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One of the more dangerous technological advance of the history.

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1 One of the more dangerous technological advance of the history

2 Made with precision to move and attack in irregular grounds to all kind of enemies. A very destructive expensive armored attack vehicle. What is the tank warfare? The tank warfare is a machine made to attack directly, and advance in enemy territory in all the grounds and in almost all the circumstances.

3 The tank warfare

4 The three key points of the tank warfare are: the firepower, a good mobility, and a strong armor. The key points The ability of move quickly in all the grounds, the fuel consumption, the placement of the strongest parts of the armor, the capabilities of the turret, etc, are rather important aspects. The right mix of all of that, is the key to build the perfect chariot.

5 The chariot must be very well designed: if you add a very strong armour or a powerful canyon, you will not have a good mobility. Mobility The mobility is an essential aspect, because you must battle in a lot of environments, you must not be damaged and you have to attack effectively. The principal mobility system is the “crawler”, powered by gas motors and after, diesel motors. Also, in amphibian tanks, there are hydrojets to move the chariot inside the water.

6 The canyon of the turret of the tank warfare is the principal weapon of chariots. Weaponry; the canyon First, was designed to be an anti-aerial weapon, but it also was a very effective and destructive anti-chariot weapon. The first canyons had a very low caliber but with the World War II, it have evolved in canyons with a very high caliber. Chariots are also equipped with grenade launchers and smoke generators.

7 The tank warfare needed a very strong armour because they have to suffer a lot of kinds of attacks and go on dangerous environments. Armour and defensive systems The armour of the chariot is done basing in the probability of some parts to be damaged, instead of the other pieces. If the probability of be damaged of a part is high, the armour is stronger in this part. There are materials and projectiles that can broke the armour, and it is not completely secure. Besides, there are another defensive systems: anti-missil, alarms, alert systems, etc.

8 To control the chariot, the crew must be directed by the commander, in a cabin in which are situated the control system, the radio, etc. Driving a tank warfare There are some problems driving the chariot, like the smoke, the dust, the noise of the motor, etc. Communications with other chariots and vehicles were done by flags, flares, manual notices, etc. For example, in the World War I, people sent messages with messenger pigeons.

9 The principal vulnerabilities of the tank are anti-tank mines, helicopters, airplanes, and the advanced projectiles, which can broke the less strong part of the armor. Is difficult to armor a chariot, because if you develop a very strong armor, the mobility will be rather reduced. Vulnerabilities

10 The tank warfare. From

11 Things similar to chariots like attack towers or barriers were used before its invention. Origin One of the first prototypes of tank warfare was designed by Leonardo Da Vinci. The Industrial Revolution made possible the well and precise building of this ancient machines, but converted wars in very destructive battles.

12 There was a lot of machines to attack the enemies, such as airplanes and another armored vehicles, but were not necessary to cover all the needs. British people mixed a strong armor, an advanced movement system (“crawler”), and a very destructive turret. Who invented the first well-done chariot?

13 In the battles of the World War First, there was millions of casualties, and go to the opposite trenches was very difficult. The warfare tank in the World War I The UK developed the chariot to solve the problem. First was used to transport the people, but after, the British added a turret and converted the chariot in a destructive machine. Finally, the chariot was not used only to attack trenches; also in battlegrounds.

14 The Mark I was the first tank warfare of the world, created by the British company “William Foster and Co. Ltd.”. It had to be stabilized with two wheels in the back side of the machine. First warfare tanks The French also developed chariots like the Renault FT-17. The Germans were more concentrated in anti- chariot weapons.

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