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CEC Conference 2013 Down to the Details. ontent/NavigationMenu/Pr ofessionalDevelopment/Co nventionExpo/default.htm.

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1 CEC Conference 2013 Down to the Details

2 ontent/NavigationMenu/Pr ofessionalDevelopment/Co nventionExpo/default.htm

3 Join CEC Before you consider going to the conference there is something bigger to consider! Joining CEC! It seems like a simple silly thing, but here is some information and pricing on it! Student fees are $71, but with the code you can only pay $61. Our code is: #73! (For Miami University) CEC is the leading voice for special and gifted education. Through the vision and dedication of over 30,000 members, CEC sets the standard for high quality education for children and youth with exceptionalities. The Council ensures the needs of children and youth with exceptionalities are met in educational legislation, establishes professional standards for the field, and develops initiatives to improve special education practice. And, CEC is known as THE source for information, resources, and professional development for special educators.

4 Information O O ?ID=1415&sortMenu=101000

5 Registration Fee CEC Members: Before January 8 th __________________$179 “Early Bird” If we raise enough money this will be waived. From Jan 9- March 11_______________$209 “Advance” There is a group fee of 5 or more people and per person this is only $188 Non-Member: Before January 8 th __________________$478 From Jan 9- March 11_______________$558

6 Register as a volunteer Volunteers receive 40% off advance registration fees for eight hours of work and are then free to enjoy the educational programming and Expo Hall. Find out how you can volunteer. Texas residents will be given 1 st priority to fill volunteer needs. ntionExpo/Volunteer/default.htm

7 Flights THIS IS ON YOUR OWN!! Each person, or if you want to go with people, makes their own flight arrangements. Leave when you want to make it there, and come back when you want. RIGHT now: Airtran: $433 Expedia: Frontier: $ 458 (1 stop- Round Trip) United: $454 (1 stop- Round Trip) Kayak: United: $592 Delta: $598 If after you find a flight, going to that site directly- Use: Expedia, Kayak, Orbitz… etc. (Such as “United” can save you an extra fee that these sites apply)

8 Food The conference holds an activity and dinner Thursday night, usually costs $50. We usually all eat together the first night we are all there! At Hotel: Breakfast average $15 Dinner average $15 plus If you get a BIG breakfast, you can snack on something for lunch to save costs. Subway, pizza places.. Etc. Are usually nearby but not a guarantee! OVERALL: Average $30 per day for food. About $15 per meal ALSO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT TO INCLUDE EXTRA ITEMS SUCH AS SUVENIORS ARE UP TO YOUR OWN CHOICE.

9 Session Scheduler Go to CEC- click on 2013 San Antonio, Texas Convention -CLICK SESSION SCEDULER -Click Sign In to Scheduler -Create New User Topics List -Make your schedule!! -Or see what there is!!!! When you click on a topic it gives you all of the time of things and from there if you click on a specific session it gives you a detailed description! http://www.cec.sped.or g/Content/NavigationM enu/ProfessionalDevel opment/ConventionExp o/SessionScheduler/de fault.htm

10 Average in total: $950 Registration fee_ $179 Hotel (4ppl) __ $178 Flight (R-trip)__ $433 Food (Average) __ $160 ---------------------------------------- $950 Includes: Registration Flight Hotel Food






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