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Published byVivian Glenn Modified over 8 years ago
ERSL Team Officials Orientation Regional April 2016
Agenda Introduction Communications East Region Cup & Shield Schedules Team Section – Website Discipline Card Inspections Important Dates Questions
Communications All of your Communications are to be directed to your Club except where stipulated in the Rules and Regulations Reschedules Requesting Discipline Reports Notices of Technical difficulty with game sheet creation Questions, complaints, concerns, and other matters must be communicated to your appropriate Club representative. DO NOT RESPOND TO E-MAILS FROM THE WEB SITE GENERATOR
Getting ready for the new season The ERSL operates extensively via the website and email Team Official Contact info must be maintained throughout the season To prepare your team for the season you need to: Activate your account Enter your OSA # and Personal Details Enter your team roster Enter your player shirt #’s Familiarize yourself with the web site tools Read your Rules and Regulations (always have a copy at the field)
East Region Cup
East Region Cup Overview Teams are automatically entered into the Cup If you do not wish for your team to participate you must notify your Club Your Club is required to notify the ERSL of which teams are not participating by May 13 th Teams must send any tournament date conflicts to by May 15 th at The draw for the ER Cup will be made on Tuesday May 24 th and will be published on the ERSL web site no later than May 26 th
ER Cup & Shield Schedule Dates Division Round of 16 (regular season blackout) Round of 8SemiFinal U14Week of June 19thBetween July 3 rd & 24 th Sun Aug 21 st Sun Sep 11th U15Week of June 19thBetween July 3 rd & 24 th Sun Aug 21 st Sun Sep 11th U16Week of June 19thBetween July 3 rd & 24 th Sun Aug 21 st Sun Sep 11th U17/18Week of June 19thBetween July 3 rd & 24 th Sun Aug 7 th Sun Aug 14th Final Cup dates are fixed unless participating in Ontario Cup game Semi Final games can only be moved if conflict provided by May 13 th deadline There are no Regular Season games scheduled in week of June 19 th 2nd round game details arranged between opponents and emailed to ERSL
ER Cup Player Eligibility A player may only play for one (1) team in the ER Cup or Shield competition; once they play with a team they are tied to that team for the duration Play up permits are allowed, but are restricted to players from District Competitive in the same age division, a level equal to or lower at a younger age division, or a Club's house league. For the purpose of play-ups the team’s age division and level is the division and level of the ER Cup competition. Trial permits and Temporary Registration Permits are not permitted
Managing your Regular Season Schedule
Schedules Schedule generation between May 2 nd and May 8 th Draft schedule released May 9 th Please review your team’s schedule and report any issues to May 10 th -16 th is Draft Schedule week! – This is a busy time and when teams need to be making “other” reschedule requests as per the Reschedule Policy Final schedule released May 18 th Requests for Team Choice reschedules are not aceepted after August 1 st Any games originally schedule for after August 1 st can be rescheduled but only to a date prior to August 1 st.
