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Presentation on theme: "ACT Science Reasoning Basic Format 1. Expectations this AFTERNOON 1.NO CELL PHONES 2.STAY IN YOUR ASSIGNED SEAT 3.NO TALKING WITHOUT PERMISSION 4.HAVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACT Science Reasoning Basic Format 1


3 ACT Science Reasoning Layout You will have 35 minutes to answer a total of 40 questions There are 7 passages with 5-7 questions per passage o 3 data representation passages o 3 research summary passages o 1 conflicting viewpoint passage 3

4 ACT Science Reasoning Tips You do not need to know a lot about science! You must be able to:  Read & interpret graphs, charts, tables, diagrams  Understand how experiments work  Make conclusions about different viewpoints 4

5 ACT Science Reasoning Tips Skim through a passage but DON’T reread the material several times. The first questions in a passage are typically easiest. Eliminate the WRONG choices. Answer every question. Don’t waste time on long confusing words. Your first answer is usually right. STEADY! 5

6 ACT Science Reasoning Tips Write in your test booklet! Tips for Experimental questions : 1. Write down Constants(same things in each experiment as you read.) 2. Look at table/graphs to see what the x and y are showing you and how they are similar/different. Pace yourself. You have 5 minutes for the entire passage which includes 5- 7 questions to answer. If you realize you have run out of time, make your best guesses on the last questions and move on. 6

7 ACT Science Reasoning Data Representation (GRAPHS and TABLES) Passages: Strategies 7

8 What is this question about? You must understand and evaluate information from tables, graphs, charts and diagrams. 8

9 4 Chart Questions to Ask Yourself when looking at the diagrams 1.What does the figure represent? 2. What do the labels tell you? 3. What are the units of measurement? 4. What are the patterns in the data? 9 FLUP!

10 FLUP Figure Labels Units Patterns 10

11 3 Step Strategy LONG passage = skim questions first 1.Underline/Mark key words in the question. 2.Analyze the figure(s) by asking yourself the 4 strategic questions. 3.Find all questions about the figure and answer those FIRST. 11

12 What do you KNOW? What is your table graph or figure showing – Look at X axis Y axis Keys 12

13 NOW, look at WHAT DO YOU NEED? Read the question and circle keywords which tell you what you need to find out Which study shows? Which group is … 13

14 Experimental Questions ask you to? Find and interpret information from Graphs and tables Draw conclusions and PREDICT results Compare different experimental set ups 14

15 TYPES of Tables & Figures to expect Line graphs… Tables… Scatter plots … 15

16 Now let’s practice Go to Science Passage I of your ACT Test Prep book (pages 40-41) You have 3 minutes to read the passage and answer questions 1-2. When I say GO Remember your strategies! Underline the “What you know” and “What you need” keywords. 16


18 ACT Science Reasoning Data Representation: Understanding Experiments 18

19 Key points in an experiment Independent variable (Experimenter “I” did this) Dependent variable (What the results were) Control (Part of an experiment that is the NORMAL situation/no changes) 19

20 Look at Question 1 20

21 21

22 22 What are you WANTING to know? Compare Study 1 and 2, simply look for answer

23 23

24 24

25 Look at Question 2 25

26 26

27 27 What are you WANTING to know? WHY DID Population Go Down in Study 1 & 2

28 28 Virgins = no males, so no babies

29 29

30 Now read questions 3-7 Make your best guesses to answer these questions You have 2 minutes 30

31 STOP! How did you do? Did you finish in time? FEEDBACK from students Let’s go through the answers 31

32 Look at Question 3 HOW did you RULE out the ones you KNEW where wrong? 32

33 33

34 34

35 35

36 Question 4 36

37 37

38 38 12% in this range

39 39

40 Look at Question 5 40

41 41

42 42 What is the difference Between Strain N And Strain X FRUIT FLIES?

43 43

44 In some questions, you will be asked about the design of the experiment How does changing the design change the results? How does changing one part of the design change another part? Explain why parts of the design were performed Identify the figures that illustrate the design Identity problems in the design (confounding variables) Identify a new experiment that would give more info REFER to QUESTIONS 6 and 7 44

45 45

46 ACT Science Reasoning Comparing Views based on Evidence 46

47 How to Evaluate Evidence/Hypotheses/Arguments 1.Read Each Viewpoint/Hypotheses looking for similarities and differences. 1.Mark (circle or underline) KEY points 2.Think how the next viewpoint is similar or different as the one before as you read 47

48 Let’s practice with Passage II Turn to page 42. Read the first paragraph of the passage. HOLD up your hand when you are done. 48

