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Pointers of a Keynote Speech to be delivered by Minister of Finance at an International Conference on Budgeting for Performances – Modernizing Public Financial.

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Presentation on theme: "Pointers of a Keynote Speech to be delivered by Minister of Finance at an International Conference on Budgeting for Performances – Modernizing Public Financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pointers of a Keynote Speech to be delivered by Minister of Finance at an International Conference on Budgeting for Performances – Modernizing Public Financial Management in Indonesia Jakarta, May 26, 2008

2  To achieve the nation goals of increasing people’s welfare, it is necessary to establish a sound and stable economy;  The most essential effort in setting up a robust economy is by implementing credible budget.  Credible budget needs suitable planning that guide budget policy to achieve the national goals.  Thus, planning and budgeting system plays significant role in determining the success of government policy performance;  However, the existing planning and budgeting system has been out of date and incapable of ruling the whole aspects of public finance management as expected by constitution;  Budget reform is a must.

3 The existing Indonesian Treasury Law has been out of date and incapable of ruling the whole aspects of public finance management The changing of the old Public Finance law to the new one, can strengthen the implementation of checks and balances budget preparation process. 1) The willingness to change the Indonesian Public Finance Law inherited from Colonial Administration; 2)The awareness of having dual budget classification causes inefficiency.  Dual budget classification creates ambiguity and eventually causes duplication and distortion on activity resource allocation—needs unification;  GFS system which provides single table of account prevents the creation of ambiguous activity resulting from distortion on resource allocation as well as duplication on budget allocation. 3) Strong demand to implement good governance Demand to implement good governance necessitates reform on budget management. To assure the implementation of good governance in the budget operation, the budget should be managed in discipline, sustainable, transparent, efficient, and accountable manner.

4  The reform has now been underway...  The new laws and regulations on public finance, treasury, and planning which have been ratified and performed as legal basic for implementing new budget system include: Law No 17 / 2003 on Public Finance Law No 1 / 2004 on Treasury Law No 15 / 2004 on Auditing of Public Finance Account Law No 25 / 2004 on National Development Planning Regulation No 20 / 2004 on Government Work Plan Regulation No 21 / 2004 on Line Ministry and Agency Budget Work Plan.


6 2.To raise self confidence by replacing traditional Indonesian Treasury Law with new Public Finance Laws 1.To assure checks and balances in the budget process  The principle of checks and balances in the budget process implies equal role between the government and the parliament in determining the budget.  The present of Law No 17/2003 which regulates the rule above gives the assurance on the implementation of checks and balances in budget preparation. Long lasting implementation of traditional Indonesian Treasury Law may delegitimate national confidence and dignity. The ratification of Public Finance Law Year 2003, therefore, becomes the starting point to raise self confidence and national dignity. 3.To improve the quality of decision making process on budget allocation and hold budget users accountable for outputs /outcomes through the utilization of performance information 4.In broad sense, the objective of reform is to establish credible and sustainable budget, which apparently determines the performance of the economy

7 The reform involves the transformation of traditional budgeting to performance budgeting which hypothetically can be outlined as follows: COSTPROCESSOUTPUTSOUTCOMES economy INPUTS Economically efficient effectiveness Value for money traditional budgetsoutput focus budgetoutcomes based budget Performance budgeting Technically efficient Shifting the direction by means of increase checks and balances in budget preparation awareness of the need of unified programs & activities the demand to implement good governance Implementing Unified budget, performanced based (oriented) budget and medium term expenditure framework GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCES HOW TO IMPLEMENT REFORM ?

8 1. Unified Budget Approach 2. Performanced Oriented Budget Approach 3. Medium Term Expenditure Framework Approach

9 1. Restructuring Programs and Activities within LM/GA 2. Using GFS Economic Classification as a policy instrument for budget allocation Each program should have clear linkage with Government Work Plan (RKP); Each Unit Organization should have one program that reflects its function; Activities within program could represent both functional and sectoral approach; Activities representing LM/GA functions (Renja K/L) provide standardized minimum services which tend to be repetitive; Activities representing government policy as mandated by Government Work Plan (RKP) provide certain purposes; Activities which provide standardized minimum services, which tend to be repetitive, will be financed by personnel and material expenditures. Activities representing government policy, as mandated by Government Work Plan (RKP), provide certain purposes, will be financed by material, capital and social support expenditures Note: capital expenditure is used to finance activities which generate government assets. For certain programs and activities, executed by LM/GA indirectly, will be financed by subsidy, grant, interest and contingency expenditures.


