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Introduction to Discovery, Class of 2018 August 2016 Intersession Discovery Director: Maureen Powers, Ph.D Discovery Course Coordinator:

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Discovery, Class of 2018 August 2016 Intersession Discovery Director: Maureen Powers, Ph.D Discovery Course Coordinator:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Discovery, Class of 2018 August 2016 Intersession Discovery Director: Maureen Powers, Ph.D Discovery Course Coordinator: Sherice Allen-Henry, M.S.

2 External Industry Relationships *Company NameRole Equity, stock, or options in biomedical industry companies or publishers None Board of Directors or officerNone Royalties from Emory or from external entity None Industry funds to Emory for my research None OtherNone Maureen A. Powers, Ph.D. Personal/Professional Financial Relationships with Industry 2

3 At the end of this session, students should be able to : 1. Describe the goals of the Discovery Phase 2. Describe the timeline, deadlines and deliverables of the Discovery Phase 3. Describe the resources for more information and record keeping on Discovery (Discovery web site, individual OASIS page). Learning Objectives

4 * Overview and Goals of Discovery * Choosing Discovery project and mentor * Scheduling Discovery * Before you can start: preparing for your project * Discovery web site and OASIS Discovery page * International projects and travel * How to identify and work with a mentor * Discovery grading * Discovery funding Outline * Questions and Research Fair

5 Who participates in Discovery? * MD/PhD students do NOT do Discovery. * MD/MPH (Emory) students do NOT do Discovery. * MD/MSCR students do NOT do Discovery. Acceptance to the MSCR program may not be decided until after Discovery deadlines. Typically the same mentor can be used for both. * Students who wish to do a 1 year fellowship or year of research ARE considered to do “Extended Discovery” * MD/MBA (Emory) students do a version of Discovery tailored for them with a business-relevant project. * MD/MBA or MS (non-Emory) students need to discuss the specifics of their desired program with Dr. Powers to determine how they will meet the Discovery requirements. A final paper will be required. If you will not know whether you are accepted to a fellowship or dual degree program until After Discovery deadlines are past, you need to plan for Discovery just in case.

6 So what exactly is Discovery? * Discovery is 5 months of hypothesis-driven research or scholarly activity. * Discovery is most often biomedical research. This can be basic, translational or clinical research. * Discovery is carried out under the direction of an experienced mentor. * Discovery can also encompass other fields of research. These can include projects in Creative Writing, Business, Law, Public Policy, Medical History, etc. Regardless of field, projects MUST: * have relevance to medicine. * involve a scholarly undertaking and have scholarly outcome. * If you have an idea for an alternative project, contact Dr. Powers to discuss.

7 Goals of Discovery Design and carry out a focused, hypothesis-driven study. Collect and analyze data. Work closely with a faculty mentor. Your mentor is key to your success and can be a fantastic resource for you. Report your findings in the form of a scientific/medical manuscript or appropriate scholarly work. A review article is NOT an appropriate scholarly product. Present your work at Medical Student Research Day, either as a talk or poster. Gain an understanding of medical research and investigation. Employ a different type of creativity, thinking and learning.

8 * Here at Emory with a qualified Emory Mentor. * At another US School of Medicine or agency. The Away Mentor must still meet the requirements for mentors. A local Emory mentor will also be needed to interface with the website, facilitate paperwork etc. This type of Emory mentor is not directing your research and so does not have to meet the mentor requirements Discovery can be carried out: * At an international site on a project directed by an Emory faculty member. * At an international site with an international mentor. This can get complex so plan well ahead and talk to Dr. Powers. A local Emory mentor will be needed.

9 Faculty member (Emory or other institution). At least 5 peer-reviewed research publications. Discovery Mentor Qualifications Status as PI on some form of peer-reviewed funding WITHIN PAST 3 YEARS. (2014-2016). (This will be different for mentors in the Medical Humanities.) Funding can be from a private foundation, a federal agency (NIH, NSF, CDC), a pharmaceutical company, or an internal Emory peer-reviewed grant. It must be significant funding; a $2,000 grant that has supposedly been running for 5 years does not cut it. Signed Student/Mentor contract.

