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Results of Project Final Conference The development of regional cooperation and promotion of economic integration Uzhgorod 19.11.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Results of Project Final Conference The development of regional cooperation and promotion of economic integration Uzhgorod 19.11.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of Project Final Conference The development of regional cooperation and promotion of economic integration Uzhgorod 19.11.2015.

2 inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion based in Bratislava founded by the gov­ ern­ments of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries—the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland, and the Slovak Republic—in Štiřín, Czech Republic, on June 9, 2000.Visegrad Group facil­i­tate and pro­mote the devel­op­ment of closer coop­er­a­tion among cit­i­zens and insti­tu­tions in the region as well as between the V4 region and other coun­tries, espe­cially in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership regions

3 Visegrad Scholarship Program Visegrad Scholarship Program—EaP Visegrad Scholarships at OSA Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships Programs Small Grants Standard Grants Strategic Grants University Studies Grants Visegrad+ V4–Japan Joint Research Program V4EaP Program University Studies Grants—EaP Flagship Projects Extended Standard Grants Residencies—Visual & Sound Arts Residencies—Performing Arts Residencies in New York Literary Residencies

4 ZTTP Uzhgorod (UA) Miskolc (HU) KHK Vysočina Jihlava (CZ) Trencin (SK) Krosno (PL)

5 support and develope first-hand relations between neighbouring countries and promote understanding between their citizens * institutional cooperation in cross-border, social and economic spheres supporting SME, civil society and local communities

6 ActivityPlaceSpeakersInstitutionsParticipants ICD "Light industry"KrosnoPL8cca 8598 ICD "ConstructionUzghorodUAcca 5cca 90100 ICD "Metalwork"MiskolcHU4cca 7681 ICD "Tourism"(+ exhibition stand) TrencinSK2cca 60 cca 80 200exhib. ICD „Mechanical Engineering" Hodonin, Brno CZ1cca 231 250 1504exhib. Final conference and “ICD "Construction " UzhgorodUA ICD + Exhibition Wine, spirits, water TrencinSK

7 1. ICD Light Industry -Krosno (Poland) – X. 2014


9 2. ICD Construction- Uzghorod (Ukrajine) – XI. 2014

10 3. ICD Metalwork Miskolc (Hungary) – II. 2015


12 4. ICD Torisum + exhibition- Trencin (Slovakia) – IV. 2015


14 5. ICD Mechanical Engineering- Prusanky, Brno (Czech Republic) – IX. 2015


16 6. ICD Construction- Uzghorod (Ukrajine) – XI. 2015

17 ActivityPlace ICD "Light industry"KrosnoPL ICD "ConstructionUzghorodUA ICD "Metalwork"MiskolcHU ICD "Tourism"(+ exhibition stand) TrencinSK ICD „Mechanical Engineering" Hodonin, Brno CZ Final conference and “ICD "Construction " UzhgorodUA

18 Ďakujeme za pozornosť Спасибо за внимание Thank you for attention

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