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I NFECTION C ONTROL AND P REVENTIONS. C HAIN OF I NFECTION REVISITED For an infection to occur there are six factors that must be present. These six factors.

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Presentation on theme: "I NFECTION C ONTROL AND P REVENTIONS. C HAIN OF I NFECTION REVISITED For an infection to occur there are six factors that must be present. These six factors."— Presentation transcript:


2 C HAIN OF I NFECTION REVISITED For an infection to occur there are six factors that must be present. These six factors occur in a cyclical patterns that begin with the infectious agent. In this chain if there is any break an infection will not occur.

3 T HE SIX ELEMENTS OF CHAIN OF INFECTION ___________________ Reservoir ____________________ Mode of transmission ____________________ Susceptible Host

4 P REVENTION Proper ____________________ is essential to prevent the spread of disease producing microorganism. Using disinfectants Sterilizing Using ___________________________.

5 M EDICAL VERSES S URGICAL A SEPSIS ____________ ____________is considered, “clean technique”, maintaining a clean area or environment. ______________ __________is considered, “sterile technique”, in which there are no microorganisms present (an operating room).

6 S TANDARD P RECAUTIONS Standard Precautions or _________________ _________________are used for all patients. According to Centers for Disease Prevention (CDC), Standard Precautions represent the minimum infection prevention measures that apply to all patient care, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status of the patient, in any setting where healthcare is delivered. (CDC, November 9, 2011)

7 T RANSMISSION -B ASED P RECAUTIONS Transmission based precautions are used for patients that have known _______________ ________________. According to Centers for Disease Control, Transmission-Based Precautions are intended to supplement Standard Precautions in patients with known or suspected colonization or infection of highly transmissible or epidemiologically important pathogens. (CDC, November 9, 2011)

8 T RANSMISSION -B ASED P RECAUTIONS __________________________________ Droplet Precautions ___________________________________

9 A IRBORNE P RECAUTIONS _______________ ______________are used for those infections that are transmitted through the air after being expelled. The particles are so small that they attach to moisture in the air. Diseases consist of: Tuberculosis, Chickenpox and Measles. Prevention: standard, wear respiratory protection, patient may be in private room with specific ventilation.

10 D ROPLET P RECAUTIONS Droplet infections does not remain in the air like Airborne, but can be expelled for up to three feet such as coughing, sneezing and even talking. Diseases consist of Pertussis (whooping cough), and Influenza. Prevention: standard, mask when working three feet of patient, shared room with person with same pathogen, or private room.

11 C ONTACT P RECAUTIONS Contact infections can occur through either, “direct contact or indirect contact”. Direct contact would be through _________ ___ _______and indirect would consist of touching something such as a patients linen or an article that the infected person has touched. Touching a doorknob that an infected person has touched is also a way of being infected. Prevention: Standard Precautions, Use personal protective equipment (PPE). Patient can share with person with same pathogen or private room.


13 S UMMARY The chain of infection is a cyclical pattern describing how infections occur. Hand washing is the most important practice in the prevention of the spread of infections. Standard Precautions help lower the risk of transmitting pathogens. Noncompliance with Standard Precautions can result in the healthcare worker becoming infected, result in serious illness or death.

14 R EVIEW Define Standard Precautions List two examples of personal protective equipment. Differentiate between droplet precautions and airborne precautions.

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