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Public Information Meeting St. George Road - Oak Hill Road Intersection Reconstruction Project.

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1 Public Information Meeting St. George Road - Oak Hill Road Intersection Reconstruction Project

2 Project History  Project originated from traffic studies done by the Evansville Urban Transportation Study (EUTS)  Traffic counts that were completed in 1999 and 2002 showed that a traffic signal was justified at the intersection  Traffic increased by 9.7% on Oak Hill between 1999 and 2002

3 Project Development  Left turn lane needed for northbound left turns from Oak Hill to St. George in addition to traffic signal

4 Project Development  Large culvert structure south of Keystone Hills Drive needs replaced

5 Project Development – Culvert Replacement

6 Project Development – Drainage Improvements  Storm water from 24” pipe from Ivy Meadow Subdivision drains to 15” and 18” pipes on Oak Hill Road

7 Project Limits

8 Project Development  Design contract signed with RQAW Corporation on Oct. 21, 2002  Survey work completed in Nov. 2002  Preliminary plans submitted to the county in May 2003  Copies of plans sent to affected property owners in May 2003

9 Project Development  Right of way engineering and acquisition began in February 2004  Right of way acquisition completed in December 2004  Final draft of plans submitted to county in March 2005  Final plans submitted on April 25, 2005

10 Evaluation of Maintenance of Traffic Plan  Original plans showed two road closure periods on Oak Hill Road; estimated project completion was October 2005 based on that plan

11 Evaluation of Maintenance of Traffic Plan  Two options were evaluated to attempt to leave Oak Hill Road open during construction – a temporary runaround and a temporary traffic signal

12 Temporary Runaround Design  INDOT design standards require 2 12’ lanes with 6’ shoulders

13 Temporary Runaround Options  Construction of temporary runaround on west side of Oak Hill not possible due to proximity of houses to Oak Hill

14 Temporary Runaround Options  Temporary runaround would fit on the east side of Oak Hill; safety concerns do not make it practical; road closure would still be needed to replace large culvert

15 Temporary Traffic Signal  A temporary traffic signal could be installed at both ends of the project; safety concerns due to all of the driveways in between the signals

16 Project Schedule  April 26, 2005 – County Commissioners approve advertising of notice to bidders  April 29, 2005 – First advertising date  May 6, 2005 – Second advertising date  May 17, 2005 – Open bids  May 24, 2005 – Award Bids

17 Project Schedule  May 25, 2005 – First day that Oak Hill Road is allowed to be closed  May 28, 2005 – Scheduled completion date of INDOT project on Highway 41  August 5, 2005 – Final day of road closure for Oak Hill Road; St. George may remain closed  September 16, 2005 – Project completion date

18 Contract Provisions  Contractor will receive $1,000.00 per day bonus for each day prior to Aug. 5 that Oak Hill is opened (up to a maximum of $20,000.00)  Contractor will be assessed liquidated damages of $1,000.00 for each day that Oak Hill remains closed past Aug. 5  The large culvert structure has already been ordered by Vanderburgh County

19 Detour Routes  Signed detour routes will be Heckel Road, Green River Road, Lynch Road, and Hitch Peters Road

20 Other Upcoming Projects  Green River Road between Lynch Road and Hirsch Road  Project will consist of widening Green River Road to four lanes and elevating Green River Road out of flood plain  Estimated bid date: Fall 2005

21 Other Upcoming Projects  Green River Road – Millersburg Road Intersection Reconstruction  Project will consist of adding turn lanes and installing a traffic signal  Estimated bid date: Fall 2006

22 Other Upcoming Projects  Oak Hill Road – Bergdolt Road Intersection Reconstruction  Project will consist of adding turn lanes and installing a traffic signal  Estimated bid date: 2007

23 Other Upcoming Projects  Green River Road between Hirsch Road and Heckel Road  Project will consist of widening Green River Road to four lanes and elevating Green River Road out of the floodplain; will also include new bridge over Pigeon Creek  Estimated bid date: 2008

24 Contact Information  County Engineering Dept. phone number: 435-5773  E-mail:

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