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What we know about our visitors Kathryn Thomson Chief Operating Officer Northern Ireland Tourist Board.

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Presentation on theme: "What we know about our visitors Kathryn Thomson Chief Operating Officer Northern Ireland Tourist Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 What we know about our visitors Kathryn Thomson Chief Operating Officer Northern Ireland Tourist Board

2 What we know about our visitors Agenda 1.Welcome What NITB is about 2.What we know about our visitors Who visits How visitors rate us 2010 so far What the industry is saying 3.Next steps

3 What we know about our visitors The evidence What is NITB about National Tourist Board Unlock the potential Build the product Develop the experience Promote the destination

4 What we know about our visitors The evidence What is NITB about National Tourist Board Unlock the potential Build the product Develop the experience Promote the destination

5 What we know about our visitors Tourism at a glance

6 What we know about our visitors The evidence What we know about our visitors Who visits How visitors rate us 2010 so far What the industry is saying

7 What we know about our visitors The evidence What we know about our visitors Who visits How visitors rate us 2010 so far What the industry is saying

8 What we know about our visitors The evidence What we know about our visitors Who visits

9 What we know about our visitors Who visits 2009 target 3.35 million visitors 2009 outturn 3.29 million visitors

10 What we know about our visitors How Northern Ireland is doing 2009 target £617 million 2009 outturn £529 million

11 What we know about our visitors NIROI GB & Overseas

12 What we know about our visitors

13 In summary 49% of Northern Ireland’s total earnings from tourism came from domestic and ROI visitors The domestic market is our biggest source market Republic of Ireland is the fastest growing market All indicators point to: –Staycation –close to home –shorter stays –look and book online

14 What we know about our visitors The evidence What we know about our visitors How visitors rate us

15 What we know about our visitors We’re good genuine welcome unique character, sense of place, stories & must visit attractions unique things to do safe rest and relax meet locals

16 What we know about our visitors Together we’ll make it even better clear signs & welcome public transport evenings and Sundays families car hire

17 What we know about our visitors In summary We’re doing well Visitor Attitude Survey flagged some areas for improvement Tourism Strategy identified product development opportunities

18 What we know about our visitors The evidence What we know about our visitors 2010 so far

19 What we know about our visitors What are domestic tourists doing? NI to NI (January - June 2010) Total trips609,000+22% Total nights1,020,000+2% Total spend£89m+2% Holiday trips570,000+50% Holiday nights927,000+12% Holiday spend£84m+8%

20 What we know about our visitors What are visitors doing? GB & overseas trips to NI (Jan-June 2010) Total trips ↓ 8% –GB ↓ 7% –Europe ↓11% –North America ↓21% Purpose of visit –VFR ↓11% –Business ↓ 11.5% –Holiday/leisure/recreation ↓ 2%

21 What we know about our visitors How competitors are faring from GB & overseas January - June 2010 NIROIUK Total trips  8%  20.5%  4% GB  7%  22%Not applicable Europe  11%  24%  3% North America  21%  10%  9%

22 What we know about our visitors In summary Domestic tourism continues to perform well Indications for ROI show growth (albeit slower than 2009) GB declines significantly Short term reprise not set to continue

23 What we know about our visitors The evidence What we know about our visitors What the industry is saying

24 What we know about our visitors Hotel Performance (January-June 2010) 15,400 fewer hotel rooms sold (- 2%) Room occupancy rate –↓ 4 % points (to 52%) Bed-space occupancy –↓2 % points (to 37%)

25 What we know about our visitors Guesthouse and B&B performance (January-June 2010) 1,600 fewer rooms sold (- 1%) Room occupancy rate –↓ 3 % points (to 22%) Bed-space occupancy –↓3% points (to 17%)

26 What we know about our visitors Competitor benchmarking – room occupancy January - June 2010 HotelGH and B&Bs NI52%22% ROI54%23% (B&B only) England57%n/a Scotland59%39%

27 What we know about our visitors Tourism Barometer (September 2010 wave) Bednights ↓ GH/B&Bs ↑ & ↓ Hotels/Self-Catering ↑ Camping & Caravanning Business Tourism↑ & ↓ (static) Activity providers ↑ & ↓ Attractions ↓ & ↑

28 What we know about our visitors 2010 at a glance Domestic ROI GB & Overseas Passenger Carryings Accommodation Occupancy Activity sector

29 What we know about our visitors Over to you Next steps Know more The goal

30 What we know about our visitors Over to you Next steps Know more The goal

31 What we know about our visitors – to know more about… External factors impacting you Northern Ireland tourism performance What visitors want How visitors rate us Opportunities to grow

32 What we know about our visitors – to know more about… Industry Development Programme…

33 What we know about our visitors Over to you The goal £1 billion Out of state visitors contribution £750 million 4.5 million visitors 10,000 additional jobs

34 What we know about our visitors Over to you The goal £1 billion Out of state visitors contribution £750 million 4.5 million visitors 10,000 additional jobs

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