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GP & CENTRAL Regional Skills Forum- MAY 2016. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Welcome and Acknowledgements.

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Presentation on theme: "GP & CENTRAL Regional Skills Forum- MAY 2016. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Welcome and Acknowledgements."— Presentation transcript:

1 GP & CENTRAL Regional Skills Forum- MAY 2016

2 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Welcome and Acknowledgements Employers and Industry Reps Trade/Labour Unions DHET representatives HeT/Tvet institutions Private Providers Governing board members Critical interest groups NGO’s,CBO’s Chambers Chieta managers& staff

3 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Agenda ITEM PERSON RESPONSIBLETIME 1.Tea and Registration Administrators 9:00 – 9:30 2. Welcome, Safety Moment Tshidi Magonare Regional Manager 9:30 – 9:40 3.Purpose Of The Forum Tshidi Magonare Regional Manager 9:40 – 9:45 4.National and Sectorial UpdateMs Ayesha Itzkin ACEO/LPDI Executive 9:45 – 10:15 5.Research and Skills Planning Unit 5.1 RSPU Update 5.2 Recruitment from SSD Demonstration Kedibone Moroane Executive Manager: Research and Skills Planning 10:15 – 10:45 TEA ALL 10:45 – 11:20 )

4 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Agenda ITEM PERSON RESPONSIBLETIME 6. Regional Update: 6.1 DG Timeframes 6.2 Risks associated with Discretionary Grant contract management. 6.3 Other regional projects and updates. Tshidi Magonare Regional Manager Gauteng RSA Thulani Shabalala 11:20 – 12:00 7. Discretionary Grant 16/17 7.1 New Funding Policy 7.2 DG system Walkthrough – Application Process Raakshani Sing Executive Manager: Grants and Strategic Projects 12:00 – 12:45 8. Strategic Projects Update 8.1 CHIETA Strategic Project Funding Window 8.2 Voucher Project Princess Moumakoe Strategic Projects Manager: 12:45 – 13:00 LUNCH AND NETWORKING ALL 13:00 - 14:00 )

5 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Agenda ITEM PERSON RESPONSIBLETIME 9. Welcome and purpose of second session LPDI Manager Stuurman Aphane 14h00 - 14h10 10. Issuing of certificates timeously 10.1 QALA Process – request for QALA dates, 10.2 Competency status forms – key issues 10.3 Packs for issuing of red seal certificates –NAMB/QCTO Relationship Specialist - Certification Gareth Benjamin 14h10 – 14h45 11. Workplace Approval 11.1 Interim workplace approval process 11.2 Registration of Mentors-impact on approval and learner registration 11.3 RPL Processes and Induction Processes Apprenticeship Training Specialist Fortune Ngwenya & LPDI Manager Stuurman Aphane 14h45 – 15h30 12. Key aspects on Learning programmes submissions for purposes of learner enrolments DMU Supervisor Thapelo Modisaemang 15h30-16h00 EVALUATION AND CLOSURE ALL )

6 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability DG Disbursement Timeframes: Year 2014-2015 Cycles 1 &2 DG YearWhich Tranche Due Date 2014/2015 Cycle 1 Tranche 3 All Tranches  MoAs with exceptions expire on 30th June 2016,  17 June 2016 all tranche evidence must be received  By 30 June 2016 all funds must be paid, otherwise will be swept 2014/2015 Cycle 2 Tranche 2  MoAs expire on 30th June 2016  11 March 2016 evidence was due  17 June 2016 evidence must be received Tranche 3  17 June 2016 evidence must be received  By 30 June 2016 all funds must be paid, otherwise will be swept  No exceptions – contracts were 18 months long

7 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability DG Disbursement Timeframes: Year 2015-2016 Cycles 1 & 2 DG YearWhat TrancheDue Date 2015/2016 Cycle 1 Tranche 1b  MoAs expire on 30th March 2017  Evidence was due on 11 March 2016  Projects are Swept if deadline was missed, Recoveries will be done for Tranche 1a Tranche 216 September 2016 evidence must be received Tranche 317 March 2017 evidence must be received 2015/2016 Cycle 1 Appeals And 2015/2016 Cycle 2 Tranche 1a  MoAs expire on 30th September 2017  30 March 2016 signed MOA was due  MOAs not submitted by the deadline, allocation is withdrawn Tranche 1b  16 September 2016 evidence must be received Tranche 2  17 March 2017 evidence must be received Tranche 315 September 2017 evidence must be received

8 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Regional Projects/Updates  Thanks to stakeholders that always submit requirements in time, including WSPs and DGs evidence  Career exhibitions  DG window to open in June 2016: Prepare and call for regional support where needed  Project interns- for overseeing CHIETA funded projects – could part of DG Applications  On-going request to stakeholders to open doors to possible partnerships or skills development opportunities:  with TVET colleges for sector needed strategic projects  learner placement

9 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Challenges associated with DG Contracts management  Project Planning and Support from the Region Crucial from DG Applications stage through to closing of projects  Recruitment of learners and Induction not to be delayed- be done soon after submitting MoAs Learners be given full induction – must know rules and requirements  Workplace approval status Apprenticeships Programmes : Prior Approval by CHIETA or Other SETAs Learnerships: Signed Agreements with identified workplaces  Learner Contracts be completed in full and accurately  with supporting documents – copied be legible and certified  Accurate names of programmes and codes  Accurate start and end dates  Change requests  Not ideal – they disrupt plans, targets set and signal delays  within 3 months of MoA submission  Before Tranche 1b is processed

10 CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Thank you Tshidi Magonare 011-628 7000

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