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Intermountain West Data Warehouse – Western Air Quality Study (IWDW-WAQS) A Web System Application Framework for use of Remote Sensing Obs in Air Quality Planning Tom Moore – WESTAR-WRAP Shawn McClure CIRA/CSU
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools Federal Land Manager
( Partners: NPS/ARD Federal Land Manager Environmental Database (FED) Partners: NPS, USFS Databases Websites Software Hardware Intermountain West Data Warehouse (IWDW) Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: EPA, AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools
Databases Schema design Data import & update Administration Query design Relational database: 800,000,000 records 62 air quality networks 63 water quality networks 24 modeling and satellite datasets NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools ( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database Partners: NPS, USFS Database Website Software Hardware File server: ~107 Terabytes of online data ~100 Terabytes of offline data ~85 Terabytes downloaded/transferred 7 complete modeling platforms Intermountain West Data Warehouse Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools
Websites Website design Web hosting Tool development Web services NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools ( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database Partners: NPS, USFS Databases Website Software Hardware Websites: FED SEMAP IWDW NPSCAT TSS IMPROVE Intermountain West Data Warehouse Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools
( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database Partners: NPS, USFS Databases Websites Software Hardware Software Data access libraries Data manipulation Visualization tools Data analysis Intermountain West Data Warehouse Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools
( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database Partners: NPS, USFS Databases Websites Software Hardware Hardware Server configuration Server maintenance Networking Troubleshooting & repair Intermountain West Data Warehouse Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools
( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database Partners: NPS, USFS Databases Websites Software Hardware Intermountain West Data Warehouse Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools Federal Land Manager
( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database (FED) Partners: NPS, USFS Databases Websites Software Hardware Intermountain West Data Warehouse (IWDW) Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: EPA, AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools Federal Land Manager
( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database (FED) Partners: NPS, USFS Database Websites Software Hardware Intermountain West Data Warehouse Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools
( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database Partners: NPS, USFS Database Website Software Hardware Intermountain West Data Warehouse Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: EPA, AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools
( Partners: NPS Federal Land Manager Environmental Database Partners: NPS, USFS Database Website Software Hardware Intermountain West Data Warehouse (IWDW) Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
IWDW-WAQS nested 36/12/4-km WRF/CAMx and CMAQ domains
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools
( Partners: NPS/ARD Federal Land Manager Environmental Database Partners: NPS, USFS Database Website Software Hardware Intermountain West Data Warehouse Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NPS Air Quality Conditions & Trends Tools Federal Land Manager
( Partners: NPS/ARD Federal Land Manager Environmental Database (FED) Partners: NPS, USFS Databases Websites Software Hardware Intermountain West Data Warehouse (IWDW) Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, CO, WY, UT, NM Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: EPA, AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
NASA ROSES 2007: Decision Support through Earth Science Research Results Improving an Air Quality Decision Support System through the Integration of Satellite Data with Ground-based, Modeled, and Emissions Data Uma Shankar (UNC) and Shawn McClure (CIRA/CSU) - co-PIs Many collaborators, including Bret Schichtel (NPS) & Tom Moore (WESTAR-WRAP) at CIRA Completed May 2011
Overall Project Goal To enhance and add value to a currently operational air quality decision support system (VIEWS/TSS) by integrating and utilizing satellite data from NASA satellites Aura, Terra, Aqua, and CALIPSO. Specific Project Goals Develop routine capture, analysis, and processing algorithms with high temporal and spatial resolution to provide land use/land cover data as inputs to emissions and air quality modeling Achieve more complete temporal and spatial resolution of activity data and emission rates from natural and anthropogenic emission sources in remote areas and from individual sources and source clusters Obtain multiple-dimensional vertical profiles and column measurements of pollutants to improve model inputs and provide evaluation data for gridded chemistry-transport models such as CMAQ Develop advanced analysis tools to better understand the relevant atmospheric processes and their representation in the CTMs Visualize and analyze satellite data in combination with existing monitoring, emissions, and modeling data within a unified decision support platform
Simplified, CIRA-specific project goal
Make it easier to… find visualize query download …satellite and modeled data in conjunction with ground-based data
Fulfilling our goal: Getting the data
Map Viewer: Three layers combined
Fulfilling our goal: Importing and integrating the data
Biscuit fire impacting Crater Lake in 2002
Roadmap: Linking data to relevant photos and imagery Exceptional event metadata (such as fires) can be stored and dynamically associated with data, photos, and imagery at run time in order to provide quick cross-referencing and discovery of related data. Thus, satellite and modeled data can be quickly associated with aerosol events once these linkages are complete. Biscuit fire impacting Crater Lake in 2002
To facilitate this, VIEWS offers the following services and features:
VIEWS/TSS Interoperability: Services and standards “Interoperability”: The ability of diverse systems and organizations to work together to exchange and utilize information. To facilitate this, VIEWS offers the following services and features: Discovery, retrieval, and exchange of data and metadata On-the-fly transformation and formatting of data and metadata Upload and management of user-supplied data and metadata Generation of visualization and analysis products Availability of “embeddable” components and tools Support of OGC web standards for spatial data exchange
VIEWS/TSS Data Value Chain Diagram
Background / Boundary Conditions evaluations:
MOZART GEOS-Chem (to add AM3, others) Observations vs. Boundary Condition / Background Monthly Mean MDA8 Ozone Animations of Modeled Daily Max Concentrations Background contribution Difference plots for background minus U.S. sources O3, NOx, CO, PM2.5 Animations of Daily Max Concentrations for O3 and Dust Boundary Tracers Boundary conditions plots: O3, Ox (O3+NO+NO2+PAN) Coarse Dust (CCRS), Fine PM (FPRM+FCRS) Data Warehouse and Modeling Center
Uncertainty in model estimates of U.S. Background
CAMx simulations for 2007 and 2008 at Canyonlands National Park – Eastern UT EPA 2007 CAMx model platform: Background contributions of ppb; still substantial U.S. anthropogenic contribution to ozone. WRAP WestJumpAQMS 2008 CAMx model platform: Background contributions of ppb, much larger than OAQPS modeling. Same methodology - reasons for modeled differences are not fully understood
State and federal cooperators – IWDW-WAQS
Acknowledgements State and federal cooperators – IWDW-WAQS Gail Tonnesen and Rebecca Matichuk, EPA R8 Mike George, NPS Intermountain Region Shawn McClure, Dustin Schmidt, and Rodger Ames, CIRA Ralph Morris and colleagues, Ramboll-Environ Zac Adelman and colleagues, UNC
additional slides
Modeling Platform Inventory and File Transfer Status
IWDW Update Modeling Platform Inventory and File Transfer Status Internal (WAQS-developed) 2008b WestJumpAQMS Met 3SAQS 2008b emissions - Base and Future 3SAQS 2008b CAMx - Base and Future 2011a 3SAQS Met 3SAQS 2011a emissions (Phase I O&G) - Base and Future 3SAQS 2011a CAMx - Base and 2020 Future Case 3SAQS 2011a CMAQ output - Base 2011b WAQS Winter O3 Met WAQS 2011b emissions (Phase II O&G) Base and 2025 Future Case WAQS 2011b CAMx – Base and Future WAQS 2011b CMAQ - Base and Future 2014 WAQS Met (WRF, WRFCAMx, MCIP) Other modeling platform components pending new WAQS contract External (non-WAQS-developed) modeling studies CARMMS 1.0/Mancos Shale – underway Utah ARMS – pending Denver RAQC O3 SIP – pending OKT - CAPs, HAPs, GHG emissions for O&G and mining sectors - pending Met - refers to WRF and WRF CAMx (MCIP for CMAQ) met files Emissions - refers to SMOKE software and ancillary data, emissions inventories, unmerged SMOKE output, and model-ready smoke output CAMx and CMAQ - refer boundary condition files and other AQ model inputs and model output (CAMx ICBCs have been transferred) Inbound datasets – have worked out gist of file transfer details with NM and CO BLM and E-R. ARMS transfer is still being worked out. Orange text indicates data transfer is pending
Summary of Data Requests
IWDW Update Summary of Data Requests 2016 Organic PM Reduced-form modeling for public health (Cornell) – 2011b CARMMS 2.0 (BLM) – 2011b Crescent Point EIS (BLM) – 2011b Source Apportionment displays (API) – 2011a CMAQ for FRAPPE (EPA R8) – 2011a/b Met model performance (CIRA) – 2011a/b Since April 2015 SNMOS (State of NM) – 2011b CAMx CMAS Training (UNC-IE) – 2011b CMAQ inputs Project for USEPA (AECOM) – 2008b Background Ozone Analysis (EPA R8) – 2011 WRF Denver RAQC Ozone SIP (Denver Regional Air Quality Council / State of CO) – 2011a Ozone sensitivities in Denver to cultivation emissions (UNC) – 2008b BLM CO UFO oil and gas EA (BLM CO) WRF Single Source AQRV Analysis (NPS) – 2008b Analysis of FRAPPE and DISCOVER-AQ (NCAR/CU) – 2011a Methane VOC Control Sensitivity Study (Clean Air Task Force) – 2008b Future Source Apportionment Modeling for Nitrogen in GYA (NPS/CIRA) – 2011a Earlier 16 Projects (NEPA, Research, NPS, FWS AQRV analysis, etc.)
Summary of Computing and Data Storage Resources
IWDW Update Summary of Computing and Data Storage Resources Servers Views (Windows web server) Viking (Linux ftp file server to host modeling platform data and service modeling platform data requests) Vibe (Windows SQL database server to hosts monitoring data; ancillary web server) Vader (Windows SQL database server) Viper (Windows staging server) IWDW Team development machines Online Storage Capacity 109Tb (Viking) External Disk Capacity 100Tb of “shelf” storage for redundant backups and physical disk transfers Future Allocations >100Tb on additional server for modeling platform data >100Tb of additional “shelf” and NAS storage We have 37 data requests that have moved beyond the submitted state (i.e. approved for fulfillment) these represent an upper bound for our delivered data of 163TB and files. Many of these files may not have been downloaded, or may already have been in the requesters possession (e.g. some requests from Ralph and Zac). Hence this is an upper bound of actual delivery but that much data has been formally requested and approved.
2014 base case emissions, met domain expansion
IWDW Update Immediate future - Modeling Platform Development Elements 2014 base case emissions, met domain expansion 2014 NEIv1 and “best available” quasi-natural emissions O&G comprehensive update north-south from AZ-NM to MT-ND basins Met modeling at 4km for same north-south area and east-west KS-CO to UT-NV 2014 Global Models’ evaluation and assessment Use as CONUS regional model boundary conditions PM, Ozone, other species Develop and document evaluation methods 2014 base case air quality modeling /evaluation Apply criteria used in earlier IWDW-WAQS evaluations Option for 2015/16 years – lighter base year modeling effort/evaluation Future projection years Anthropogenic emissions – 2020/21, 2025, 2028, 2030 Quasi-natural emissions – scenarios for biogenics, fire, ammonia, et cetera Option for modified future met based on climate change scenarios Future years’ air quality modeling runs Evaluate with MATS and pending Regional Haze reasonable progress goals Serve as “No-Action” alternatives as inputs to NEPA studies
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