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 Oxygen Analyzer Team 7: Justin Akiyama, Andrew Do, Sapphire Lopez, Jay Patel, Marvin Patel, Nirav Shah.

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Presentation on theme: " Oxygen Analyzer Team 7: Justin Akiyama, Andrew Do, Sapphire Lopez, Jay Patel, Marvin Patel, Nirav Shah."— Presentation transcript:

1  Oxygen Analyzer Team 7: Justin Akiyama, Andrew Do, Sapphire Lopez, Jay Patel, Marvin Patel, Nirav Shah

2 Background  Current Environmental Conditions in Africa  Water Pollution  Air pollution  Medical service condition  Current Method to Test Oxygen Concentration  Use an open flame method  Assumptions on the environmental conditions within hospitals and clinics  adequate electrical supply  Wards/rooms for surgery, general care, intensive care  At least one technician available for maintenance of device

3 Motivation THREE AREAS OF FOCAL IMPLEMENTATIONS  Safety: An open flame to test concentrated oxygen could potentially cause a powerful combustion.  Economy: Economic conditions of those in impoverished areas in Africa need an inexpensive yet simple method to test oxygen concentration.  Simplicity: Not all areas contain individuals with the knowledge and technical training to operate highly sophisticated devices.

4 Motivation  Developing accurate sensor very imperative for newborns do not have fully developed alveoli.  (Threshold of necessary oxygen concentration must be higher for newborns proper breathing.)  Elderly vs. Adult vs. Adolescent vs. Child vs. Toddler  ( Threshold varies according to age, development, and deterioration. Hence, imperative to attain accurate measurements).  Increases safety as well as confidence for medical personal. Diagram of newborn alveoli 1)Underdeveloped vena cava. 2)Absence of pleuroperitoneal membrane

5 Goals  Determine the best material used for  photosensitive polymer  internal/external construction  Determine the best method to manufacture prototype  Polymer  Internal/External  Create blueprints + 3-D model of device  Mapping of how overall device functions  Design method to capture light emissions  Correlate intensity of light emissions to the oxygen concentration  Processor  Digital readout of concentration  Circuit design  Mapping of oxygen flow Develop An Oxygen Analyzer that is Accurate, Reliable, Durable, Easy to Use, and Easy to Manufacture

6 Milestones OCT-NOV Background and Current Market Research Brainstorming Ideas and Preliminary Designs Applying for UROP NOV-DEC Selecting and Validating the Design Rough Sketches and 3-D Modeling JAN-MAR Revalidating the Design and its Manufacturability Proposal Submission for EWH Design Competition Fabricating, Testing and Modifying the Prototype APR-JUN Testing, Modifying and Improving the Prototype Submitting the Design for EWH Design Competition Preparing for the Final Review and Symposium

7 Current Oxygen Sensor  Zinc-air Battery O2 Sensor  Pros  Relatively inexpensive components  Total cost less then $10  Easily assembled  Cons  Battery Replacement every 200hrs  Temperature dependent  Accurate up to 80% O2 concentration

8 Current Sensors Continued…  Car O2 Sensor  Pros  Mechanical strength  Resistance to wear and corrosion  Cons  Replaced every 12-24 months  Loss of Calibration  Expensive over time

9 Project Approaches and Justification Engine  Pros:  Robust  Easy to repair  Reliable  Cons:  Noisy  Relies on fuel that might not be readily accessible  Complex infrastructure  Need re-calibration  Expensive Fluorescent Polymer  Pros:  Cheap  Easy to use  Easy to run  Accurate  Does not require re-calibration  Small/Portable  Cons:  The polymer needs to be replaced  Degradation of the polymer affects the read out

10 Polymer

11 New Schematic Green LEDs Polymer Composite Color & Intensity Sensor Air Outlet Display LEDs Air Inlet Inner Housing Outer Casing

12 Solidworks and Dimensioning


14 Prototype Fabrication

15 Reconsider Manufacturing Techniques/Materials selection

16 Prototype: Material selection

17 Production: Prototype Testing and Re-testing

18 Market Synergy

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