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Welcome to Key Stage 1 - KS1. Key Stage 1 are school years 1 and 2 when children are 5-7 years old and are sometimes referred to as the infants. The Key.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Key Stage 1 - KS1. Key Stage 1 are school years 1 and 2 when children are 5-7 years old and are sometimes referred to as the infants. The Key."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Key Stage 1 - KS1

2 Key Stage 1 are school years 1 and 2 when children are 5-7 years old and are sometimes referred to as the infants. The Key Stage 1 Staff 2D – Miss Deeley (Phase Leader) 2B – Mrs Stevenson + Mrs Budgett (Fridays) (Covering Mrs Batman’s maternity leave) 1A – Mrs Argles 1D – Mrs Doyle TA support: Mrs Moores (Year 2) and Mrs Webster (Year 1) Deputy Head – Mrs Budgett Head Teacher – Mrs Miller

3 Our expectations of behaviour:

4 Please leave your child at the classroom door in the mornings for them to hang up coats, book bags, lunch boxes, etc. We want our children to be as independent as possible, to develop skills of resilience and responsibility. If you wish to meet with your child’s class teacher, please arrange to do so at a convenient time.


6 Curriculum English We take a creative, book led approach to Literacy and encourage the children to explore their ideas through lots of speaking and listening and drama activities. Over the year we will cover a wide range of fiction and non-fiction text types beginning this term with instructional writing. Guided reading and phonics lessons will continue on a daily basis in Years 1 and 2. Maths Following on from Early Years, there’s still a lot of practical and visual learning in maths, using real-life situations children can relate to. The children are learning to think about the methods they use to solve problems, and to check if they are correct. The way the children will record their work will become more formal. They will start to work with logic problems and solving maths problems mentally. Our style of teaching comes from Singapore; we will be holding workshops for Parents and carers on this in the next few weeks. Our theme for this half term is What was Northenden like 100 years ago? and “What would Little Red Riding Hood like about our local area?” and we have lots of exciting learning planned in all areas of the curriculum.

7 RR levelColourAge Related Expectations 1 -2Pink 3-5Red 6-8Yellow Expected attainment for end of Reception 9-11Blue 12-14Green 15-16Orange Expected attainment for end of Year 1 17-18Turquoise 19-20Purple 21-22Gold 23-24White Expected attainment for end of Year 2 25-26Lime 27-28Brown 29-30Grey Reading Please hear your child read every night. At the end of Year 2 they will be expected to read 100 words per minute and answer comprehension questions based on these including inferential and deduction questions.

8 SPaG or GaPS Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar taught specifically are part of the Government’s initiatives to raise standards in schools. Research shows that many people at University entrance level do not have a standard level of grammar. We will be teaching Age Related Expectations – what children should know at a particular age. There will be a test at the end of KS1 (Year 2) to assess their competence in SPaG. Grammar will include: Capital letters, full stops Pronouns Question marks and exclamation marks Nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs Commands, instructions, questions, statements Conjunctions/connectives Tenses, Prefixes and suffixes Apostrophes – possessive and contraction Commas in lists Please ensure your child practises their spellings every week ready For their spelling test on a Friday. The spellings are linked to the Letters and Sounds learnt that week in class. Their tests will also include high frequency words.

9 Daily Phonics Phonics is a method of teaching people to read by correlating sounds with symbols in an alphabetic writing system. There are many sounds in the alphabet. We use the terminology graphemes (the written letters) and phonemes (the sounds they make). There are 44 sounds in the English language! (Some people may have more due to regional dialects. Here are some of the sounds we will be covering in the Autumn Term: Ai, ay, a-e, eigh ear, ere, ear Ee, ea, e-e air, ere,ear, are Igh, ie, i-e, y ure, our Oa, o-e er, our Oo, ue, u-e, ew wh, ph, zh Or, aw, au, augh Ur, ir, ear, or Ow, ou, ough, Oi, ar, oy

10 Checklist Book Bag everyday PE Kit every Monday - Friday Homework Reading books Weekly spellings + writing them into correctly punctuated sentences. Maths or English work Issued on Friday, to be returned by Wednesday Weekly celebrations Gold Jumper Gold Badge Friendship award (linked to Christian Value) Trips this half term: Riverside Park – Wednesday 21 st September Walk around Northenden – Thursday 29 th September

11 Thank you very much for attending our Welcome Meeting. Please feel free to ask any questions – your child’s class teacher is here to help.

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