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Interpretation Training December 2014 Daniel Zeller, Volunteer Coordinator 619.255.0162.

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2 Interpretation Training December 2014 Daniel Zeller, Volunteer Coordinator 619.255.0162

3 Overview O Why Are We Here? O Interpretation Techniques O Exercise O Communication Skills O Summary

4 Why Are We Here? O Whalers already provide excellent interpretive opportunities. O Strive to continuously improve our visitor experiences. O Shifting to inquiry based learning as a Museum. O Give you additional insights and tools that you can use.

5 Interpretation

6 Why interpretation? When we love something, we will take care of it. In order to love it, we may need to understand it.

7 Interpretation O What is interpretation? O What elements make up interpretation? O Communication skills O Knowledge O Enthusiasm

8 Interpretation Words to live by: Do not try to satisfy your vanity by teaching a great many things. Awaken people’s curiosity. It is enough to open minds; do not overload them. Put there just a spark. If there is some good inflammable stuff, it will catch fire. - Anatole France, as quoted in The Earth Speaks

9 Making it Engaging O Effective interpretive techniques engage or involve the audience. O Asking thought-provoking questions can be just as interactive as having visitors participate in a hands-on activity. O No matter which techniques are selected, an interpretive service should be actively engaging.

10 Interpretation There are three types of informal visitor contacts: 1. Orientation (where questions) 2. Information (what, when, and how questions) 3. Interpretation (why or follow-up questions)

11 Applying Maslow’s Theory Self- Actualization Aesthetic Understanding Knowledge Esteem Belonging Security Survival

12 Learning Styles Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile Verbal

13 Interpretation “Interpretation is a catalyst in creating opportunities for the audience to form their own intellectual and emotional connections with the meanings and significance inherent in the resource.” --National Park Service Interpreters are “Visitor Engagement Specialists”

14 Interpretation And then there’s the equation: (KR + KA) AT = IO

15 Interpretation (KR + KA) AT = IO O Knowledge of the Resource (KR) O Knowledge of the Audience (KA) O Apply the Appropriate interpretive Technique (AT) O Can lead to an Interpretive Opportunity (IO)

16 Interpretation Knowledge of the Resource (KR) O Whaler Training O Whaler Handbook O Continuing Education O Media Reports O Scientific journals, reports, websites.

17 Interpretation Knowledge of Your Audience (KA) O Age O Education level O Familiarity with the topic O Interest level O Learning style O Eavesdrop

18 Interpretation Apply Appropriate Techniques (AT): O Analogy O Cause and Effect O Compare and Contrast O Description O Discussion and dialogue O Engaging Movement O Examples O Explanation O Five Senses O Gestures O Illustration O Inquiry O Live Animals O Metaphor O Photograph O Presentation of Evidence O Prop O Storytelling O And the list goes on… The technique must be appropriate for the resource, the audience, and the interpreter.

19 Interpretation Inquiry-based learning O Don’t lecture. O Ask questions: O What do you think it is? O What do you see? O What do you see that makes you say that? O What more can you say about that? O Why? O Guide the audience to the answers through your questions. O It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.”

20 Interpretation Cues of an interested visitor: O Leaning body towards you. O Arms are open, behind or to the side. O Remains still and pays attention O Relaxed lips.

21 Interpretation Signs of a disinterested visitor: O Stepping back, turning away. O Crossed arms. O Tapping or fidgeting. O Avoiding eye contact. O Lips pressed together.

22 Interpretation Bottom line:

23 What Does Visitor Engagement look like?

24 Demonstration

25 Self-Evaluation O Focus: O Did I decide on a focus for my exhibit, specimen, or object? O What was my specific objective(s) for using this exhibit, specimen, or object?

26 Self-Evaluation O Presentation: O Did I appropriately introduce myself to the group? O Did I include some information about the museum as part of my presentation? O Did I model proper museum behavior? O Did I adapt my presentation to learning levels, style and the special needs and interests of my audience? O Was I courteous? O Did I respect all points of view? O Was I objective? O Did I pace the presentation properly?

