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Histology Lab Cardiovascular System Brian W. Hill, Ph. D. Pathology.

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Presentation on theme: "Histology Lab Cardiovascular System Brian W. Hill, Ph. D. Pathology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Histology Lab Cardiovascular System Brian W. Hill, Ph. D. Pathology

2 Large Vessels Histology Lab Cardiovascular System

3 Slide courtesy of Virtual Hospital

4 Identify the type of vessel and the three tunicas. What are the white wavy lines in the walls of this vessel? Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware int M Advent.

5 Identify the blood vessel type, the three tunicas and the internal and external elastic membranes. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware Int. elastic memb. Ext. elastic memb. I M A

6 Identify the blood vessel type, the three tunicas and the internal and external elastic membranes. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware i a m Outer elastic lamina Internal elastic lamina

7 Small Vessels Histology Lab Cardiovascular System

8 Slide courtesy of Virtual Hospital


10 Identify the type of vessel. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware

11 Identify the type of vessel.

12 Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware Identify the type of vessel running horizontally on this slide.

13 Identify the arteriole, venule and capillary. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware A V

14 Identify the wavy structure in the lumen of this vessel. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware

15 Capillaries Histology Lab Cardiovascular System

16 Slide courtesy of Dr. Paul B. Bell and Dr. Barbara Safieko-Mroczka, Dept. of Zoology, University of Iowa


18 Identify four capillaries in this slide.-- stars Slide courtesy of Dr. Bruce Babiarz, Rutgers University

19 Slide courtesy of Dr. Paul B. Bell and Dr. Barbara Safieko-Mroczka, Dept. of Zoology, University of Iowa

20 Slide courtesy of Dr. John McNulty, Loyola University Medical College


22 Lymphatic Vessels Histology Lab Cardiovascular System

23 The lymphatic vessel in this slide is dilated, making it much easier to recognize. Slide courtesy of Dr. Ed Friedlander, The University of Health Sciences


25 The lymphatic vessel in the section is collapsed and it could be easily be overlooked!– oh no! Slide courtesy of Dr. Ed Friedlander, The University of Health Sciences

26 Identify the various vessels seen in the section. I think this slide is right… Slide courtesy of Dr. Paul B. Bell and Dr. Barbara Safieko-Mroczka, Dept. of Zoology, University of Iowa A V lymph arteriole ?

27 For the untrained eye, collapsed lymphatic vessels can often be overlooked. Slide courtesy of Dr. Paul B. Bell and Dr. Barbara Safieko-Mroczka, Dept. of Zoology, University of Iowa

28 Identify the arteriole, capillary and lymphatic vessel in this slide. Slide courtesy of Dr. Paul B. Bell and Dr. Barbara Safieko-Mroczka, Dept. of Zoology, University of Iowa L A c

29 The Heart Histology Lab Cardiovascular System

30 Slide courtesy of Dr. Bruce Babiarz, Rutgers University

31 Identify the branched cardiac myocytes, intercalated discs and the endocardium. Slide courtesy of Dr. Lutz Slomianka, Western Australia University Nucleus of myocyte Endocardium?

32 Identify the cardiac myocytes and intercalated discs. Note that the discs stain light rather than dark with this type of stain. Slide courtesy of Dr. Damir Sapunar and Dr. Mirna Saraga-Babic, University of Split Medical School, Croatia

33 Slide courtesy of Prof. Luiz Henrique Montiero Leal, Digital Atlas of Histology

34 Cardiac myocytes cut in cross section. Note the centrally located nuclei. Slide courtesy of Dr. Paul B. Bell and Dr. Barbara Safieko-Mroczka, Dept. of Zoology, University of Iowa

35 Slide courtesy of Dr. Bruce Babiarz, Rutgers University

36 Slide courtesy of Virtual Hospital

37 Identify the cardiac Purkinje fibers (more circular than cardiac myocytes) and intercalated discs. Slide courtesy of Dr. Lutz Slomianka, Western Australia University

38 Self Study Slides Histology Lab Cardiovascular System Large Vessels

39 Identify the three tunicas and the internal elastic membrane. Slide courtesy of Dr. Lutz Slomianka, Western Australia University Internal elastic membrane

40 Identify the type of blood vessel and the three tunicas. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware

41 Self Study Slides Histology Lab Cardiovascular System Small Vessels

42 Slide courtesy of Dr. Bruce Babiarz, Rutgers University


44 Identify the different types of microvessels in this section. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware v a arteriole venule cap

45 Identify the small artery and vein. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware a v

46 Identify the valve in the lumen of the vein. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware

47 Identify the valve in the lumen of the vein. Also identify the arteriole and venule to the right. Slide courtesy of Dr. Lutz Slomianka, Western Australia University a v

48 Self Study Slides Histology Lab Cardiovascular System Lymphatic Vessels

49 Slide courtesy of Dr. Paul B. Bell and Dr. Barbara Safieko-Mroczka, Dept. of Zoology, University of Iowa


51 There are several vessels in this section, including a dilated lymphatic vessel with a valve. Slide courtesy of Dr. George Royce, University of Wisconsin Medical School Arteriole

52 Slide courtesy of Dr. John McNulty, Loyola University Medical College

53 Self Study Slides Histology Lab Cardiovascular System The Heart

54 Slide courtesy of Dr. Bruce Babiarz, Rutgers University


56 Slide courtesy of Prof. Luiz Henrique Montiero Leal, Digital Atlas of Histology


58 Slide courtesy of Virtual Hospital



61 Identify the cardiac myocytes and intercalated discs. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware

62 Identify the cardiac myocytes and intercalated discs. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware

63 Identify the cardiac myocytes and intercalated discs. Slide courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, University of Delaware

64 Cardiac myocytes cut in cross section. Note the centrally located nuclei Slide courtesy of Dr. Paul B. Bell and Dr. Barbara Safieko-Mroczka, Dept. of Zoology, University of Iowa

65 Slide courtesy of Dr. Damir Sapunar and Dr. Mirna Saraga-Babic, University of Split Medical School, Croatia

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