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Nurses: Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement.

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1 Nurses: Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement

2 Institute of Medicine 1995 Report: Nursing, Health and the Environment Recommended that the nursing profession integrate environmental health into our: –Education (basic, advanced, and continuing) –Practice (clinical, community-based, and public health) –Research –Advocacy and Policy ( Commensurate IOM Report for Medicine in 1985)

3 The Alliance of Nurses for the Environment is created: December 2009, a group of 50 nurses from around the country and from a wide range of nursing organizations convened in Oracle, AZ, and created the framework for a new alliance of nurses (individuals and organizations) committed to addressing environmental health issues. Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement

4 Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement Mission To promote healthy people and healthy environments by educating and leading the nursing profession, advancing research, incorporating evidence based practice and influencing policy. ANHE For more information about ANHE or one of the workgroups go to

5 Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement Structure: Steering Committee Work Groups –Education –Practice –Research –Policy/Advocacy –As needed

6 Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement Education Committee developing: Environmental health competencies for all nurses Model nursing curriculum for environmental health Knowledge Network (an e-Text on environmental health and nursing iPhone Application

7 Building the Movement Writers’ Workshops: –Convening nurses to write –Broader dissemination in the nursing literature –Creating community and support Mini-grants –Local, regional conferences –Developing subspecialty programs –Creating community and support

8 Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement Practice Committee developing: Recommendations for standards of practice regarding EH Resources for practice, for example: –Taking an EH history (PPFA) –Recycling in health care facilities –Providing anticipatory guidance for pregnant women –Doing a “healthy homes” audit

9 Nursing Subspecialty Champions American College of Nurse Midwives Oncology Nursing Society National Association of School Nurses National Association of Student Nurses Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Public Health Nurses Women’s Health, Obstetrical and Neonatal Nurses

10 Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement Research Committee developing: A national research agenda for nurses on environmental health Resources and support mechanisms for nurse researchers Enhanced communication

11 Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Bringing Science and Passion to the Environmental Health Movement Policy/Advocacy Committee developing: A mechanism to coalesce the broad nursing community to actively support policies on environmental health Policy statements, letters of support, testimony, etc.

12 Green Team Logos

13 Menu of Options: Steps to Healthier Food in Hospitals  Antibiotic-free meat/poultry  rBGH-free milk  Organic and other certified foods  Certified coffees  Locally-sourcing food  Fast-food free zone  Farmers’ markets  Hospital gardens  Compost and reduction of food waste reduction of food waste  Hospital food policy  Vending machine use

14 Current Hot Topics Chemical Policies Reimbursement Enhancing Community Health Center Capacity Integration of EH into Electronic Medical Records (prompting EH history questions/anticipatory guidance)

15 Cancer treatment centers built without materials linked to cancer Pediatric clinics free of chemicals that trigger asthma Hospitals with healthy food, fresh air, sunlight Imagine a hospital that is carbon neutral. IMAGINE

16 Welcome to A Virtual Community of Nurses –Co-creating –Sharing and networking and Communicating –Educating – curriculum / e-Text –Convening nursing researchers –Providing Resources –Presenting practice recommendations –Advocating to positive change –INTERACTIVE A “power-tool” for the nursing community and healthy environments. ANHE

17 WHY NURSES? 1 : 100

18 WHY NURSES? We recognize the wisdom of heeding early warnings

19 WHY NURSES? We are “fix it” people

20 WHY NURSES? We care passionately about our patients and our communities.

21 We are trusted conveyors of health information to our patients, community members, AND policy makers

22 And………. There are A LOT of us!

23 … and we know that human health and the environment are inextricably related

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