27 Self-Evaluation O Questioning Strategies: O Did I encourage group participation? O Did I invite my visitors to enter into the discussions? O Did I include questions that encouraged observation, language skills, and problem solving? O Did I provide plenty of “wait time” for responses?

28 Self-Evaluation O Effectiveness: O Will these visitors want to return? O Will these visitors want to pursue the subject further? O Did I give my audience visual literacy tools to use on other occasions? O Did I achieve the learning objectives for the presentation?

29 Communication Skills

30 O Essential to effective interpretation. O Apply to both formal and informal situations. O Master the basics. O Be prepared: O Provide structure O Introduction, Body, Conclusion O Have an outline

31 Communication Skills O The Fear Factor O Check on preparations. O Rehearse. O Use nervous energy to project excitement. O Don’t apologize. O Stick to the plan. O Make eye contact. O Mingle with audience before.

32 Communication Skills O Speaking Ability O Speak in a conversational and natural manner. O Balance between volume, pitch, and rate. O Volume changes add emphasis or drama. O Different pitches convey emotion and conviction. O Speak too quickly, lose listeners; speak to slowly, put them to sleep. O Pauses can be effective tools.

33 Communication Skills O Body Language O Hand gestures and facial expressions can bring harmony to what’s being said. O Stand tall, but not rigid. O Avoid crossing arms across your chest. O Express your sincerity by putting your entire self into the talk. O Move around.

34 Communication Skills O Organize the Presentation O Flow in a logical way. O Sequenced properly; tell a story. O Don’t ask, “What do I want to say?” Rather, ask, “What does the audience want to hear?”

35 Communication Skills O Organize the Presentation – Introduction O Arouse interest. O Capture attention. O Express the theme or topic. O May include: O Overview O Challenging statement O Quotation O Humor

36 Communication Skills O Organize the Presentation – Body O Elaborate on the subject. O Use facts, examples, analogies, anecdotes, references, etc. O Continue step-by-step progression toward your conclusion. O Don’t wander or ramble off topic.

37 Communication Skills O Organize the Presentation – Conclusion O The destination of the talk. O Tie back to introduction O Summarize some of the points in the body. O Convey a message or quotation. O Appeal for action. O End should be forceful and conclusive. O Make yourself available.

38 Communication Skills O Communications Logistics O Know how to operate equipment. O Where power outlets, switches, etc. are located. O Have props or handouts available.

39 Communication Skills O Summary O Converse. O Let nervous energy generate excitement. O Stick to the plan: O Intro O Body O Conclusion O Be yourself.

40 Summary

41 POETRY P - Interpretation serves a purpose. O – Interpretation is organized. E – Interpretation is enjoyable. T – Interpretation is thematic. R – Interpretation is relevant. Y – You make the difference.

42 Thank you For Participating Interpretation begins with YOU!! What can you do to keep growing as a life- long learner?

43 Questions & Answers Learning happens best when we experience the information before acquiring labels for what we’ve learned.

44 Resources  California Department of Parks and Recreation, Basic Interpretation Learning System,  Group Inquiry at Science Museum Exhibits, Getting Visitors to Ask Juicy Questions, Joshua P. Gutwill, Sue Allen,  National Association For Interpretation, Certified Interpretive Guide Training Workbook, hkey=29975430-93dd-4e10-ae58-4f8939c8c3a6 hkey=29975430-93dd-4e10-ae58-4f8939c8c3a6  National Park Service, Interpretive Training,  Quantum Learning, Bobbi DePorter, Mike Hernacki,  Shifting From an Instructional Frame to a Sense-Making Frame or Inquiry at SDNHM, Cristina Trecha, Director San Diego Science Project, Z:\Public Programs\Inquiry Workshop 6  30  14  The Participatory Museum, Nina Simon,

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