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One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 One Health Approach at Country Level TANZANIA Group 9 Charles Nyamrunda.

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Presentation on theme: "One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 One Health Approach at Country Level TANZANIA Group 9 Charles Nyamrunda."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 One Health Approach at Country Level TANZANIA Group 9 Charles Nyamrunda Henrique Silveira Nebbo J M Mwina Grace Saguti Stephen S Morse Leonard Mboera David Urassa Simon Mduma Harry Opata Phillemon wambura Eberhard M Mbunda Members:

2 One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 Main achievements related to OH Political will and high-level commitment toward inter-sectoral collaboration Joint technical or coordination mechanisms-TANDREC, TEG, NAMUTAF NGOs, academia, research institutions and the private sector participation- OHCEA,SACIDS, NetMATT, AFRIQUE ONE, Examples of cooperation between public health, domestic animal and wildlife sectors with regard to event investigation-RVF 2007/2008, H5N1 2006/o7 alert, Rabies control project, HAT- under FIND/PATTEC

3 One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 Comments on the regional Strategy General Vision-needs to be rephrased (doc V/S presentation) Mission-Is missing Terminology consistency MULTI- SECTORAL V/S INTER SECTORAL Priority Interventions-Routine laboratory epidemio-surveillance is missing Roles and Responsibilities Put a separate section for FAO and OIE as with WHO instead of putting them as other partners Insert a chapter on definitions of terms as per context of the document Specific Pg 10 Building partnership: Propose Member states will be expected to form - instead of mentioning ministries use sectors- such Health, Agric, Veterinary, Wildlife, and support sectors e.g Finance, Communication, Education, key partners e.g NGO, other organisation (local and International country specific). Pg 11 Capacity building- Training: delete the word TWO, Laboratory strengthening-The issue of lab staff mobility for sample collection, transportation and networking is missing Pg 12 Research activities-Consider adding antimicrobial and pesticides resistance, Sentinel sites can be addressed in laboratory epi-surveillance Pg 13 Social Mobilisation (remove the words in the bracket) Pg 13 Roles and Responsibilities- level I Include village game scouts for wildlife Pg 15 Central Level - Section d- add wildlife sector

4 One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 Summary of Draft Road map ObjectiveActivitiesTimeframe (YR) Lead sector Supporting sector 1234 1.Strengthen inter- sectoral collaboration framework Conduct debriefing meeting at ministerial levels and PMO office xAllOHCEA Establishing a One Health Working group xPMOWHO/FAO/O HCEA Develop advocacy strategy and toolsxOH/WGWHO/FAO/O HCEA Conduct advocacy meeting for the high level officials xPMOKey sectors & Partners Conduct key stakeholders meetingxPMO Conduct policy review and harmonisation xPMOKey sectors Develop TOR (guidelines, SOP) for inter- sectoral coordination xOH/WGWHO/FAO/O HCEA Develop a One health National Strategy and Plan of Action for the control of zoonotic diseases. xPMOKey stakeholders

5 One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 Summary of Draft Road map ObjectiveActivitiesTimefram e (YR) Lead sector Supporting sector 1234 2. Set up an intersectoral EWS for detection, confirmation and reporting of priority zoonotic diseases Identify priority diseases xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA Map the available laboratory epidemio- surveillance tools xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA Develop SOP and guidelines for reporting and communication xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA Develop mechanism for data storage and exchange xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA Develop risk communication strategy xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA

6 One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 Summary of Draft Road map ObjectiveActivitiesTimeframe (YR) Lead sectorSuppo rting sector 1234 3. Strengthen regional and cross border collaboration Conduct regional and cross border meeting xxxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Share information with regional bodies (EAC, SADC, AU, xxxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA 4. Build capacities on One Health approach Harmonise strategies for preventing and control of priority zoonotic diseases xxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Conduct curricula review xxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Conduct pre and in-service training OH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Strengthen laboratory capacities (surveillance, training) xxxxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Conduct monitoring and evaluation xxxxOH/WGAll sectors Conduct simulation exercisesxx OH/WGAll key stakeho lders

7 One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, 12-14 November 2012 Thank you

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