Managing your schedule You are responsible for managing your schedule That means: Reading and understanding the reschedule policy Ensuring there are no conflicts within your schedule Completing reschedules in a timely manner Contacting your Club for field availability for rescheduling games
Special Reschedule Date Tuesday, June 7 th will be a “free reschedule” date to allow teams who wish to attend the CAN WNT Road to Rio Game vs Brazil, in Ottawa Team Officials must submit these reschedule requests during draft schedule week
Rescheduling Quick Notes December is a holding place When a reschedule request is approved the game is moved to December If you have games appearing on your schedule with a date in December they are “up for reschedule” and the Home team must initiate the reschedule discussion with their opponent Teams have 2 weeks to work out a new date once a reschedule request has been approved and provide new game info to ERSL
Draft Schedule Week May 11-15 During Draft Schedule Week – May 10 th -16 th U18 division teams may request reschedules for games scheduled after August 20 th All teams may request to move weekday games scheduled between EODSA and SOSA teams SOSA teams: Kingston United, or Kingston Clippers All teams may request to move weekday games scheduled before the fourth Friday in June and after August 31 st where the one way travel time exceeds 75 minutes June 7 th Road to Rio CAN vs Brazil game reschedules
Reschedule Requests - Other Throughout the season Requests for Reschedule can also be made for the following reasons: Two or more players playing with CSA, OSA or District team, or participates in university tryouts, within 24 hours - must advise the ERSL of the reschedule request at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled kick off; Participating in an Ontario Cup game 48 hours prior – Team must advise ERSL of reschedule request at least seven (7) days in advance A team is scheduled to participate in an ER Cup game 24 hours prior to a scheduled ERSL game. The Team must advise the ERSL of the reschedule request at least seven (7) days in advance of the scheduled kick off
Reschedule Requests – Other con’t Your Club will already have notified you that there are some items which required submission of exception requests before May 1 st c) A team submits, by May 1 st, an exemption request by email, due to the entire team traveling (travel period may not exceed three (3) weeks). A request received after May 1 st will not be accepted; (this travel must be related to participation in a soccer event) e) A team has Monday night as its regular game night, and submits by May 1 st up to one additional exception request, due to a team’s entry into a tournament the preceding weekend. The ERSL may request a copy of the tournament entry form to verify the request; f) A team has Tuesday night as its regular game night, and submits by May 1 st up to one additional exception request; due to an entry into a tournament the preceding weekend which includes games on the Monday. The ERSL may request a copy of the tournament entry form to verify the request;
Reschedule Requests – Team Choice Before you use your Team Choice reschedule, check to make sure the game does not fall under an “other” policy item Each team is entitled to ONE Team Choice reschedule once it is “used” it cannot be reinstated Reschedule requests for Team Choice must be made via the web site tool, and must be made 6 complete days before the date of the game. A Game scheduled for Monday May 25 must be requested for reschedule by midnight Monday, May 18. The tool will only show games meeting the reschedule criteria A Team Choice Request is automatically approved and the opponent is notified instantly (do not wait for an approval).
Reschedules by the League Games will be posted by the League for rescheduling (December) if: a) At the discretion of the Referee, they are postponed due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions; b) A game is postponed at the discretion of a park official responsible for the operation and maintenance of the field with the authority to close the field to soccer use; and c) The Referee does not appear within 20 minutes of the scheduled kick- off time and no other OSA registered, certified and eligible Referee, agreed to by both Teams’ Officials is available to replace him/her.
Arranging a Rescheduled Game Any Game appearing with a date in December and any game for which you receive a notification from the web site (Team Choice) must be rescheduled The ERSL does not reschedule games for you Access your Opponent’s contact information through the “Contact” tab on the web site Select Team Contacts in the left sidebar Select the desired team from the drop-down menu Email addresses and phone numbers for all Team Officials will be displayed
Arranging a Rescheduled Game The reschedule process must be initiated by the Home team and BOTH teams must cooperate to complete the process First contact your Club to determine where/when there is field availability At a minimum, the Home team is required to provide three (3) dates, including at least two separate weekends, for the Away team to choose from; You have 14 days from the reschedule request approval to set a new date and time for the game All games must be played before the end of season date – September 11 th
Arranging a Rescheduled Game You cannot accept a reschedule, on the same day you had previously asked to have a game rescheduled from Reschedules for U18 teams must be played before August 21 st Once the game is agreed upon: START A FRESH EMAIL The Home team must send an email to the Away team with the following details: game number; new game date home team away team Field start time The Away team must forward the email to with the Home team cc’d. Note: If this process is not followed the game will not be rescheduled
Arranging a Rescheduled Game If teams cannot agree on a date within 14 days the HOME team shall report the problem by email to the ERSL and include emails documenting their attempts to reschedule. The ERSL will determine if the teams have made reasonable attempts to reschedule and the appropriate action, as outlined in the policy will be taken Demonstrating no flexibility is not reasonable