49 What are you looking for? 1.When BUTTERFLIES STORE lipids 2.When ENERGY from the lipids is USED Before Migration During Migration After Migration 49

50 Read Hypothesis 1 You have 30 seconds to answer those two questions about lipids and energy… WHEN lipids stored? When lipids used? 50

51 STOP! Let’s LOOK at the Hypothesis 51

52 52 Strategy then is to mark WHEN in each hypothesis

53 Read Hypothesis 2 and 3 now You have 1 minute to answer those two questions about lipids and energy… WHEN lipids stored? When lipids used? 53

54 STOP! How did you do? Let’s go through the hypothesis and see if we marked the WHENS correctly 54

55 55

56 Now READ: QUESTIONS 8 and 9 Answer these questions. You have 1 minute. GO! 56

57 STOP! How did you do? Let’s go through the answers 57

58 58

59 59

60 Now READ: QUESTIONS 10- 14 Answer these questions. You have 3 minutes. GO! 60

61 STOP! How did you do? Let’s go through the answers 61

62 62

63 63

64 64 This is something you just must know that ATP is the ENERGY molecule

65 ACT Science Reasoning Data Representation: More Tips 65

66 STAND UP AND STRETCH! We will start again in about 1 minute. 66

67 About Content Knowledge 67 Most of what is on the ACT Science portion just requires SCIENCE REASONING, The Content does cover LIFE SCIENCE, PHYSICAL SCIENCE and EARTH SCIENCE Students who review basic concepts in each Area will have an advantage when taking the ACT test.

68 An ACT example where you need a LITTLE knowledge 68 What CONTENT do you need to know To answer this question?

69 ACT Science Reasoning Analyzing Experiments: Evaluating Evidence 69

70 The figures are more important than the text Refer back to the figures often. Never try to answer questions based on your memory. You don’t have to understand everything about a data passage. If you can answer the 4 Chart Questions, you’ll have enough info to answer many of the questions. (FLUP) 70

71 71 Let’s PRACTICE! Take a Look at Passage III page 44 You have 5 minutes, Answer 15 -20 REMEMBER to use your strategies STEADY! FLUP! MARK IT UP!

72 STOP! FEEDBACK from students Let’s go through the answers 72

73 73

74 74 Questions 15 and 16

75 75 WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW FOR 15? 16?

76 76

77 77

78 78

79 79

80 80 Average #18 #19

81 81

82 ACT Science Reasoning Dealing with Jargon (BIG words you have NO idea what they mean and extra JUNK) 82

83 ZIPZAP containing ZAPPER is ejected from ZONGOS. The resulting ZAPPO rapidly cools over the ground. According to figure one, what is formed? Which of the following statements best describes how Scientist 2 would explain why there was a period of ABADABADO during 5 th and 6 th period? 83

84 Don’t LET crazy looking terms throw you off your game 84

85 You gain points by answering the questions, not by understanding every scientific fact in the passage. Ignore all the technical jargon. Parentheses AFTER a word or term Explain what it means 85

86 More Practice on Passage VI Turn to Page 50 Read Passage VI and answer questions 34 -40 *HINT- Skim Questions FIRST! YOU HAVE 5 minutes GO! STEADY! FLUP! MARK IT UP! 86

87 87

88 88

89 89

90 90

91 91

92 92

93 93

94 STOP! FEEDBACK from students Let’s go through the answers 94

95 ACT Science Reasoning More Practice with Experiments 95

96 How to Evaluate Evidence: Read the experiment or results and underline the keywords. (Venn Diagram?) Look for similar keywords and compare the differences in the experiments. Be able to look at the data and determine the results EVEN if they are not shown. (PREDICT and give the BEST ANSWER.) 96

97 Some Questions… Provide you with descriptions of 2 or more scientific experiments You are presented with the purpose of the study, the methods the researchers used, and the results that were found You can ID them because they have headings which say Experiment 1 & Experiment 2 or Study 1 & Study 2 97

98 What is the Scientific Method? Observation Question Hypothesis Prediction Experimentation Conclusion 98

99 Experimental Design… Observe phenomena Research what is known Form a hypothesis Make a Prediction Design Experiment 99

100 Let’s Practice Experiment ACT Questions. Turn to Passage IV and V page 46 10 minutes for both Time STARTS…. NOW 100

101 STOP! FEEDBACK from students Let’s go through the answers 101

102 102

103 103

104 104

105 105

106 106 Look BACK at Fig 2

107 107 A = change in speed/ time

108 108

109 109 LOOK AT FIGURE 1

110 110

111 111 N = ? X block mass Look at Fig 1 and see the relationship between N and mass

112 112

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121 Questions? Comments? Concerns? 121

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