10 Potential projects from clinical and basic departments and SPH have been requested. These will be reviewed and the project database will be opened mid-September. Projects will continue to be added. Projects will be accessible at the Discovery web site: Select Student page link and then “SEARCH RESEARCH PROJECTS>>” at the top Can be searched by: Mentor name, Department/Division, Key word. Can just browse through the full database if desired. “View full database”. To be eligible for the Discovery Phase, a project must be approved and visible in the Database. If you have identified a mentor independently, the mentor MUST STILL submit the project for approval. Keep in mind that there are requirements for serving as a mentor that must be met by the faculty. If you need to identify an Emory mentor for an off-site project or if you can’t find something in the area you are interested in, we will work with you to help find an appropriate mentor. Database of available projects

11 Meet with potential mentors to discuss projects and find the best fit for you. Please do not request to work with a mentor you have not met. Do be upfront with the mentors about where you are in your decision process so that they can budget their time. Find an area that excites you. There is more to this than just a letter for your residency application. Look for projects that are part of an ongoing, productive research environment. A mentor who is experienced at research can provide the best guidance in research. Find a mentor with whom you have some rapport– you will spend considerable time working with this person and they can provide advice and opportunities. Choosing a Discovery project Part of the evaluation of your final paper will be whether it represents 5 months of sustained full time effort. Preparing a good final paper will be easiest if you have a project with one large goal – a collection of very small undertakings will make it difficult.

12 From the Student page: Search the database to find the page of the project you wish to work on. At the bottom of the project page, there is a link “Select This Project”. An email will then be sent to the mentor to notify her/him that you have asked to be matched to that project. Once the mentor responds affirmatively, you will both be sent an email that confirms the match and spells out your responsibilities for the Discovery Phase. You will then be asked for your name, email and estimated start date. For all 2017 start dates, Mentor must be finalized by Thursday, December 15, 2016. Signed Student/Mentor Contracts are due by Monday, December 19, 2016. You will each be asked to sign a Student/Mentor contract agreeing to these responsibilities. Once you have decided on a mentor and project…

13 Discovery Scheduling Discovery follows the Applications phase, starting in March 2017. Discovery MUST be completed by December 31 st, 2017. Final papers will be due Thursday, January 11, 2018. Medical Student Research Day will be held April 19, 2018 as part of Capstone. Discovery can be scheduled as either: 5 month continuous block of time OR 4 months followed by a final month at a later time to complete analysis. Discovery can start in March, April, May, June or July of 2017. August with permission of the Director.

14 Discovery Scheduling (continued) Discovery mentors should be chosen by Thursday, December 15, 2016. Depending on the project start date, Research Proposals will be due mid-January to the end of March. You should have received a Fall Checklist that covers all relevant dates through December 2016, since these are the same for everyone. Once you turn in your schedule request to Dr. Felner’s office in January, you will get an individualized Spring Checklist based on your specific start date. This will provide the date for your proposal, IRB approval, etc based on your planned Discovery start.

15 You may spend up to one half day per week seeing patients in the clinic other than for activities that are part of your Discovery project. Two weeks of vacation may be taken during the 5 month Discovery Phase. This can be at the beginning, the end or at some time during this period. The timing is to be arranged with your Mentor. You have the option to split Discovery into 4 + 1 months HOWEVER, no schedules other than 5 month or 4+1 months, and no start dates other than March-July will be permitted without the consent of Dr. Powers. Discovery must be completed by December 31, 2016 without exceptions. The +1 month is not meant to be spent on residency interviews. You are given a month of time for your interviews. Your mentor must be OK with your desired schedule, both start date and breakdown of 5 months or 4 + 1. Your schedule during Discovery

16 Discovery Example Timeline (starting Discovery in July) Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May.June.Jul.Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May. Introduction to Discovery Project data- base opens Mentor Chosen Signed contract Discovery End Applications Step II Research Proposal due Discovery Ends Final Paper due Research Day Graduation! Progres s Report due 2016 2017 2018 Deadlines are the same for everyone Deadlines are the same for everyone Deadlines depend on Discovery start date. CITI and IRB app. (if needed) due

17 A two page (single spaced, Arial font, 11 pt or larger), not including the title page or References, Research Proposal defining the Discovery Project is due in January/February. The research Mentor is expected to work closely with you on the development of the Proposal and MUST review and APPROVE the proposal PRIOR to submission. Along with your proposal you must submit a Proposal Approval form signed by your mentor. For March, 2017 starts: 2 page proposals are due by Friday, January 13, 2017. For April, 2017 starts: 2 page proposals are due by Friday, January 27, 2017. For May, 2017 starts: 2 page proposals are due by Friday, February 17, 2017. For June or later, 2017 starts: 2 page proposals are due by Friday, March 24, 2017. Discovery is graded and late proposal submissions will impact your grade. Every time your proposal must be revised, it will impact your grade. Before you can start Discovery:

18 The 2 page Discovery Research Proposal follows a fairly standard Proposal format that should be familiar to your mentor. There is not time to fully review this format during this session, but Detailed guidelines are available at the Discovery web site and as are example proposals available at that site as well.

