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Figurative Language By. Veronica Garcia. Alliteration Is the repetition of the same sounds of the beginning of the words. On scrolls of silver snowy sentence.

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Presentation on theme: "Figurative Language By. Veronica Garcia. Alliteration Is the repetition of the same sounds of the beginning of the words. On scrolls of silver snowy sentence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figurative Language By. Veronica Garcia

2 Alliteration Is the repetition of the same sounds of the beginning of the words. On scrolls of silver snowy sentence. The fickle finger of fate.

3 Analogy Is the likening of one thing and to other and the basis of some similar between the two. – I see no analogy between your problem and mine. – The analogy between your problem and mine.

4 Hyperbole A obvious and intentional exaggeration – To wait an eternity. – Im so hungry I can eat a cow.

5 Imagery Using your imagination and having mental images. – The sky was so blue like the ocean. – Imagine your self walking on a rainbow.

6 Irony To convey a meaning that is the opposite of literal meanings. – How nice! When I said I had to work all weekend.

7 Metaphor Applied to something to which it is not literally applicable. A mighty fortress is our God.

8 Onomatopoeia A sound made like “boom” or “chack”. I was walking and then “boom” I hit my self with the chair.

9 Paradox It is an statement or opinion contrary to commonly accepted. The paradox that standing is more tiring than walking.

10 Rhyme Words that sound the same. Is a rhyme for mind and woman kind.

11 Simile Two unlike things are explicitly compared. She is like a flower.

12 Foreshadowing To show or indicate beforehand.

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