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Better Choices, Better Health®SD South Dakota’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Chronic Disease Partners Meeting Pre-Conference Event July 26,

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Presentation on theme: "Better Choices, Better Health®SD South Dakota’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Chronic Disease Partners Meeting Pre-Conference Event July 26,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Choices, Better Health®SD South Dakota’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program Chronic Disease Partners Meeting Pre-Conference Event July 26, 2016 1


3  Learn how Better Choices, Better Health® SD aligns with personal and professional health goals and objectives  Discover the Better Choices, Better Health program impact in South Dakota and the effect on community and population health  See the benefits of the BCBH program and how to get involved 3

4  Fran Rice, Master Trainer Outreach Ambassador for Adults with Disabilities  Jessica Rappe, Master Trainer Outreach Ambassador for Seniors  Cole Hunter, Master Trainer Outreach Ambassador for Tribal Communities  Vicki Palmreuter, Master Trainer Outreach Ambassador for HealthCare 4

5  BCBH workshops are 2-½ hours long and meet weekly for six weeks in community settings such as senior centers, churches, and libraries.  Workshops started being conducted in South Dakota in Sept 2014.  Facilitated by Lay Leaders  Workshops can have 10-18 participants Program is a community-led evidence-based program modeled after Stanford University’s chronic disease self-management program

6  Topics include:  Techniques to deal with frustration, fatigue, isolation, and poor sleep  Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance  Medication management  Communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals  Learning how to pace activity and rest  Eating well and fun ways to get active 6

7 Statewide Centralized Collaborative Model 7

8  Advisory Council 8  Action Committees 27 members Statewide representation Diverse membership Sponsorships & Partnerships Program Support Outcome Measures Communications Recruitment & Retention Budget Coalitions - Perfect vehicle to drive BCBH

9 9  Health Systems  Care Transition Coalitions  Adults Aging Services  Academics/Extension Services  Faith-Based Organizations  Veteran’s Administration  Pharmacists  Rural Health Centers  Disability Resource Centers  Senior Centers  Mental Health Agencies  Tobacco Cessation Programs  Disease Specific Groups  Health Plans  Health Homes  Tribal Health  Volunteer Programs (RSVP, VOA)  Employers / Worksite Wellness

10 Better Choices, Better Health  SD Outreach Area: Seniors

11 Role: To significantly increase and reach the number of older adults who participate in Better Choices, Better Health SD  Specifically working with certain populations and community/state organizations  Concentrated effort in: rural and underserved South Dakota  Develop population specific partnerships for adults and volunteer organizations  Work in collaboration with other MTOA, Regional Contacts, Program Coordinators, etc. to help reach this goal 11

12 Better Choices, Better Health  SD Outreach Area: Adults with Disabilities

13 Role: To significantly increase and reach the number of adults with disabilities who participate in Better Choices, Better Health SD  Specifically working with adults with disabilities populations and community/state organizations  Concentrated effort Develop population specific partnerships for adults with disabilities organizations and communities  Work in collaboration with other BCBH Network members to help reach BCBH scope of work goals 13

14 14 Specifically working with adults with disabilities populations and community/state organizations Relationships Established in 2015/16 to date: South Dakota Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities Independent Living Choices Tower of David (Sioux Falls)Active Generations SD Department of Human Services National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

15 15 Budding Relationships 2016/17 ??? Business Resource Network Workforce Diversity Network of the Black Hills (WDNBH) SD Department of Social Services SD Disability Employment Initiative Native American Advocacy Program SD Advocacy Services AND MORE!

16 16 Adults with Disabilities 62.5 % of 2015/16 attendee completers Approximately 54,000 of SD disabled residents STILL need to be reached with BCBH workshops! Let’s do this together!

17 Better Choices, Better Health  SD Outreach Area: Tribal Communities

18 Role: To significantly increase and reach the number of Native American adults who participate in Better Choices, Better Health SD. 18  Work with specific populations to enroll more tribal members in the BCBH program, provide self-management information, offer on- or off-site workshops, and Lay Leader trainings.  Concentrated efforts in reservation and tribal communities.  Develop population specific partnerships for South Dakota tribes and tribal members.

19 Partnership Development:  Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Partnerships to Improve Community Health Tribal Advisory Committee.  Oglala Sioux Tribe Health Administration  Cheyenne River IHS Women’s Health Department  Wiconi Waste Fitness Center – Kyle, SD  Oglala Sioux Tribe Special Diabetes Program 19 Outreach Area: Tribal Communities

20 Better Choices, Better Health  SD Outreach Area: Health Systems

21 Role: To engage and reach health systems that endorse, support, refer to, embed and participate in Better Choices, Better Health SD  Work with healthcare partners to provide self- management information, resources and support for adult patients  Engage healthcare staff and patient advocates  Develop a model policy for healthcare referral  Assist healthcare partners with integration of program into quality and patient activation initiatives 21

22 22 Working With Health Systems  Care delivery to manage chronic disease  Need a CHAMPION in the organization  Shared successes and opportunities (i.e. referrals, data)  CHNA requirements align with CDSMP outcomes

23 23  Patient Portal Email Message >>> Regional Health  Electronic Medical Record Referrals >>> Horizon Health Care (FQHC)  Postcard mailings >>> Sanford Health  Align with Strategic Plan >>> Regional Health Engaging Healthcare

24 24 Working with Health Plans  Opportunity to be associated with Stanford University  Opportunity to align health plan community benefits  Opportunity to build robust public/private and non-profit strategic relationships and partnerships  Opportunity to align with health care reform system  Opportunity to help those they insure

25 25

26 26 BCBH Information Call Toll-free 1.888.484.3800 BCBH Email Better Choices, Better Health Web Site Stanford University National Council on Aging Fran Rice Jessica Rappe Cole Hunter Vicki Palmreuter Lori Oster Better Choices, Better Health Program Coordinator SDSU Extension/SD Department of Health

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