19 IRBIf your project involves human subjects, or patient data you must have an IRB approval letter. Some studies may be exempt, but they still require a letter of exemption. IRB approval is your MENTOR’s responsibility. The IRB letter is due at least 1 week before your Discovery start date. Before you can start Discovery CITIEveryone must complete CITI training. This is a brief online course on research regulation and ethics. A link to the web site is on the Discovery Student page. A Certificate of Completion is due by 1.5 weeks before your Discovery start date. IACUC If your project involves animals, you must complete IACUC training and provide a protocol number for the project. There is a link to the IACUC at the Discovery Student page. The specific course(s) depend on the type of animal used.

20 Discovery research proposals and other documents (Student contract, CITI certification, final papers, etc) will be submitted via OASIS (more shortly). When you log in to OASIS, under Announcements and then Academic History you will find the Discovery Phase Panel. Scroll down to find the appropriate place to edit or upload your document. Name the proposal file “lastname proposal.doc”. IMPORTANT! Please use this format. Be sure you accept all changes. Most faculty have show track changes on in Word. OVERVIEW of web sites: Discovery web site - find general Discovery information, links to documents, browse projects and select your mentor/project. OASIS panel – This is your Discovery Dashboard. This is where you keep your records for Discovery and where we will go for information on you. This is where you will submit all documents, mentor information, travel or contact information. Submitting your research proposal and other materials

21 For additional information: Discovery web site Discovery main web page : Discovery student web page:

22 For additional information: Discovery student web page: This is the page to go to for information and documents. This will link to the project Database and is where you will choose a mentor.

23 For additional information: Discovery student web page: This is the page to go to for information and documents. This will link to the project Database and is where you will choose a mentor.

24 The OASIS Discovery page The is the repository of all information and documents on your Discovery experience. This is where we will go for information on you and your project so it is CRITICAL that you keep it up to date. To reach your Discovery page: Login to OASIS Under Announcements, select View Academic History Then select Discovery Phase Panel

25 Be sure to click Edit On

26 Means Edit is On. Click to turn Edit Off when you are done.


28 At the Discovery Student web page: you will find links at the bottom regarding international travel. * See: For projects involving international travel for more information and links. * Enroll in International SOS (ISOS). You must also provide local contact information for reaching you. This can be done soon after you arrive. * Attend an international travel workshop put on by the Rollins School of Public Health. NOTE: this has now been changed to an online course. Information will be sent. * You can apply for a travel award to help with the costs of international flights and housing. To be considered you must be abroad for a major portion of your Discovery project (3 months or more). The application form is at the web site. Complete this as soon as possible so we know how many international students we have. NOTE: Your ticket will not be booked until CITI and IRB are received. Funds are not available for domestic travel. Planning an international project

29 Discovery is given a letter grade. Discovery is a 5 month course and consequently counts for 5 X a 1 month rotation in calculating your GPA. In other words, this is your largest single grade in medical school. Discovery Grading Meeting deadlines is important and will count into your grade. The final paper deadline is FIRM! No extension for this deadline (January 11, 2017) without severe penalty. The only accepted excuses are for serious illness/hospitalization or a death in the immediate family.

30 Final Paper 55%. Mentor’s Evaluation 15%. Discovery Grading breakdown (this has changed slightly from prior years) 2 page Research Proposal 15%. Timeliness/meeting deadlines 15%. Plus/minus letter grades will be given on the standard SOM scale. Each late submission will result in points deducted from Timeliness. Each proposal revision will result in points deducted from the Proposal score.

