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Navigating the Internet How to use the Internet to find what you need.

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating the Internet How to use the Internet to find what you need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating the Internet How to use the Internet to find what you need

2 The Internet The Internet is a GIANT resource for information. Kind of like a library, but with much, much more information.

3 The Internet Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland has over 300,000 books!

4 The Internet How easy would it be to find what you need in this library? What would help you?

5 The Internet and Information There is a huge amount of information online. Some is high quality and accurate.

6 The Internet and Information Some is not only inaccurate, but completely false!

7 Evaluating Web Sites Who can create and post web sites? Businesses Organizations Schools Government Agencies

8 Evaluating Web Sites Who can create and post web sites? ANYONE!!!! http://rocketboy1313.blogspot.c om/2011/05/30-day-movie- challenge-day-10.html customer-marketing/

9 Evaluating Web Sites What motivates each of these groups to publish a web site? Businesses SchoolsGovernments Organizations

10 Evaluating Web Sites Match the URL extension with the type of group. Use the pen feature to draw an arrow between them. Businesses Universities and colleges Governments

11 Authenticate What part of the word authenticate is familiar to you? Go to Type in or copy and paste the word authenticate.

12 Authenticate “To establish the authorship or origin of.” That means it’s CREDible. (We can give it CREDit for being trustworthy.) Books – authenticated by publishers (companies that print them). Web sites – authenticated by NO ONE! That’s why you have to use your noggin.

13 Evaluating Web Sites How do you know if a book in the library is based on real-life, accurate information or is a made up story?

14 Evaluating Web Sites In any library you know whether or not a book is based on facts or made up…non-fiction OR fiction How do you know that when you use the Internet? Click on the link below. What makes this web site credible (believable)? Discuss with your partners and write your ideas below. Submit your panel.

15 Evaluating Web Sites Click on the link below. What makes this web site credible (believable)? Discuss with your partners and write your ideas below. Submit your panel.

16 Evaluating Web Sites

17 The Internet and Information Not like a library or a bookstore. On its own it’s not organized. historic-libraries/?ref=search

18 The Internet and Information Here in our 13,000-book library you can use the catalog. Even in the massive Trinity College Library you can find what you need with the catalog.

19 Imagine if… this happened in your library. How difficult would it be to find what you needed?

20 Imagine if… This is what it’s like on the Internet…unless you know how to search.

21 Navigating the Internet In the library things are organized by subject, author, or keyword. There are rules for organizing libraries, so people can easily find what they need.

22 Navigating the Internet When you’re searching on the Internet, you have to be the one to organize things. With an organized search, you can find what you want.

23 Search Engines

24 Can you think of some search engines people use on the Internet? Search engines are the way in which companies attempt to organize information.

25 Search Engines

26 Searching Who creates search engines? Why do you think they build them? Answer both questions in the space below and submit your panel.

27 Searching Go to or Type in 1 of the following terms. Jupiter Mars Sun meteor black hole Then 1.Go to Chat. 2.Type in the term and the number of sites (hits) you got. EX: Jupiter-4,000,000

28 Refining a Search How long would it take you to find the information you need? Try it again but use the following terms: Planet JupiterSun size Planet Marsmeteor make-up Black hole origin 1.Go to Chat. 2.Type in the term and the number of sites (hits) you got.

29 Refining a Search That’s still a lot of web sites! Let’s see if we can do better. 1.Go to More search tools on the left-hand side of the screen.

30 Refining a Search 1.Go to More search tools. 2.Scroll down to Reading level. 3.Click it.

31 Refining a Search Click on the reading level you want. Basic is a good starting point. It will give you lots of web sites for kids.

32 Tracking Your Sources To cite your references at the end of your project, you will need to track the sources you use. Once you use a book, article, or website for your research, you need to record source information.

33 Tracking Your Sources For print sources write down: Title, author, pages used, publisher, date published. For Internet sources, you need to have the same information, but for now, you just need a link.

34 Test Your Knowledge Answer the questions on your card. Your goal is to find each answer by: 1.Using the least amount of time. 2.Narrowing it down to the fewest number of hits. Write your results below. # Time# of Hits 1. 2 3 4.

35 Evaluating Web Sites Dog IslandDog Island A site that gives information on a great island for dogs. Republic of Molossia An official looking website that explains the small Republic of Molossia is located in Nevada. Fisher Price Airplane A webpage created to show the benefits of a Fisher Price airplane. Check out the pictures. The British Stick Insect Foundation A interesting look into Stick Insects A real looking commercial site that advertises dehydrated water. A bogus site about a non-existant appliance Improbable Research A site that pokes fun at cats reacting to bearded men and the scientific method. Victorian Robots A site documenting robots from history using edited photography.. Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie A site advertising aluminum foil deflector beanies to protect against radiation. Facts about Idiotica A mini bogus encyclopedia. Republic of Molossia Fisher Price Airplane The British Stick Insect Foundation Improbable Research Victorian Robots Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie Facts about Idiotica

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