Team Section - Website
Team Section Once you log in to the website as a Team Official there are many things you can do and need to do, including: Game Sheets – print game sheets Suspensions – view suspensions Game Report – complete game reports Playing Up Permits – request / cancel / see status of PuPs Add to Squad – add players to team Modify Squad – modify player info Delete Player – delete a player Shirt Numbers – update to show on gamesheets Player Privacy – individually select the privacy level for a Player Modify Scorer – modify the scorer for a game Modify Shutout – modify who got the shutout Change Uniform – change uniform colours Request Reschedule – request a reschedule
Maintain Team Data The majority of communication with Clubs and Teams is through email – maintaining up to date contact information is essential 24.08 The e-mail shall be deemed to have been received by Teams: a)May 1 to September 15 - 72 hours after transmittal of the e-mail b)September 16 to April 30 - no e-mails will be sent to teams other than for informational purposes
Players and Staff To be eligible to participate in a game, both players and staff must be registered with the OSA Anyone listed on the game sheet is deemed to have played in the game (Players) or been present on the bench (Officials) It is your responsibility to ensure only registered players and staff are on the game sheet - DO NOT “ADD PLAYERS TO SQUAD” ON WEB SITE UNLESS ON YOUR OFFICIAL ROSTER Players and Team Staff are entered on the web site so they can be printed on the game sheet If you are not registered with the OSA you are not permitted to activate a Team Official Account on the web site At least 1 Team Official must activate by April 30 th (today!)
Team Section of Web site - Play Ups
Play Up Permit Requests Details on who is eligible are contained in the Rules and Regulations It is your responsibility to ensure that the player you request to play up meets the eligibility rules If you play a player that is ineligible it will result in discipline Only players typed on the game sheet are eligible to play No additional Play-up (PuP) form is required as the Play Up is printed and identified on the Game Sheet The exception is for Temporary Registration Permits and Trial Permits where additional form is required and names are to be handwritten
House League Play-Up Permits House League players can be requested as Play-Ups through the web site but these players must be added by a Club Administrator Once added they will be available for teams to request as play-ups Once a team has requested a PuP, an email will be sent to your Club Representatives The Club Reps will login and approve or decline the PuP – some Clubs have internal rules for approval; the League will not approve PuPs If it is approved the player will be printed on the game sheet and is eligible to play
Play-Up Permits A team may not use more than three (3) call-up players (including any players playing on a Temporary Registration Permit) in any one League game In addition to being printed on the game sheet, a valid OSA Registrant Book, or a valid OSA ID Card (& OSA roster), shall be presented at the game in order for the player to be eligible to play;
Team Section - Play Up Permits
House League selection
Team Section - Play Up Permits Click “Submit” and an email notification is sent to the Club Rep
Team Section - Play Up Permits The approval status is displayed for the Coach
Team Section - Play Up Permits Game sheet lists Play-Up players
Play Up Permits l)If a player is registered as both a competitive player and a recreational player, he/she may only be called up from the competitive team. m)If a player is registered to a team playing in an age division which is older then their true chronological age, they may be called up to a team in an age division equal to their true chronological age, provided that the team to which they are being called up plays at a higher level then the team to which the player is registered. As an example - A true U14 player is registered to a U15 Tier 1 District Competitive team. That player may be called up to a team playing at U14 Regional. In short, age correct, level up
Team Section of Web site - Game Sheets
Game Sheets Before each game you have to create a set of 3 game sheets These are only available via the web site The Game Sheet is the official document of the game so please ensure it is complete and accurate at the conclusion of each game; be sure to verify the referee section as well At the conclusion of the game you will receive 1 copy of your game sheet, and 1 copy of the opponent’s; the referee will keep a copy of each for submission to the ERSL You do not submit game sheets to the ERSL
Game Sheets Initial having done card check under the list of player names If staff or players are not on the game sheet or are listed as suspended they cannot be on the bench ALL bench staff shall sign the game sheets If players or bench staff are absent, please cross them off the game sheet Give the game sheets to the referee at least 15 minutes before kick off
Game Sheets – Select the Players Select the players for the game sheet Note: the PuP player is shown If you do not require the PuP you will need to go to the PuP page and delete the PuP DO NOT add PuP players to your roster
Game Sheets – Select the Staff You can have more than 4 Staff sign up for your team Only 4 Staff can be on the game sheet and on the bench
Game Sheets Click on Create Game Sheet
No Game Sheets? In the event that a game sheet cannot be due to technical difficulties, the team shall inform the ERSL by email or voicemail. Notice must be received prior to the game start time. If notice is received after the game start time, the team's Club will be subject to the applicable fine... the affected team shall create a hand written game sheet, modify a copy of an old game sheet or use the OSA Team Roster Report and add the additional game information. Upon submission by the referee following the gameThe ERSL will manually verify the registration status and eligibility of the listed players. Any Team that fails to produce a game sheet will be subject to a fine as per the published schedule of ERSL Fines.
