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EPUB 3 and Accessible ICT A momentum Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February.

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Presentation on theme: "EPUB 3 and Accessible ICT A momentum Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPUB 3 and Accessible ICT A momentum Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February 2015 1

2 Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February 2015 Relevance of ICT Access to knowledge and information, to goods and services, to the labor market, social life, leisure, culture …. today goes through implementations of ICT standards If those implementations are NOT accessible EXCLUSION Hence the need for accessible ICTs 2

3 “Accessibility Goes Mainstream”  EPUB 3 > industry standard for electronic publications of any kind > based on W3C standards INTEGRATES accessibility requirements  Publishing industry CAN / COULD produce accessible electronic documents Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February 2015 3

4 Accessible EPUB 3 - Global   Achievement is not a once and for all achievement > continuous effort > never ending   Standards and reference implementations The DAISY Consortium’s role Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February 2015 4

5 EPUB 3 – Local level [based on observations in CH] ► ► At the very beginning ► ► Novel kind of content is not the challenge ► ► Educational Material ► ► Publishers depend on third party’s (technical) services ► ► Close interdependency between content and its rendering is not well understood. Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February 2015 5

6 …. hence the opportunity for specialized agencies to PRO-ACTIVELY influencing how the publishing industry is going to implement the standard(s) Benefiting from the advance in knowledge and expertise with respect to both EPUB 3/ EDUPUB and Accessibility Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Lepizig, 11 February 2015 6

7 Task is not easy because of … ► ► Very complex ecosystem with many different types of stakeholders ► ► Specialized Agencies are not yet well prepared for interacting and integrating with the mainstream world ► ► Integration of other print disabilities than blindness, visual impairment, and dyslexia. Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February 2015 7

8 Thank you very much Bernhard Heinser Barrier-free Access to Digital Information Leipzig, 11 February 2015 8

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