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 Sec. 38-301. - Intent and purpose of district.  The areas included within R-1-AA and R-1-A single-family dwelling districts are intended to be single-

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Presentation on theme: " Sec. 38-301. - Intent and purpose of district.  The areas included within R-1-AA and R-1-A single-family dwelling districts are intended to be single-"— Presentation transcript:



3  Sec. 38-301. - Intent and purpose of district.  The areas included within R-1-AA and R-1-A single-family dwelling districts are intended to be single- family residential areas with large lots and low population densities.

4  Placeholder for aerial

5 Average RateDriveway Volume Average Weekday 2-Way Volume 2.661117 Average Saturday 2-Way Volume 2.20924 Average Sunday 2-Way Volume 2.441024 Source: Orange County Transportation Planning, 02/13/13

6 Average RateDriveway Volume Average Weekday 2-Way Volume 2.66192 Average Saturday 2-Way Volume 2.20158 Average Sunday 2-way Volume 2.44176 Source: Orange County Transportation Planning, 02/13/13

7  Neighborhood roads are not designed for a volume of over 1100 vehicles a day.  Some right of way is only 15 ft for 2-way traffic with no sidewalks

8  Orlando Health & Rehab’s Service entrance currently brings into the neighborhood:  Ambulances  Passenger Vans  18 Wheelers  Delivery Trucks of all Types  Waste Management  Lawn maintenance  Medical supplies and equipment  Medical Waste disposal  Shift Employees



11  On Feb. 21, OHR told the Planning and Zoning Commission they only received deliveries between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm  Commissioner Wear “Deliveries are not being made until after 8:00 am?”  Facilities manager Dave Servney “Definitely be after 8:00 am” 02-22-13 5:15 am 02-25-13 5:17 am 02-25-13 6:34 am

12 02-28-13 5:30 am 03-01-13 5:20 am 03-02-13 6:42 am03-08-13 5:23 am 03-11-13 5:24 am

13  Jeremiah Owens – “We chose the alignment trying to work around some of the nice trees, that is why we have certain islands in certain locations – to try to save as many of those trees as we possibly can – try to keep as much of the canopy these as possible”

14  Place holder for construction and locates

15  Commissioner Wean “The burden is on the non-conforming use to show they are doing everything they can to mitigate the impact that they have having on these residents. I’m not hearing that that is being done”  Commissioner Barrett (speaking on the ability to get truck through new parking lot to Service Entrance): “I was a truck driver and I could get through that parking lot”  Commissioner Wean “ I think I know which of the 800 lb gorilla is in the room and it is not the neighbors.  David Pearce of the DRC “ An atmosphere of distrust has been created with the neighborhood”  Commissioner Wean” Pictures were very disturbing”  Commissioner Wean “ The burden is on the facility to be a good neighbor – I don’t see that. That is not happening and that is very troubling to me.

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