Game Sheets – Red & Yellow Cards Red and Yellow Cards are recorded on the game sheet beside each player. Red Card offence codes are listed on the bottom of the game sheet: The Referee will indicate the applicable offence in the “R” column of the game sheet so players and coaches will know what the potential discipline is. Verify the code is there when you collect your game sheet from the referee; if a code has not been indicated please ask the referee to add the code. A. Serious foul play B. Violent conduct C. Spits at an opponent D. Denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity by hand ball E. Denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity by foul F. Offensive or insulting language or gesture G. Receives a 2nd caution
Appealing Cards – Hearing Request If you would like to protest a Red Card you must submit a Hearing Request and $50.00 request fee within 72 hours of completion of the game to the ERSL (fee is only payable if found guilty) You should request a copy of the referee’s report Requests for Hearing are only complete when they are accompanied by the fee; after 72 hours has passed you may no longer request a hearing Any Team Official ejected during a game also has 72 hours to ask for a Hearing – do not return to the field and leave its vicinity. Your best resource for guidance when it comes to Discipline matters is your Club Discipline Representative
Web Site - Game Reporting Following the game, collect your copy of the game sheet from the referee Use this report to enter the game report via the web site You must submit your report within 24 hours As soon as both coaches have submitted a report the standings are updated If your result is missing don’t contact the league – contact your opponent
Game Reporting Rule Don’t be negligent in your game reporting! Submission of Game Reports and Scores 11.1 Each Coach shall be responsible for entering the game report, including the score, cards issued by the Referee as well as the game feedback on the ERSL website within twenty-four (24) hours of completion of the game. If the game report is not entered within seven (7) days, the ERSL will utilize the game sheet received from the Referee to complete the game report, and the team(s) which failed to enter the game report will be subject to a fine as specified in the published schedule of ERSL Fines.
Game Reporting - Game Feedback Following your Game Report you are asked to complete a series of Game Feedback questions The ERSL will monitor the feedback and assist Clubs in correcting inappropriate conduct The ERSL will monitor the feedback and assist Districts in improving referee performance Clubs will be able to access feedback on their teams in the Club section
Protests If you wish to play a game under protest you must inform the referee prior to the kick off and ask him to indicate this on the game sheet Following the game you must submit the protest fee ($150) within 48 hours You will be notified if your protest is valid or not 20.06 No protests pertaining to the decision of the game official shall be entertained. 20.07 Objections to field conditions, goalposts, balls or team colours, shall not be considered as grounds for a protest.
