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The illicit drug and it’s uses. defined Heroin as: a white, crystalline, narcotic powder, C 21 H 23 NO 5, derived from morphine, formerly.

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Presentation on theme: "The illicit drug and it’s uses. defined Heroin as: a white, crystalline, narcotic powder, C 21 H 23 NO 5, derived from morphine, formerly."— Presentation transcript:

1 The illicit drug and it’s uses

2 defined Heroin as: a white, crystalline, narcotic powder, C 21 H 23 NO 5, derived from morphine, formerly used as an analgesic and sedative: manufacture and importation of heroin are now controlled by federal law in the U.S. because of the danger of addiction. Our definition of Heroin is; It is an illicit drug that causes major bodily problems, long and short. The drug is addictive and can be harmful when used, but more harmful when misused.

3 Some of the short term effects of Heroin are that it makes you have a rush, flushes the skin, dry mouth and a heavy feeling. Some of the long term effects of Heroin are infection of the heart, Liver disease, hepatitis transmission, kidney disease, Lung problems and skin infections.

4 Heroin is an illegal drug in Australia. 1.4% of Australians that are 14 years and over have used Heroin at some stage in their lifetime. 0.2% had used heroin in the previous 12 months. In 2004, the average age that people started taking Heroin was 21.2 years old. In 1991, 0.4% of the population over 14yrs old used Heroin. In 1993 – 0.2%. In 1995 0.4%. In 1998 – 0.8%. In 2001 – 0.2%. In 2004 – 0.2%.

5 Heroin can be misused in several ways that can cause harm to the user. Such as; Using Heroin around people who aren’t able to help you. This could be dangerous because if you take Heroin wrong, no-one would be there to help. Another way that could be harmful through misuse of Heroin is over-dosing early in the morning, after no food. This is more harmful than taking a normal amount after food because your body has nothing in your body to give it strength when fighting Heroin. This can over-use organs, stressing them and causing more damage than usual (taking a normal amount of Heroin).

6 To reduce the risk of Heroin, the user can be around people able to help, have a small amount of Heroin, be in a safe environment after taking Heroin, have it over a long period of time, be a healthy person, have food with it and have Heroin knowing the effects it can have (be educated on Heroin).

7 Watupman. Heroin. Retrieved on the 19 of March from s3%20heroin.htm s3%20heroin.htm Drug info. Heroin. Retrieved on the 26 of March from statistics#heroin statistics#heroin Drug use. Drug use triangle. Retrieved 27 of March from Statistics on drug use in Australia 2006 ( full publication) sheet. Retrieved 27 of March from 459808 459808

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