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3 INSPEKSI DAN PENGUJIAN BENDA TUANG metal Inspection process and assaying or substance decants is processing inspection result of metal pouring in order to be known nature and its(the characteristic covering: mechanical property, physical property, form of sewer structures, and composition of elements which there is in it

4 THERE IS 3 INSPECTION PROCESS METHOD AND ASSAYING of SUBSTANCE DECANTS 1. Destructif Test ( DT), that is assaying process of substance decants which able to generate damage at metal tested a. Assaying draws b. Hardness assaying c. Compress assaying d. Torsion assaying e. Assaying of impack etc

5 THERE IS 3 INSPECTION PROCESS METHOD AND ASSAYING of SUBSTANCE DECANTS 2. Non Destructif Test ( NDT), that is assaying process of substance decants which is not generates damage at metal tested ( defect in and external defect) 3. Metallography, that is inspection process of substance decants about its(the chemical composition, elements which there is in it, and form of its(the sewer structures

6 DETERMINANT QUALITY OF WORK SUBSTANCE  a construction of work substance will have good quality, if certain up to standard from some properties In general, determinant propertys quality of work substance is : 1. Mechanical property 2. Physical Property 3. Geometrical 4. Chemical property.

7 1. Mechanical Property  Mechanical property is strength determinant when the work substance works  Assaying of this mechanical property covers assaying : hardness, assaying draws, compress assaying, torsion assaying, fatigue assaying

8 2. Physical Property Physical property hardly having an effect on to endurance and strength of the component when doing its(the function. Following physical defect type requiring assaying following its(the assaying method: 1. Defect outside inspection macro visually, while defect outside assaying method micro that is most acurate applies die penetrant and spectromagnetic

9 2. Defect in, assaying method that is most acurate applies radiography and ultra- sonic. In execution of this assaying is including Non Destructif Test ( NDT), that is assaying process of substance decants which is not generates damage at metal tested Teknologi dan Rekayasa

10 3. GEOMETRY PROPERTY  Geometry property is part of clauses of quality of work substance which must be fulfilled  Value quality of geometrical of work substance obtained from result of force analysis given and material mechanical property relating to function of the machine component

11 3. GEOMETRY PROPERTY  Nature of is important, particularly for work substance component which couple  Remembers that way the importance of this geometrical grade, hence gauging ( metrologi) industry made as part of basis of Quality Control ( QC) Teknologi dan Rekayasa

12 4. Chemical Property  Basically, in every metallic material is ascertained to contains chemical element. chemical element of Metal that one with other easy to having compound and oxidizes either material or type metal fero and also non fero

13 4. Chemical Property Resistant chemical property to this corrosion and oxidation its(the inspection process is done with method metallography, This inspection done macroly micro or and its(the microstructure sub by using micro photograph, microscope, spektometri, SEM or EDAX. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

14 HARDNESS TESTER  Hardness Assaying is one of so much assaying used, because enforceable at small specimen without difficulty about specifications.  Hardness ( Hardness) be one of mechanical property ( Mechanical properties) from a material. Hardness a material must be known especially for material which in its(the penggunaa mangalami pergesekan would ( frictional force) Teknologi dan Rekayasa

15 World engineering, generally hardness assaying applies 4 kinds of hardness assaying method, namely : 1. Brinnel ( HB / BHN) 2. Rockwell ( HR / RHN) 3. Vikers ( HV / VHN) 4. Micro Hardness ( But very rare dipakai-red) HARDNESS TESTER

16  Assaying of Rockwell suited for all soft and hard materials, its use simple and its(the emphasis can be done spatially  Table below(under showing how choosing scale rockwell ROCKWELL HARDNESS TESTER

17 Teknologi dan Rekayasa SkalaPenekan Beban Skala Kekerasan Warna Angka AwalUtamaJumlah ABCDEFGHKLMPRSVABCDEFGHKLMPRSV Kerucut Intan 120° Bola Baja 1,588 mm (1/6”) Kerucut Intan 120° Bola Baja 3,175 mm (1/8”) Bola Baja 1,588 mm (1/6”) Bola Baja 3,175 mm (1/8”) Bola Baja 6,35 mm (1/4”) Bola Baja 12,7 mm (1/2”) 10 50 90 140 90 50 140 50 140 50 90 140 50 90 140 60 100 150 100 60 150 60 150 60 100 150 60 100 150 100 130 100 130 Hitam Merah Hitam Merah Tabel Skala Rockwell

