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How did Germany emerge from the First World War? What were the immediate problems faced by the Weimar Government? (1918-20) Do you know the terms of the.

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Presentation on theme: "How did Germany emerge from the First World War? What were the immediate problems faced by the Weimar Government? (1918-20) Do you know the terms of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 How did Germany emerge from the First World War? What were the immediate problems faced by the Weimar Government? (1918-20) Do you know the terms of the Treat y? GARGL E Do you know why there was hyperi nflati on in 1923 ? Do you know ways in which Weima r recov ered from 1924 ? Do you know the underl ying proble ms faced by Weimar 1924-9 ? Why did the Weimar Republic face an economic crisis in 1923 ? How far did Weimar recover between 1923 and 1929 ? Clinching argument? Do you know why the Spartac ist uprisin g and the Kapp Putsch took place? Would you know how and where to deploy these terms/people/events? Stab in the back myth, Freidrich Ebert, Karl Liebnecht, Wolfgang Kapp, Freikorp, Anschluss, Guilt Clause,, Reparations, Article 48, Proportional Representation, Occupation of the Ruhr, Munich Putsch, Dawes Plan, Rentenmark, Gustav Stresemann, Bauhaus Movement, Marlene Dietrich, Otto Dix, Young Plan, Wandervogel Movement, Wall Street Crash

2 Why was this published? Are you surprised? ‘Whether or not the Versailles Treaty was good or bad, necessary or unnecessary, it is law. We have to deliberate and behave within the parameters of these laws, even if it causes us hardship’. Wilhelm Solf, German diplomat writing in 1929 How useful is this source in explaining attitudes of ordinary Germans to the Treaty of Versailles?

3 What did the Nazis stand for in the 1920 s? Why did the Nazis have little success before 1930 ? Do you know some of the terms of the 25 point progra mme? Do you know why the Nazis carrie d out a Putsch in 1923 and why it failed ? Do you know the signi fican ce of the Wall Stree t Crash ? Do you know how Hitler was able to pass the enabli ng Act? Why was Hitler able to become Chancellor in 1933 ? How did Hitler consolidate his power in 1933 ? Do you know Hitler ’ s role in the Nazi Party before 1923 ? Would you know how and where to deploy these terms/people/events? The Treaty of Versailles, Fuhrer Principle, Occupation of the Ruhr, Hyperinflation, Von Kahr, Mein Kampf, the SA, Josef Goebbels,, Gauleiter system, KPD (Communist Party), Dawes Plan, Economic Depression, Chancellor Bruning, Chancellor Von Papen, Chancellor Von Schleicher, Hindenburg, Article 48, Reichstag Fire, Mvan Der Lubbe, March Elections, Enabling Act,

4 How far does this suggest that the Munich Putsch was a disaster for the Nazis? How useful is this source for the historian studying Hitler’s rise to power? Would Hitler have been happy with the message of this poster?

5 How did the Nazis deal with political opposition? Which was more effective, terror or propaganda? Do you know the role of the 4 elemen ts of the Police State? Do you know the specif ic purpos e of Nazi Propag anda? Do you know who the White Rose, Swing Kids and Edelwe iss Pirate s were? Do you know how the Nazis dealt with the Church ? Who opposed the Nazis and how? Why was there so little opposition to the Nazis? Do you know why the Night of the Long Knives happene d? Would you know how and where to deploy these terms/people/events? Ernst Rohm, SA, Hindenburg, Trade Unions, RAD, DAF, SS, Gestapo, Concentration Camps, Enemies of the state, Himmler, Heydrich, Goebbels, Reich Propaganda Ministry, Olympic Games, Posters, People’s Radio, Arts, Cardinal Galen, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Niemoller, Swing Youth, White Rose, Edelweiss Pirates, Operation Valkyrie, Confessional Church,

6 How useful is this source as evidence of Nazi Propaganda? What is the message of this source?

7 Why did the Nazis persecute minority groups? How did the Nazis persecute minority groups? Do you know what the Euthan asia progra mme was and why it was stoppe d? Do you know what the Nuremb erg Laws were? Do you know how the educat ion system reflec ted anti – Semiti sm? Do you know how the Final Soluti on came about? Why were the Nazis Anti - Semitic? How did Nazi Persecution of the Jews escalate? Do you know who the Undesir ables were? Would you know how and where to deploy these terms/people/events? Undesirables, sterilisation, Euthanasia Programme, Concentration Camps, Race, Communists, WW1, Boycotts, Nuremburg Laws, Aryanisation of the economy, changes to the education system, Kristallnacht, the Wannsee Conference, the Final Solution, Volksgemeinschaft, Aryan superiority.

8 How far does this source explain why Hitler hated the Jews? Why did the Nazis publish this photograph? Are you surprised by this source?

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