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Writing in CSD. What is a Lit Review? As the first step in the research process, the literature review provides an organized review of the main ideas,

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Presentation on theme: "Writing in CSD. What is a Lit Review? As the first step in the research process, the literature review provides an organized review of the main ideas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing in CSD

2 What is a Lit Review? As the first step in the research process, the literature review provides an organized review of the main ideas, theories, and findings related to a topic. Unlike a research study or an essay, a lit review does not seek to prove anything or support the writer’s stand.

3 Organize by characteristics Empirical research Case studies Survey results Informational sources Sub-topic

4 Example of a review organized by sub-topic Major Topic: Therapies used in treatment of stuttering Self-modeling Prolonged speech Habit reversal

5 Lit Review Introduction (1-2 para.) Provide background information on general topic Orient reader to overall significance of topic Indicate focus/significance of the present review Preview the types of information discussed in the body of the review

6 Lit Review Body Provide details from each source (empirical research: IMRaD) (other sources: important ideas, theories, etc.) Synthesize the information: point out differences and similarities in theories, methodologies, findings, etc. Use transitions and consistent verb tense.

7 Lit Review Conclusion Summarize the most important results and ideas in the sources as a whole Identify major trends in the research and consensus among the authors Describe practical applications of the information Identify areas for future study

8 Using APA format In-text Citations

9 General Rules Use the author’s (or authors’) surname(s) and the year the information was published: Rogers (1994).... (Rogers, 1994). In 1994, Rogers.... One date per source per paragraph

10 One or two authors: Cite name(s) every time you cite the source. Rogers (1994) or (Rogers, 1994) Rogers and Johnston (1994) or (Rogers & Johnston, 1994)

11 Three, four, or five authors: First citation in paper: List all names Rogers, Johnston, and Smith (1997) (Rogers, Johnston, & Smith, 1997) Second and subsequent citations: Rogers et al. (1997) (Rogers et al., 1997)

12 Six or more authors: Use the et al. abbreviation for all citations: Smith et al. (2001) (Smith et al., 2001)

13 Group citations Alphabetize the sources by the first author’s surname Separate sources with a semi-colon (Adams, 2002; Davis & Caldwell, 1998; Johnston, Smith, & Alexander, 2000; Smith & Johnston, 2003; Zeigler et al., 1996)

14 References List all sources cited in the review. Alphabetize the sources and format records as in the bibliography

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