18 Parts Of the Hardness Tester And function Dial gauge = to read hardiness at systems Rockwell Place of payload = to install emphasis payload. Pressure helper = for emphasis and compress disburdening. Anvil = for place of basis substance tested. Pressure screw = to position big of initial emphasis. Payload = for pressure force. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

19 DIARGAM ALIR UJI KEKERASAN LOGAM Menyiapkan Specimen: -Baja -Besi Cor -Tembaga -Alumunium Menggrinda Mengampelas Pengujian kekerasan (Masing-masing dari tiga metode) Pengambilan Data  Memotong Specimen: -Ukuran : 5 s/d 8 mm -Harus rata

20 HARDNESS TESTER PROCESS Installs indentor pressure. Installs level payload adapted for rule. Smooths down equiamplitude surface of specimen which will be tested. Puts down specimen at anvil finite Memutarpiringan of specimen touchs indentor and rotary indicator needle 2,5 revolutions. Reduces handle payload and be awaited so desists Teknologi dan Rekayasa

21 HARDNESS TESTER PROCESS After desisting be awaited [by] 15 seconds then handle is boosted up. For inspection of rockwel hardiness earns direct read at indicator scale. While for Brinell is continued process hereinafter. Specimen is released with turning around disc kekiri. Measures diameter ex- stepping with measure microscope. Calculates hardiness Brinell with formula. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

22 Hardness assaying of Brinell is assaying of standard in industry, but because its(the pressure made from king sized steel ball and big payload, hence imponderable very hard or soft material of its(the hardness. Brinell Test

23  Hardness assaying of way of Brinell is done by the way of emphasizing steel ball at equiamplitude surface of material tested.  Level of payload applied depended from material and steel ball diameter Brinell Test

24 The Relation Of Emphasis Payload, Material and Diameter Indentor Teknologi dan Rekayasa

25 Harga kekerasan Brinell dapat dihitung dengan rumus berikut : Teknologi dan Rekayasa

26 Drawing beside showing comparison scale from emphasis at assaying of the same material with various hardness assayings.

27 Election of each scale ( assaying method) depend : a.Equiamplitude surface material b.Type and dimension material c. Data type which diinginkan d. Ketersedian of test device

28 DRAWING KINDS OF ASSAYING MEDIAS BRINELLROCKWELLVICKERS Untuk pengujian Vickers, belum dilakukan / dipraktikumkan.

29 DRAWS TEST  Assaying draws is including Destructif Test ( DT), Purpose of principal processed assaying to draw to know strength draws test piece. That is material which will be applied as component of construction to ready to receive encumbering in the form of attraction.  Test draws done by way of giving payload to draw at both tip of test bar inch by inch until the test bar is break. With assaying draws will be known strength to draw, strength luluh, modulus of elasticity and ductility from material. From result of assaying drawn hence we to get graph the relation of strain and strain.

30 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

31 Test Specimen Draws For iron decants specimen scale doesn't follow proportional test bar, so that there is no comparison rule between gauge lengths and cross- area like at resilient metallic material

32 TABLES. Form and Circular Test Piece Scale

33 Mesin Uji Tarik

34 Assaying Process of Test Draws 1.Measures specimen dimension. 2.Nips or place of specimen at jaw nips 3.Positions needle at indicator on course null. 4.Arranges dating speed. 5.Animates engine 6.Observes elongation and dating payload and notes accurately finite break test bar.

35 TEST PROCESS 7.Stops engine after break break test bar. 8.Measures penampang break 9.Does calculation strain, strain, elongation, kontraks 10.Makes strain strain graph. 11.Determines kekutan to draw, strength luluh, and modulus of elasticity.

36 Strain diagram and strain at test sample

37 DATA OBTAINED AND WAY OF PROCESSING Data relation between Attractive Force and elongation. From the data will be gotten graph the relation of increase of attractive force and increase of specimen length. From the data then is turned into strain data and strain The data then is drawn to become strain strain graph. From this graph we can see material characteristic tested

38 ANALYSIS & CONCLUSION of TEST RESULT DRAWS.  To analyse test result drawn hence we must check strain strain graph required  From the graph we can obtain information about strength to draw maximum, strength of luluh break ridge, elastic district, district plastis, and material modulus of elasticity  From the data we are analysis nature of from material tested

39 CREATED BY : HERU KARYANA, SPd SMKN 2 KLATEN Teknologi dan Rekayasa


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