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Impact of Delocalisation on SME’s Danny Van Assche UEAPME/UNIZO.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Delocalisation on SME’s Danny Van Assche UEAPME/UNIZO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of Delocalisation on SME’s Danny Van Assche UEAPME/UNIZO

2 Delocalisation Ugly duck… … sometimes becomes a Swan Regions can be winners and losers at the same time So: –To avoid is futile –Better to predict and to guide

3 Who’s moving? Multinational (big) companies Labour intensive companies Innovative companies No SME’s? Foreign investment Hardly delocalisation

4 Case: Renault Industries Belgique 1995: Restructuring of the Renault group Plant at Vilvorde: 3100 employees of which 2700 lose their job National crisis! Restructuring cell: –Aid for the 2700 redundancies –Investment aid on the Renault site

5 Case: Renault Industries Belgique What about aid for the sub-contractors and suppliers of Renault-Vilvorde? Another 2500 workers lost their job in SME’s: no special treatment! What about SME’s that have economic difficulties? Case: Renault Industries Belgique

6 SME’s and delocalisation Active –Not able to organize delocalisation –Rather bankruptcy than delocalisation Passive –Information: too little, too late –Lack of political attention

7 What do SME’s need? Competitive economy Innovative context Diversification Investment in human capital Same efforts for SME’s as for MNC’s: Social plans “rescue plans” Investment aid

8 What can Europe do? No European coordination is necessary Structural funds: Focus on the Lisbon Strategy Industrial and Enterprise policy, with SME attention State aid to SME’s when affected by restructuring Research

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