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Do now! Can you write the title Types of Energy in your book? Do NOT touch the experiments on your table DO NOW!

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Presentation on theme: "Do now! Can you write the title Types of Energy in your book? Do NOT touch the experiments on your table DO NOW!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now! Can you write the title Types of Energy in your book? Do NOT touch the experiments on your table DO NOW!

2 Mini-book In your mini book I would like you to write one fact/piece of information about energy on each page of the mini book.

3 What is Energy?

4 “The capacity to do work” Not a very good definition!

5 Types of energy Energy can take many forms;

6 Heat Unlucky dog

7 Light

8 Sound

9 Kinetic (movement)

10 Electric

11 Chemical

12 Gravitational potential

13 Elastic/strain

14 Nuclear

15 Types of Energy HeatChemical LightGravitational SoundElastic/strain KineticNuclear Electric

16 Types of Energy HeatChemical LightGravitational SoundElastic/strain KineticNuclear Electric Stored/potential

17 The Law of Conservation of Energy

18 Energy can be changed (transformed) from one type to another, but it can never be made or destroyed.

19 This means that the total amount of energy in the Universe stays the same!

20 Energy Flow diagrams We can write energy flow diagrams to show the energy changes that occur in a given situation. For example, when a car brakes, its kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy in the brakes. Kineticheat

21 Other examples When a rocket launches.

22 Other examples When a rocket launches. Chemicalkinetic + sound + heatgravitational

23 Energy Circus Around the room are 12 examples of energy changes (some simple, some a little more complicated!) For each example I want you to write the name of the apparatus and the energy flow diagram for that experiment You will move to the next experiment at the appropriate signal.

24 Ready?

25 Go!

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