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U.S. ITER Project Office TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting System Engineering to Design a Cooling Water System for a Fusion Reactor Seokho H. Kim Jan.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. ITER Project Office TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting System Engineering to Design a Cooling Water System for a Fusion Reactor Seokho H. Kim Jan."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. ITER Project Office TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting System Engineering to Design a Cooling Water System for a Fusion Reactor Seokho H. Kim Jan Berry Juan Ferrada Kirby Wilcher Karen McElhaney US-ITER, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Presented at 2008 AIChE Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA Presented by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6283 managed by UT-BATTELLE, LLC for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725

2 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Overview ITER is an international effort to construct and operate a burning plasma device that can generate up to 500 MW of fusion power. – Based on the Tokamak design concept – Burns deuterium-tritium mixture ITER configuration ITER TCWS has 7 cooling loops – First Wall/Blanket (FW/BLK) => 3 loops – Divertor/Limiter (DIV/LIM) => 1 loop – Vacuum Vessel (VV) => 2 loops – Neutral Beam Injectors (NBI) => 1 loop Systems engineering for TCWS design Conceptual design => Preliminary design => Final design

3 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting ITER Core Toroidal Field Coil Nb 3 Sn, 18, wedged Central Solenoid Nb 3 Sn, 6 modules Poloidal Field Coil Nb-Ti, 6 Vacuum Vessel 9 sectors Port Plug heating/current drive, test blankets limiters/RH diagnostics Cryostat 24 m high x 28 m dia. Blanket 440 modules Torus Cryopumps, 8 Major plasma radius 6.2 m Plasma Volume: 840 m 3 Plasma Current: 15 MA Typical Density: 10 20 m -3 Typical Temperature: 20 keV Fusion Power: 500 MW Machine mass: 23350 t (cryostat + VV + magnets) - shielding, divertor and manifolds: 7945 t + 1060 port plugs - magnet systems: 10150 t; cryostat: 820 t Divertor 54 cassettes

4 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting ITER Cooling Water System (CWS) Functional requirements: – Remove heat from in-vessel components, vessel, heating systems and diagnostics – Maintain coolant temperatures, pressures, and flow rates to limit component temperatures and retain thermal margins – Remove decay heat during shutdown periods – Provide baking for in-vessel components – Maintain required water chemistry conditions – Allow draining, refilling and drying for maintenance – Confine radioactive inventories – Remove heat from plant auxiliary systems Reject all the above heat to the environment CWS consists of: – TCWS, CCWS, CHWS, HRS

5 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Physical TCWS Scope: Well Defined Interface with India: Well Coordinated US Scope IN Scope

6 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Systems Engineering for TCWS Design Conceptual design – System requirements are defined – Design basis is developed (the system requirements have to be met) – An optimized & cost effective design concept has to be ensured Preliminary design – The requirements for a configuration item including system interfaces are properly defined and documented – Engineering analyses and R&D are carried out to ensure the design concept meeting the requirements (i.e., structure, seismic, thermo- hydraulic, etc.) – Engineering specialty studies are completed (i.e., RAMI, value engineering, constructability assessment, ES&H) – A firm basis is finalized to proceed with detailed design Detail (final) design – The design documentation to support procurement is developed. – Procedure / drawings for fabrication/assembly/installation/testing & inspection is developed and documented

7 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Conceptual Design will Develop Design Basis / Concept Existing design does not meet the requirement for availability and reliability, and needs to be revised and optimized with newly available information/knowledge on client systems Revised Conceptual Design will produce: – SRD – Process Flow Diagram (PFD) – Limited T-H models – Limited system interfaces – Conceptual Design Description Document (CDDD) – PCR or DCR based on RAMI / value engineering

8 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting SRD of TCWS will Include: Functional description, basic configuration & system boundaries Design requirements – Structural/mechanical/seismic/thermo-hydraulic/ chemical/material/etc. Safety requirements – Safety criteria, limits, monitoring, etc. Operation and maintenance requirements including RAMI Quality requirements Codes & Standards

9 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Steady-State Thermo-Hydraulic Model is Developed SS design parameters / operational performance are determined – 4 PHTS => Steady State / Transient Models – CVCS => Steady State Model – Drain & Drying (D&D) => Steady State / Transient Model Transient models will be developed during the preliminary design phase.

10 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting DIV/LIM PHTS with ND550 Main Pipe

11 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting 693 3360.8 All the Interfaces are Identified Limited-ICD – Main information includes functional & physical interfaces – All the interfaces will be marked in PFDs Client system interfaces are identified

12 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Process Flow Diagram (PFD) is Developed Process Flow Diagram of FW/BLK PHTS (page 1) Availability Notice This document was created under the ITER International Partnership. While this document was developed for the purpose of the ITER project, it may be shared with interested parties. There are no specified limitations on the distribution of this document.