11  Integrating National Priority (as National Strategic levels) to Programs Outcome (as Strategic Level for Line-Ministries / Govt Agency) into Activities (as an Operational Level within Line-Ministries / Govt Agency;  Determining Key Performance Indicator of Program and Activity, as consequence, government will focus on output & outcome rather than control the input;  Developing Budget Preparation Template which provides appropriate Performance Information;  Developing Performance Evaluation Template which provides Performance Achievement Information;  Building costing methodology by utilizing standardized input and activity costs to achieve allocative and operational efficiency.

12  Preparing medium term macro economic assumption  Preparing medium term fiscal targets (tax ratio, deficit, debt ratio etc)  Developing medium term budget (revenue, expenditure, financing) which yields total government resource envelope.  Medium term resource envelope performs as a baseline for preparing LM/GA’s budget forward estimates.  Adjusting a LM/GA’s budget forward estimates with current standard unit cost and government policy in preparing budget preparation.

13  Legal Aspect  Revised the Government Regulation to accommodate proposed budgeting system reform;  Harmonized all existing regulation related to public finance management, to avoid both overlapping and conflicting rules;  Paradigm—shifting the government control paradigm  From tight input cost to performance based budget;  From “compliance and stewardess” to “let the managers manage, but keep them accountable”  Dealing with the Parliament  Too deep intervention of the Parliament  Lengthy and detail deliberation process;  Costly decision making process



16 What achievement has been reached and what are the next Challenges (1) ? NoREFORMS AGENDAS CURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS NEXT CHALLENGES 1.Restructuring programs and activities within LM/GA in order to enhance acountability by shifting from sectoral approach to functional budget approach. 1.Rearrange programs and activities by compiling existing programs and eliminating duplication of programs across the ministries. 2.Redefine activities in order to have outputs that clearly reflect the achievement o ftargetted objectives of GWP (RKP) 1.Designing each echelon I to have one program in order to enhance accountability. 2.Introduce two types of activity, i.e., “recurrent activity” in which it’s output reflects the achievement of standardized minimum service delivery, and “determined activity” which provides certain purposes designed in the GWP.

17 What achievement has been reached and what are the next Challenges (2) ? NoREFORMS AGENDASCURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS NEXT CHALLENGES 2.Using GFS classification as an instrument for budget allocation Replacing dual budget document by single budget document based on GFS classification. Using GFS classification as a tools to enhance budget expenditure dicipline in the sense that budget allocation policy should be in line with expenditure classification.

18 What achievement has been reached and what are the next Challenges (3) ? NoREFORMS AGENDASCURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS NEXT CHALLENGES 3.1.Integrating National Priority (as national strategic levels) to Programs Outcome (as Strategic Level for Line-Ministries / Govt Agency) into Activities (as an Operational Level within Line-Ministries / Govt Agency) 2.Determining Key Performance Indicator of Program and Activity Introducing Budget Document / Template that reflected the link between budget allocation with targetted outputs Improving existing Budget Document / Templates that provide comprhensive performance information, i.e, program objectives, program strategy, target output & Outcome & key performance indicators Six Line-Ministries are designed to adopt this template for preparing their 2009 budget as pilot.

19 What achievement has been reached and what are the next Challenges (4) ? NoREFORMS AGENDASCURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS NEXT CHALLENGES 4. 1.Performance Evaluation Mechanism which provides Performance Achievement Information 2.Building costing methodology by utilizing standardized input and activity costs to achieve allocative and operational efficiency Introducing standardized input & activity cost in order to raise allocative and operational efficiency in budget allocation process  Developing Standardized Budget Evaluation Form that provide Performance Achievement Information as a Feedback for Policy Improvement  Clarify business process in activites, for further improvement in costing methodology for further resource allocation efficiency

20 What achievement has been reached and what are the next Challenges (5) ? NoREFORMS AGENDASCURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS NEXT CHALLENGE 5. 1.Preparing medium term macro economic assumption 2.Preparing medium term fiscal framework (tax ratio, deficit, debt ratio etc) 3.Developing medium term budget framework (revenue, expenditure, financing) which yields total government resource envelope. 4.Prepareing Framework for identified Standardized Minimum Services as Govt Policy baseline 1.Introducing the concept of MTEF within Budget Planning process 2.Provide a basic templates for MTEF in LM/GA budget document Establish a credible Macro-Fiscal models for medium term projection Establish MTEF as a policy framework, separate from existing and proposed budget document

21 What achievement has been reached and what are the next Challenges (6) ? NoREFORMS AGENDASCURRENT ACHIEVEMENTS NEXT CHALLENGE 6. 5.Medium term resource envelope performs as a budget baseline for preparing LM/GA’s budget forward estimates. 6.Adjusting a LM/GA’s budget forward estimates with current cost and government policy in preparing budget preparation.

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