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Evaluation of the dynamics of spontaneous vegetation biodiversity in fast-growing energy plantations and identify ecological and socio-economic importance.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of the dynamics of spontaneous vegetation biodiversity in fast-growing energy plantations and identify ecological and socio-economic importance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of the dynamics of spontaneous vegetation biodiversity in fast-growing energy plantations and identify ecological and socio-economic importance of spontaneously occurring plants. M.Sc. Michal BENIAK Department of Sustainable Development Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander FEHÉR Study program: Environmental management

2 Structure of the presentation Material & Methods Introduction The objective of the thesis Conclusions from spring aspect

3 Council Decision 2002/358/EC Bioenergy renewable energy source SRC plantations Impact on components of environment The reason why this research is needed Impact on biodiversity and ecosystem functions INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION

4 The objectives of the thesis The analysis of biological diversity spontaneous vegetation in plantations of energy crops (hybrids of the genera Salix & Populus).

5 Material and methods Research site in Kolinany 7 experimental plots (Gudrun, Inger, Sven, Tora, Tordis, LA, Pegaso) Two weeks intervals Research area & experimental plots

6 MAT MMAATTERIALERIAL&M&MEETTHHOODDSSMMAATTERIALERIAL&M&MEETTHHOODDSSETHODS Floristic assessment of vegetation and data analysis Braun-Blanquet scale (Braun-Blanquet, 1964) CANOCO 4.5 for Windows &CanoDraw α-diversityβ-diversity Ecological & socio-economic assessment (Jurko 1990, Ellenberg 1992)

7 Conclusions from spring aspects The affinity of the detected species of herbaceous undergrowth to the each of observed varietes of genus Salix and Populus in the spring aspect by means of PCA ordination diagram (1-Sven, 2-Tordis, 3-Gudrun, 4-Tora, 5-Inger, 6-LA, 7-Pegaso) Highest = Tora (27 S) Lowest = LA (13 S) Ruderal & synantrophic Pegaso (gen. Populus) Aster novi-belgi agg. species composition Gudrun vs. Sven invasive plants Tora (genus Salix) LA (ganus Populus) Requirements to a specific variety


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