date/time: Restorative Conference: Infraction #1 Date/time: #2 Date/time: Teacher must notify parent with this form or phone call. Document here: #3 Date/time: Restorative Conference: Infraction #1 Date/time: Teacher must notify parent with this form or phone call. Document here: #2 Date/time: Restorative Conference: Infraction #1 Date/time: This offense may result in a suspension. Suspension date:

18 Skill Building Sessions Skill building sessions will be held during Fun Friday for students who fill a row of a pyramid with a category 1 violation. Students who violate the SCC with a category 2 or higher violation automatically attend a skill building session. If you fill a Tier 1 pyramid, you will attend a Restorative Conference or Peace Circle. Ms. Stanis, Ms. Chron, Mr. Newman or Mrs. McGlade will hold assigned Restorative Conferences.

19 Restorative Conferences A restorative conference is a meeting with a restorative conference coach or counselor. In this conversation, you will discuss the violation and how to make better choices in similar situations. You may attend a Peace Circle as part of your restorative justice. Circles include discussing all sides of a situation and student behaviors regarding an incident. The hope is that after the circle, all parties involved will be restored and feel safe and secure when returning to the academic setting.

20 Dress Code YESNO

21 Internet Bullying & Social Media Use If your actions on social media affect the educational process of the school day, you will be accountable for your actions. Education Process: Every student here has the right to an appropriate education. If they are affected by what you say or write about them on social media and it interferes with their schooling, there is a problem. Use extreme caution with what you post on the internet or through social media (words and/or pictures). TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED.


23 Let’s make this the BEST year ever at John W. Garvy Elementary School.

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