31 Rather than send repeated reminder emails, we will be doing the following: * We have sent everyone the Fall Checklist with dates for all Discovery events and due dates. * Once your requested schedule is submitted and approved through Dr. Felner’s office, we will send you a Checklist specific to your Discovery schedule. This will list all the due dates for requirements/deliverables. *We will send one reminder email about 2 weeks before a deadline. *If you change your schedule leading to a change in Discovery start date, you must update your OASIS page and send Sherice an email with the new dates. She will then send you an updated checklist. Discovery Checklists

32 The Project Proposals will be reviewed by 2 members of a Discovery Research Committee of Emory faculty. The committee will return the proposal to the student for modifications if deemed necessary. Acceptance rate has been about 50% on first submission . We will make every effort to return proposals needing changes to the student as soon as possible. Revised proposals must be resubmitted and accepted before the Discovery project can start. See the Timeline at the web site and Checklist for due date of revision. After your proposal is submitted Revisions are not penalty free. Each time you must revise your score drops 10 pts out of 100 (for the proposal portion of the grade)

33 A mid-Discovery progress report will be required. Examples will be posted at the Discovery web site. At the end of the Discovery Phase the Mentor will submit an evaluation for the student and students will be asked to evaluate their experience and their mentors. All students will present their research as either a talk or a poster at Medical Student Research Day, April 19, 2019. This will be part of the Capstone course. The 8 speakers are chosen from outstanding final papers.. Discovery Evaluations After the Discovery Phase, a final paper is due (January 11, 2018). This is an 8-10 page paper in the format of a scientific/medical manuscript. A manuscript on which the student is first author and was responsible for writing the manuscript is acceptable. Case reports and review articles are NEVER permissible. The paper should represent significant effort, commensurate with 5 month of work. More information on final papers will be provided as the time gets closer.

34 . Discovery Evaluations Plagiarism Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another and passing them off as your own. In this application it is usually the writing of others. We take this very seriously. Projects are often continued from one Discovery student to the next, but you MUST write your own proposal in your own words. If you turn in a manuscript as your final paper, you should have been the author of the first draft. It may have undergone multiple rounds of editing and changes subsequently, and thus have changed from your initial writing, this is normal. Plagiarism is a SOM Honor Code offense and can result in suspension or dismissal from medical school.

35 Things may change from your original plans. The most important thing is to let us know of significant changes. Your project may vary from your starting proposal. You do not need to let us know if your research is taking a different direction from what was planned. We do not compare your final paper to your proposal. Other changes may be highly significant. If your mentor leaves Emory in the middle of Discovery (this has happened) or something necessitates a change in mentor, you MUST contact us. We will work with you in identifying a new qualified mentor. If you change your Discovery schedule, you MUST contact us. If you run into major or insurmountable problems with your mentor, contact Dr. Powers. We can help in resolving them or help you find a new mentor. If you decide you want to extend Discovery and do a year of research, please let us know ASAP so we can work out a plan together. You will do all parts of Discovery but you will submit your Final paper and participate in Research Day with the 2019 class. Changes during Discovery

36 $$$$

37 We don’t have any! Discovery has no budget other than to support Research Day. There are some funds from the SOM to help with the costs of international travel expenses for people doing international (not domestic) Discovery projects. Dr. Churchward has been able to facilitate printing of posters at below cost, about $10. Unfortunately we can not provide funds to help defray the cost of research or travel to meetings to present your findings. These are the responsibility of a mentor. We have created a list of organizations, foundations or societies that have fellowships for medical student research. These include: Global Health, ID, Aging, Leukemia/Lymphoma, Urology, Pediatrics, Radiology. Also the ACTSI Technology mini-grants and AHA Fellowships. List will be sent to you and posted on Discovery site. $$$$

38 The ACTSI Center grant has funding for 5 mini-grants of $ 5K to Discovery students. These grants are specifically to support new technology development. They should: * Emphasize innovative technology * Focus on translational and implementation research * Be aligned with the ACTSI program goals (see for more information). Applications will have a limit of 6 pages and include: * Cover letter * Research proposal with references * Letter of Support from Mentor * Budget. Deadline for submission is TBD by the ACTSI but is typically early Spring. ACTSI mini-grants

39 The Cardiology Division has a grant from the AHA to provide funding for 3 grants of $4.5K each to Discovery students doing Cardiology/Cardiothoracic Surgery projects. Application forms will be posted at the Discovery web site and will include: * Statement of career goals and interest in Cardiology * Discovery Research proposal * Undergraduate and SOM GPAs * MCAT scores Applications will be due April 3, 2017 and should be emailed to American Heart Association Fellowships

40 Any questions?

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