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Brief Overview of National Oral Health Programme (NOHP)-NHM, Mizoram.

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Presentation on theme: "Brief Overview of National Oral Health Programme (NOHP)-NHM, Mizoram."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brief Overview of National Oral Health Programme (NOHP)-NHM, Mizoram

2 Aims and objectives of the Programme Oral Health is an integral part of general health. With increasing life expectancy Oral Health is bound to play a major role in improving the quality of life. The Prevalence of oral diseases, such as Dental Caries, Periodontitis(diseases of the gum), Mal-occusion and Oral cancer are high in Mizoram. Taking into account the oral health situation in the country, Government of India has initiated a National Oral Health Programme to provide integrated, comprehensive oral health care in the existing health care facilities with the following objectives:  To improve the determinants of oral health.  To reduce morbidity from oral diseases.  To integrate oral health promotion and preventive services with general health care system.  To encourage Promotion of Public Private Partnership(PPP) model for achieving better oral health.

3 Achievements till date National Oral Health Programme – implemented at 3 (three) Centres viz. Primary Health Centre, Darlawn, Aizawl East District; Primary Health Centre, Lungdai, Kolasib District & Community Health Centre, Chawngte, Lawngtlai District. Contractual Staff posted at 3 (three) centres rendering their services. 1. Dental Surgeon – 3 nos. 2. Dental Hygienist – 3 nos. 3. Dental Assistant – 3 nos. The intended benefit of the programme is being availed by the needy patients of the three centres along with the neighbouring villages.

4 DISEASEPREVALANCE DARLAWN PHCLUNGDAI PHC Dental caries, Periodontal diseases, Malocclusion, Extraction, Restoration & oral cancer. 9482 STATISTICS OF DENTAL OPD DURING 2014 – 2015 (JAN, FEB, MARCH, 2015 ) DISEASEPREVALANCE DARLAWN PHCLUNGDAI PHCCHAWNGTE CHC (Jan – March, 2016) Dental caries, Periodontal diseases, Malocclusion, extraction, Restoration & early detection of oral cancer. 914131745 DURING APRIL 2015 – MARCH 2016

5 PLAN-ROP 2016 - 2017 FMR Code ItemsProposed Budget B.26.1Recurring G.I.A B.26.1.1Contractual Manpower B. Surgeon Existing 3 nos & proposed 3 nos Rs. 29.28 lakhs B. Hygienist Existing 3 nos & proposed 3 nos Rs. 14.64 lakhs B. Assistant Existing 3 nos & proposed 3 nos Rs. 8.75 lakhs B. 10.08 lakhs Sub TotalRs. 62.78

6 PLAN ROP 2016- 2017 FMR Code ItemsProposed Budget B.26.2Non-Recurring G.I.A B.26.2.1G.I.A for renovation of Dental OPD for the proposed 3(three) Centres viz. Pangzawl PHC of Lunglei District, Thenzawl CHC of Serchhip District and Kawrthah CHC of Mamit District with purchase of Dental Chairs with accessories. Rs. 14.04 lakhs Sub TotalRs. 14.04 lakhs Grand Total – G.I.A – Recurring & Non Recurring (Rupees seventy six lakhs eighty two thousand) only (Rs. 62.78+14.04) Rs. 76.82 lakhs

7 S. No.Budget HeadQuarter 4 (Jan - Mar 2017)TOTAL PROPOSED (Apr 2016- Mar 2017) NNational Oral health programme (NOHP) Quantity / Target Budget (Rs. Lakhs) Quantity / Target Budget (Rs. Lakhs) N.1RECURRING GRANT-IN-AID 19.21 76.82 N.1.1Contractual Manpower-HR 15.70 62.78 N.1.1.1 Dental Surgeon @ Rs.40,000/- p.m.* for six months 13.18 52.70 N.1.1.2 Dental Hygenist@Rs.20,000/-p.m.* for six months 17.32429.28 N.1.1.3 Dental Assistant @ Rs.10,000/- p.m.* for six months 13.66414.64 N.1.2Consumables @ Rs.5.00 lakh per year 12.2048.78 N.2NON RECURRING GRANT-IN-AID 12.52410.08 N.2.1 Grant-in-aid for strengthening of Disttt. Hospitals (Renovation, Dental Chair, Equipment) @ Rs.7 lakh 3.51 14.04

8 Community Health Centre, Chawngte, Lawngtlai District

9 Public Health Centre, Lungdai, Aizawl ‘E’ District

10 Community Health Centre, Darlawn

11 STRENGTHENING OF DENTAL DEPARTMENT AT CIVIL HOSPITAL AIZAWL ALONG WITH DISTRICT HOSPITALS INCLUDING STATE REFERRAL,FALKAWN AND KULIKAWN HOSPITAL, AIZAWL  APPROVED COST: ` 443.76 lakh  Source of Funding:North Eastern Council  Pattern of funding:90:10  Released of fund:NEC- ` 320.00 lakh State- ` 17.78 lakh  Physical Progress:Civil Works Completed and purchase of equipment being processed.  Financial Achievement: ` 177.78 lakh

12 NEC Project 1. Kolasib District Hospital 2. Kulikawn Hospital, Aizawl

13 3. State Referral Hospital, Falkawn 4. Civil Hospital, Aizawl

14 4. District Hospital, Saiha 5. District Hospital, Mamit

15 6. District Hospital, Serchhip 7. Civil Hospital, Lunglei

16 8. District Hospital, Champhai 9. District Hospital, Lawngtlai

17 10. JN Hospital Serchhip

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