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Free softwares for analog electronic circuit simulations Jiang Tao s199974.

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Presentation on theme: "Free softwares for analog electronic circuit simulations Jiang Tao s199974."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free softwares for analog electronic circuit simulations Jiang Tao s199974

2 Introduction Additional info (title, place,...) 2  Electronic circuit simulators use the mathematical models to replicate the behavior of an actual electronic device or circuit.  Simulation of the circuit before actually building it can greatly improve the design efficiency. Therefore almost all IC design relies heavily on simulation.  Popular simulators often include both analog and event-driven digital simulation capabilities, and are known as mixed-mode simulators. However, this presentation will focus on analog circuit simulation softwares.  Simulation softwares are necessary analysis tools for circuit design

3 Commercial Electronic circuit simulators Additional info (title, place,...) 3  Most commonly used 1. Advanced Design System : the world’s leading electronic design automation software for RF, microwave, and hign speed digital applications. In a powerful and easy-to-use interface, ADS pioneers the most commercially successful technologies. Advanced Design System

4 Commercial Electronic circuit simulators Additional info (title, place,...) 4 2. AWR Microwave Office : the most comprehensive software solution for designers of all types of RF and microwave circuit, from integrated microwave assemblies to monolithic microwave integrated circuits. It represents the future of high-frequency design. AWR Microwave Office

5 Commercial Electronic circuit simulators Additional info (title, place,...) 5  Disadvantages  Not easy to use for new customs.  The layout in AWR is not that user friendly  NOT FREE, LICENSED SOFTWARE.

6 Alternative free softwares for simulation Additional info (title, place,...) 6  There are many other softwares that are free: – SPICE and variants – Electric VLSI Design System – gpsim – Oregano

7 SPICE Additional info (title, place,...) 7  SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is a general-purpose, open source analog electronic circuit simulator which is used in integrated circuit.  The original versions of SPICE are available from Berkeley under a BSD license that allows for modification and sale, so many companies have used as the base of a simulator.  There are many commercial versions of SPICE : ISPICE, HSPICE, PSPICE  There are some academic spinoffs of SPICE : XSPICE, Cider.

8 SPICE Additional info (title, place,...) 8  SPICE is popular because it contained lots of analyses and models and is robust and fast.  SPICE includes these analyses : AC analysis. DC analysis. DC transfer curve analysis. Noise analysis. Transfer function analysis. Transient analysis.

9 SPICE Additional info (title, place,...) 9  Some SPICE simulation softwares Altium DesignerCadence OrCAD SolutionsProteus Software LTSpice Software Spice Opus FRE E

10 SPICE Additional info (title, place,...) 10  Here is the list of EDA vendors offering SPICE.

11 Electric VLSI Design System Additional info (title, place,...) 11 The Electric VLSI Design System is an EDA tool written in the early 1980s by Steven M. Rubin. Electric is used to draw schematics and to do integrated circuit layout. It can also handle hardware description languages such as VHDL and Verilog. Electric has a powerful way of doing integrated circuit layout by considering integrated circuits to be composed of nodes and arcs. This design style makes it possible to run Layout Versus Schematic on layouts which are not yet Design Rule Check clean.

12 Electric VLSI Design System Additional info (title, place,...) 12  Forms of circuit design:  Custom IC layout (ASICs).  Schematic drawing.  Hardware description language specifications. Types of design can be displayed:  MOS  Bipolar and BiCMOS  Schematics and printed circuits  Digital filters, Temporal logic  Artwork

13 gpsim Additional info (title, place,...) 13  gpsim is a full-featured software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers distributed under the GNU General Public License.  gpsim has been designed to be as accurate as possible including the entire PIC - from the core to the I/O pins and including ALL of the internal peripherals.  gpsim has been designed to be as fast as possible. Real time simulation speeds of 20 Mhz pics are possible.  gpsim has been designed to be as useful as possible. The standard simulation paradigm including breakpoints, single stepping, disassembling, memory inspect and change.

14 gpsim Additional info (title, place,...) 14  Breadboard – Here you can create/modify and examine the environment around the pic. Pins are displayed as an arrow

15 gpsim Additional info (title, place,...) 15  Register review  There are two similar register windows. One for the RAM and one for the EEPROM data, when available.  Here you see all registers in the current processor. You can change values by entering it in the entry.  Registers that change value between updates of the window during simulation are highlighted with a blue foreground color.

16 Oregano Additional info (title, place,...) 16  Oregano is an application for schematic capture and simulation of electronic circuits. The actual simulation is performed by Spice, or Gnucap or the new generation ngspice. It makes use of GNOME technology and is meant to run on open source Unix environments like Linux.

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