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The End of The Cold War. Objectives: Understand how the Soviet Union Declined Analyze the changes that transformed Eastern Europe Explain how communism.

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Presentation on theme: "The End of The Cold War. Objectives: Understand how the Soviet Union Declined Analyze the changes that transformed Eastern Europe Explain how communism."— Presentation transcript:

1 The End of The Cold War

2 Objectives: Understand how the Soviet Union Declined Analyze the changes that transformed Eastern Europe Explain how communism declined worldwide and the United States became the sole superpower

3 The Soviet Union Declines Stalin’s successor was Nikita Krushchev Some reforms – more free speech, some political prisoners released, shift from all military to some consumer goods Still committed to command economy and control of satellite nations

4 Economic Troubles Poured resources into space program – Sputnik (1957) Collective agriculture not productive enough – had to import grain Could not keep up with consumer goods Central planning was inefficient and wasteful (lack of incentives) Std. of living stagnated, people envied “the west”

5 Arms Race brings troubles Military competition with USA Strained Soviet economy – could not keep up with Reagan’s new missile development

6 Afghanistan The Soviet’s “Vietnam” 1979 – Soviet supported Afghan gov’t tried to modernize Landlords (commanded men as warlords) & Muslim conservatives (Mujahedin) fought Soviet troops USA smuggled weapons to Mujahedin Stagnant war causes crisis for Soviets as home

7 Attempts at Reform Mikhail Gorbachev (1985) wanted changes, but changes soon spiraled out of control Tried to avoid cold war confrontations by signing arms control with USA and pulling troops out of Afghanistan Glasnost – “Openness” at home – encouraged free speech, limit censorship. Perestroika – restructure gov’t and econ, limited private business, reduce central controls

8 Empire Crumbles Reforms brought turmoil – product shortages, soaring prices, unemployment Unrest in satellites – Poland, Bulgaria, Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) Failed coup, Gorbachev resigns 1989. By 1991, Soviet satellites separated to form independent nations (Russia was the largest) Soviet Union gone, only existed for 69 years

9 Changes in Eastern Europe Hungary and Poland reform (more freedoms, representative gov’ts) East and West Germany will unify Czechoslovakia splits (Slovakia, Czech Republic)

10 Communism declines around the world China – opens economy but no political reforms – remains communist dictatorship gov’t with free market capitalism econ Vietnam – open to trade and tourism North Korea – remains hard line communist; rigid totalitarian gov’t Cuba – remained communist; economy deteriorates USA left as world’s sole “superpower” – militarily and economically – mixed reactions to this around the world

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