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Autumn 2 Assessments 1.Foundation Listening June 2009 2.Foundation Reading June 2009 3.Writing My Ideal Partner Write all corrections for writing in exercise.

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Presentation on theme: "Autumn 2 Assessments 1.Foundation Listening June 2009 2.Foundation Reading June 2009 3.Writing My Ideal Partner Write all corrections for writing in exercise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autumn 2 Assessments 1.Foundation Listening June 2009 2.Foundation Reading June 2009 3.Writing My Ideal Partner Write all corrections for writing in exercise book in green pen. Read target and respond to it immediately Write your comment about how you feel Write what you are going to do to improve your work.

2 POP Folder - Fill in the following details: Topic: My Family and Friends AT1 - Listening AT2 - Speaking AT3 - Reading AT4 – Writing Teacher comment: re-write my comments Self Reflection: write your feelings and set yourself a target for improvement Pupil voice: tell me which activities you learn most from.

3 Mardi sept janvier 2014 Le passé composé Les objectifs:to know: The grammatical terms auxilliary verb and past participle and how to form the perfect tense (le passé composé) in French (GCSE grade C +)

4 Pour commencer On A3 sheet of paper, write down as many past tense sentences as you can from the following words:

5 Le passé composé Jealléfaitil Suisrestéregardé Elleaécouté Jaisuisje Nousaavonslu

6 You got the power……!! Power Teaching

7 La classe? Oui? Enseignez! OK!

8 - In English, we call this the PERFECT tense. - The perfect tense is used to describe an event in the past. - It is made up of TWO parts: the auxiliary verb and the past participle



11 1+2 Auxillary verb+past participle Avoir+jouéor Être+allé Jai+mangé Elle a+regardé Je suis+allé(e)

12 A = AVOIR J Tu Il Elle Nous Vous Ils Elles ai as a a avons avez ont

13 Brainwashing You will never forget the forms of avoir after hearing this unforgettable French Song!


15 ?

16 You got the power…..!! Power Teaching

17 La classe? Oui? Enseignez! OK!

18 3 types of infinitive:






24 Mini White Boards Correct the mistakes. Jai parlu Jai boiré Jai lit Jai détester Jai joue Jaimé Elle ai choisi Correct the mistakes. Jai parlé Jai bu Jai lu Jai détesté Jai joué Jai aimé Elle a choisi

25 RAG Red:need to go over it all again. Amber:understand some parts but need to go over it again. Green:understand it and could try to teach it to someone else.

26 Feuille dexercices Can your group complete the crossword using the 26 verbs that take the auxiliary verb avoir? Their infinitives all end in –er. Therefore the past participles end in –é Choose 5 of the verbs and make up an interesting French sentence. Eg: jai copié Amy Danté a oublié son chapeau (his hat!)

27 Kagan Quiz Quiz Trade activity.

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