The OSA Discipline policies and procedures are used the ERSL There are 2 processes Discipline by review (DBR) Discipline by hearing (DBH) Following a red card the player can request a hearing within 72 hours of the game, otherwise a discipline by review occurs The league may also request that the individual attend a hearing Coaches need to be reminded that regardless of age – players and spectators are their responsibility
Discipline by review (DBR) The ERSL Discipline Committee will review all red and yellow card reports and issue a suspension according to the OSA policy You can not appeal the outcome of a DBR decision The ERSL will employ DBR in all cases that the OSA permits
Discipline by Hearing (DBH) Discipline hearings are held when required. The hearing dates for 2016 are posted under the Discipline section of the website At least 3 people will sit on the panel including a Chair You can appeal the outcome of a DBH decision to the OSA Your Rights of Appeal are available on the ERSL web site
Suspensions You will receive a notification from the website when a player is suspended Do not sit a player out of a game and then expect that to count toward a suspension The game sheets will indicate all suspended players on a team at the bottom Where disciplinary action results is a suspension, the suspension shall not commence prior to seven (7) calendar days from the issue of the notice of discipline. For example, a player issued with a suspension notice on Friday would serve the suspension for the game(s) scheduled on or after the following Friday. Carry over suspensions from a previous season do not require the same 7 day grace period and will be applied to the first games of the season once the schedule is finalized
Card Inspections
Card Checks Card inspections are not optional and MUST be carried out before kick off If a player does not have their ID Card / Player Book they are ineligible to play SOSA teams with Player Books do not require Team Roster Reports (the Player Book shows the team) If an EODSA team does not have their Team Roster Report as well as their Player ID Cards, the team is ineligible to play Any issues, have the Referee mark them on all 3 copies of the game sheet You cannot physically stop a player from playing – ensure issues are noted on the game sheet and they will be investigated by the ERSL and will lead to discipline as required.
Card Checks 9.5 A player arriving after the player verification is completed may play but must first report, with his/her valid OSA Registrant Book or valid OSA ID Card (with OSA Team roster report) to the representative from the opposing team. A player arriving after the second half of the game has started is ineligible to play and will be subject to the applicable fine as per the published schedule of ERSL Fines?, if they play. 9.8 Any Team that fails to produce a game sheet or its valid OSA Registrant Books or valid OSA ID Cards and OSA Team Roster Report will be subject to fine as per the published schedule of ERSL Fines. The team Officials may also be required to attend a Discipline Hearing. 9.9 Any Team Head Coach who permits an opposing team player, who is not in possession of a valid OSA Registrant Book, or a valid OSA ID Card (and the OSA Team Roster Report for the team to which the player is registered), or applicable TRP, or Trial Permit, to play, without noting a protest to the player’s eligibility on the game sheet prior to kick off, will be subject to a fine as specified in the as per the published schedule of ERSL Fines. The Team Head Coach may also be required to attend a Discipline Hearing.
Late Presentation of Cards - Protests Any protest must be launched before the start of the game 9.6 In exceptional circumstances where a team official who is in possession of the valid OSA Registrant Books or valid OSA ID Cards (with OSA Team Roster Report) fails to appear to permit the inspection of the documents as per 9.1 of these Rules and Regulations, the opposing team could accept to play the game under protest and this shall be noted on the game sheet. The opposing team is not required to play the game but MAY under protest. 9.6.1 Should the team official who is in possession of the required valid OSA Registrant Books or valid OSA ID Cards (with OSA Team Roster Report) arrives in time to permit the inspection of the documents as per 9.1 of these Rules and Regulations before the start of the second half of the game, the game will continue and the final results will stand and the protest shall become void. 9.6.2 Should the team official who is in possession of the required valid OSA Registrant Books or valid OSA ID Cards (with OSA Team Roster Report) not arrive or does not have in their possession the required valid OSA Registrant Books or valid OSA ID Cards (with OSA Team Roster Report) before the start of the second half of the game, the opposing team shall have the option of letting the game results stand or pursue the protest in accordance with Article 20 of these Rules and Regulations.
Team Staff ID Cards All Team Officials must have an ID Card / Book The ERSL does not have a rule requiring the checking of Team Staff ID Cards / Books though teams are permitted to ask that they be presented
Important Dates April 30 th – Mandatory minimum 1 Team Official Activated May 1 st – deadline for some Other Reschedule Requests May 10 th -16 th – Draft Schedule week May 13 th – ER Cup & Shield entry declaration deadline for Clubs May 23 rd – Season Start Date May 26 th – Cup & Shield Draw Posting June 7 th – CAN WNT optional Reschedule Date June 21 st -27 th – ER Cup & Shield 1 st Round schedule blackout September 11 th – Season end date
Questions Any questions?
Adjournment Have a Great Season!
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