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Unit 3 Section A Period 2 (3a-3c). How far is it from home to the park? How long does it take? It takes him 35 minutes by bike. It’s about 4 kilometers.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Section A Period 2 (3a-3c). How far is it from home to the park? How long does it take? It takes him 35 minutes by bike. It’s about 4 kilometers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Section A Period 2 (3a-3c)

2 How far is it from home to the park? How long does it take? It takes him 35 minutes by bike. It’s about 4 kilometers.

3 3a Match the questions with the answers. Then practice them. 1. How does Mike get to school? 2. How long does it take to get home? 3. How far is it from here? 4. Do your friends go to school by bus? 5. Does your dad drive to work? a. Yes, they do. b. No, he doesn’t. c. He rides his bike. d. It’s five kilometers. e. About 15 minutes.

4 3b3b Use these words to make questions. Then ask and answer them with your partner. 1. school/you/get to/do/how ___________________________________? ___________________________________ 2. to/school/get to/does/how long/take/it ___________________________________? ___________________________________ How do you get to school How long does it take to get to school I ride my bike. It takes about five minutes.

5 3. school/your/from/it/is/how far/home/to ___________________________________? ___________________________________ 4. you/to/walk/do/school ___________________________________? ___________________________________ How far is it from your home to school It’s about two kilometers. Do you walk to school No, I don’t. I always ride my bike.

6 5. ride/their bikes/do/school/your friends/to ___________________________________? ___________________________________ Do your friends ride their bikes to school Yes, they do.

7 Ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart. The first student to fill in all the blanks wins! 3c3c Find someone who…Name lives about five kilometers from school. walks to school. takes a bus to school. goes to school by bike. needs about an hour to get to school. needs about 10 minutes to get to school.

8 how far 意为 “ 多远 ” ,用来询问距离或路程 的。例如: How far is it from the hotel to the airport? 宾馆距离机场有多远? how long: 意为 “ 多长 ” 用以询问时间或长度。 例如: How long are you staying in Hong Kong? 你打算在香港呆多久?

9 --- Can you tell me ____ it is from home to school? --- Sure. It’s about three kilometers. A. how much B. how long C. how far D. how soon 答案: C 解析:由答语 “ 大约两公里 ” 可知应问 “ 从 家到学校有多远 ?” 。 how much 多少, 多少钱; how long 多长,多长 ( 时间 ) ; how far 多远; how soon 多久。

10 —______ is it from your home to the school? — About ten minutes’ walk. A. How farB. How long C. How often D. How soon

11 根据句意和首字母提示写单词, 完成下列 句子。 1. —When did he get here? —About twenty m______ ago. 2. It t_______ her an hour to make dinner for her family every day. 3. Her home is about thirty k_________ away from the airport. inutes akes ilometers

12 Match the words with the pictures. 1a 1. bus stop 2. train station 3. bus station 4. subway station a b c d b a c d

13 stop 在这里用作名词,意为 “ 车站;站点 ” 。 bus stop 与 bus station 都是指 “ 汽车站 ” 。 bus stop 指市区或城镇内外的停车点,而 bus station 指能发车、停车、转车的汽车 站点。

14 A: How do you get to school? B: First, I walk to the bus stop. Then I take the bus to the school. … bus stop walk

15 A: How do you get to school? B: First, I walk to the bus stop. Then I take the bus to the subway station. Next, I take the subway to school. bus stop subway station

16 1c Listen and check (√) the things that Mary wants to know. Mary wants to know… ____ where Bob lives. ____ how far he lives from his grandparents’ home. ____ how he gets to his grandparents’ home. ____ how long it takes to get to his grandparents’ home. ____ what he thinks of the trip. √ √ √

17 1d Listen again. How does Bob get to his grandparents’ home? Check (√)1 or 2. √ 1. 2.

18 2a Look at the picture and title below. Guess what the passage is about. It’s about how the children cross a river to get to school.

19 2b Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. How do the students in the village go to school? 2. Why do they go to school like this? 3. Does the boy like his school? Why? 4. What is the villagers’ dream? Do you think their dream can come true? Why or why not?

20 1. How do the students in the village go to school? 2. Why do they go to school like this? They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. There is no bridge, and the river runs too quickly for boats.

21 3. Does the boy like his school? Why? 4. What is the villagers’ dream? Do you think their dream can come true? Why or why not? Yes, he does. He loves to play with his classmates. He loves his teacher. Their dream is to have a bridge. I think their dream can come true. Maybe the government can build a bridge for them.

22 2c Read the passage again. Complete the sentences with words from the passage. 1. For the students in the village, it is ________ to get to school. 2. They have to cross a very _________ river between their school and the village. difficult big

23 3. They cannot go by boat because the river runs too _________. 4. It is not to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is not ________. 5. The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can their dream come ______? quickly afraid true

24 How do they get to school?

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