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Vocab Unit 10 Comp Skills. What do you think Rigorous means?

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Unit 10 Comp Skills. What do you think Rigorous means?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Unit 10 Comp Skills

2 What do you think Rigorous means?

3 O (adj.) Rigidly precise or exact; Severe, harsh or strict Rigorous

4 What do you think Refurbish means?

5 O (v.) To make clean, bright, or fresh again; To renovate Refurbish

6 What do you think Delude means?

7 O (v.) To mislead the mind or judgment of; To deceive Delude

8 What do you think Consequence means?

9 O (n.) The result or effect of some action Consequence

10 What do you think Posterity means?

11 Posterity O (n.) Future generations; A person's descendants

12 What do you think Initiative means?

13 O (n.) A beginning or introductory step; An opening move Initiative

14 What do you think Dole means?

15 Dole O (n.) A portion of money or food given in charity; O (v.) To give out in small portions

16 What do you think Engulf means?

17 Engulf O (v.) To swallow up or overwhelm by or as if by overflowing and enclosing

18 Formulate

19 O (v.) To develop an idea or plan

20 What do you think Memento means?

21 Memento O (n.) Something that serves to warn or remind; A token or reminder

22 End of Definitions


24 What could a synonym be for Rigorous?

25 Rigorous O tough; trying; challenging; stringent

26 What could a synonym be for Refurbish?

27 Refurbish O remodel; renew; spruce up

28 What could a synonym be for Delude?

29 Delude O trick; hoodwink; fool; deceive

30 What could a synonym be for Consequence?

31 Consequence O outcome; result; effect

32 What could a synonym be for Posterity?

33 Posterity O kin; children; future generations

34 What could a synonym be for Initiative?

35 Initiative O leadership; enterprise

36 What could a synonym be for Dole?

37 Dole O ration; allot; distribute

38 What could a synonym be for Engulf?

39 Engulf O envelop; encompass; immerse

40 What could a synonym be for Formulate?

41 Formulate O define; articulate; frame; specify

42 What could a synonym be for Memento?

43 Memento O remembrance; keepsake; souvenir; token

44 End of Synonym

45 Antonyms

46 O What is the definitions of Memento? a. (n.) A beginning or introductory step; An opening move b. (adj.) Rigidly precise or exact; Severe, harsh or strict c. (n.) The result or effect of some action d. (n.) Something that serves to warn or remind; A token or reminder

47 O What is the definitions of Delude? a. (v.) To mislead the mind or judgment of; To deceive b. (v.) To swallow up or overwhelm by or as if by overflowing and enclosing c. (v.) To develop an idea or plan d. (n.) The result or effect of some action

48 O What is the definitions of Posterity? a. (n.) Something that serves to warn or remind; A token or reminder b. (n.) Future generations; A person's descendants c. (n.) The result or effect of some action d. (n.) A beginning or introductory step; An opening move

49 O What is the definitions of Engulf? a. (v.) To develop an idea or plan b. (adj.) Rigidly precise or exact; Severe, harsh or strict c. (v.) To swallow up or overwhelm by or as if by overflowing and enclosing d. 1. n.) A portion of money or food given in charity; 2.(v.) To give out in small portions

50 What could a Antonym be for Rigorous?

51 Rigorous O lenient; lax; undemanding; easygoing

52 What could a antonym be for Refurbish?

53 Refurbish O worsen; deface; impair; damage

54 What could a antonym be for Delude?

55 Delude O clear up; correct; debunk; reveal

56 What could a antonym be for Consequence?

57 Consequence O cause; source; origin

58 What could a antonym be for Posterity?

59 Posterity O parents; ancestors; forefathers

60 What could a antonym be for Initiative?

61 Initiative O inactivity; laziness; shiftlessness

62 What could a antonym be for Dole?

63 Dole O take; nab; snatch; withdraw

64 What could a antonym be for Engulf?

65 Engulf O release; free; avoid; not surround

66 What could a antonym be for Formulate?

67 Formulate O destroy; stifle; suppress; not define

68 What could a antonym be for Memento?

69 Memento O Trinket, bauble, novelty O (something of little value or worth)

70 What is an example of an antonym for Refurbish? a. release b. damage c. old d. renew

71 What is an example of an antonym for Formulate? a. destroy b. release c. inactivity d. articulate

72 What is an example of an antonym for Dole? a. laziness b. snatch c. Parents d. ration

73 What is an example of an antonym for Initiative? a. destroy b. release c. leadership d. laziness

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