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British EDI attitudes part 1. 1.What percentage of people in the UK regard disability as a drain on resources ? 12%29%38%53% 2. What percentage of people.

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Presentation on theme: "British EDI attitudes part 1. 1.What percentage of people in the UK regard disability as a drain on resources ? 12%29%38%53% 2. What percentage of people."— Presentation transcript:

1 British EDI attitudes part 1

2 1.What percentage of people in the UK regard disability as a drain on resources ? 12%29%38%53% 2. What percentage of people in the UK regard disabled people as ‘inferior’? 12%29%38%53% 3. In 2001, how many adults in the UK described their religion as ‘Jedi Knight’? 130130023,000390,000

3 4. What percentage of people in the UK, say they are religious? 29%38%47%65% 5.What percentage of people in the UK is against any form of faith school? 22%32%42%62% 6. What percentage of people fear that the UK is deeply divided along religious lines? 32%42%52%62%

4 7. What percentage of the UK population think sexual relations between two adults of the same sex is "always or mostly" wrong, 29%36%47%65% 8. What percentage of non-religious people think that a doctor should be able to end the life of a patient with an incurable disease. 29%52%71%92%

5 9. What percentage of non-religious people think that pre-marital sex is wrong. 3%33%53%73% 10. What percentage of people surveyed want to work past the age of 65? 12%22% 32%42%

6 Are you sure you want to see the answers?

7 Answers to Part 1 of quiz 1. 38% (Survey by SCOPE 2009) 2. 53% (Survey by SCOPE 2009) 3. 390,000 (UK Census data) 4. 29% YouGov in March 2011 5. 42% British Social Attitudes Survey 2010

8 Answers to Part 1 of quiz (British Social Attitudes Survey 2010) 6. 52%. They are particularly concerned about Islam compared to other faiths. 7. 36% (compared to 62% in 1983 ) The percentage of religious people in the UK who think sexual relations between two adults of the same sex is ‘always or mostly’ wrong is 50%. Younger people and graduates are ‘more liberal’ than the average. 8. 92% The percentage of religious people who think that a doctor should be able to end the life of a patient with an incurable disease is 71% 9. 3% The percentage of religious people who believe pre- marital sex is wrong is 29% 10. 32% The proportion of people willing to work past 65 almost doubles (61%), when offered more flexible working arrangements, such as shorter working hours

9 British EDI attitudes part 2

10 11. What percentage of people think a lone mother with a child of school age has a 'special duty' to go out to work to support her child? 22%32% 42%52% 12. What percentage of people think a lone mother with a child under school age has a 'special duty' to stay at home to look after the child? 26%36% 46%56%

11 13.What percentage of people believe men should go out to work and women should remain in the home? 10%21%25%35% 14. What percentage of people said that they would feel “comfortable” if someone said something negative about disabled people in their presence? 5%9%19%29%

12 15. What percentage of people think that racism is increasing in the UK? 36%46%56%66% 16. Which group of pupils, receiving free school meals, achieved the lowest number of good GCSE passes? white boys black caribbean boys black african boys

13 Are you sure you want to see the answers?

14 11. 52% up from 44% in 1998. (British Social Attitudes Survey 2010) 12 36% up from 25% in 2005. (British Social Attitudes Survey 2010) 13 10% of young people, 21% of religious people, 25% older people (British Social Attitudes Survey 2010) 14 9%, but location is significant. Only 35% said they would feel very uncomfortable if they were out shopping. This rose to between 49% at work and 54% in front of their boss. (British Social Attitudes Survey 2010) 15 56% 58% of white people and 32% from minority ethnic groups. (Home Office Citizenship survey) 16 24 per cent of white boys achieved five or more good GCSEs, compared to 27.1 per cent of black Caribbean boys and 33.7 per cent of black African boys

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