13 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Process Flow Diagram of FW/BLK PHTS (page 2) Table BLK-1. Coolant flow rate at points 1~3 and 10~11 for each sector during plasma operation and stand-by mode Points Sector (Flow kg/s) 123456789101112131415161718 1164 162181 183184164 27777777777710 7 77 32113211511 --21 292129 13- 10164 181 184165164 117777777777710 7 77 122113211511 --21 292129 13- Availability Notice This document was created under the ITER International Partnership. While this document was developed for the purpose of the ITER project, it may be shared with interested parties. There are no specified limitations on the distribution of this document.

14 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Conceptual Design Description Document (CDDD) is Being Prepared CDDD – Description of TCWS subsystems (FW/BLK, VV, NBI & DIV/LIM PHTSs, D&D, CVCS) and their design basis – Process control scheme (T, P, m, PRZ water level) – Safety control (parameters to shut down plasma, water radiation monitoring, etc.) – Limited RAMI (modularity / flexibility, to determine # of Hx / pump combination) – Operational mode and analysis (to be continued during the Preliminary design phase) – PCR or DCR based on RAMI, value engineering, etc.

15 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Conceptual Design Process will be Completed Without Transient / Operational Analysis that is Planned to be Performed During the Preliminary Design Phase Operational Mode Analysis Limited RAMI T-H Functional Requirements (SRD) Functional Interfaces (ICD) Steady State TH Model FW/BLK, VV, DIV/LIM, NBI, CVCS, D&D CDDD FW/BLK, VV, DIV/LIM, NBI, CVCS, D&D, Safety / Process Control, Limiter RAMI, etc. Process Control Analysis Transient TH Model FW/BLK, VV, DIV/LIM, NBI, D&D PFD P&ID I&C Client System Geometry Model September 2008

16 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Summary Systems engineering to TCWS design is consistent to the project level SE guidelines US-ITER is now completing the conceptual design – PFDs are being produced – Baseline document is being written – Study on optimization & value engineering is planned

17 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Process Flow Diagram of DIV PHTS Availability Notice This document was created under the ITER International Partnership. While this document was developed for the purpose of the ITER project, it may be shared with interested parties. There are no specified limitations on the distribution of this document.

18 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Abbreviations: HTMF – high-temperature mechanical filter PR – pressure reducer LHX – letdown heat exchanger IX – ion exchanger OMF – outlet mechanical filter VCT – volume control tank PRT – pressure relief tank RP – recharging pump PointsPlasma Operation and Stand-By Baking OperationIdle/MaintenanceDecontamination Pressur e (MPa) Temp. ( º C) Flow (kg/s) Pressur e (MPa) Temp. ( º C) Flow (kg/s) Pressur e (MPa) Temp. ( º C) Flow (kg/s) Pressur e (MPa) Temp. ( º C) Flow (kg/s) 11.010011.74.424030CVCS may be: -turned off -purify FW/BLK PHTS loop with flow up to 23.4 kg/s -purify water in FW/BLK drain tanks with flow up to 23.4 kg/s Purification of FW/BLK PHTS loops with 2x normal flow (23.4 kg/s) 20.9210011.74.324030 30.5910011.7IX part of CVCS during baking may be: -turned off -purify water in FW/BLK drain tanks with flow up to 23.4 kg/s 40.355011.7 50.175011.7 60.145011.7 73.65011.7 83.45011.55 93.4500.15 Note: sum of flow in points “8” and “9” should be equal to the flow in point “7”. Process Flow Diagram of FW/BLK CVCS Availability Notice This document was created under the ITER International Partnership. While this document was developed for the purpose of the ITER project, it may be shared with interested parties. There are no specified limitations on the distribution of this document.

19 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Abbreviations: HTMF – high-temperature mechanical filter PR – pressure reducer LHX – letdown heat exchanger IX – ion exchanger OMF – outlet mechanical filter VCT – volume control tank PRT – pressure relief tank RP – recharging pump Process Flow Diagram of DIV CVCS PointsPlasma Operation and Stand-By Baking OperationIdle/MaintenanceDecontamination Pressu re (MPa) Temp. ( º C) Flow (kg/s) Pressur e (MPa) Temp. ( º C) Flow (kg/s) Pressur e (MPa) Temp. ( º C) Flow (kg/s) Pressur e (MPa) Temp. ( º C) Flow (kg/s) 11.91004.74.424010CVCS may be: -turned off -purify DIV/LIM PHTS loop with flow up to 9.4 kg/s -purify water in DIV/LIM drain tanks with flow up to 9.4 kg/s Purification of DIV/LIM PHTS loop with 2x normal flow (9.4 kg/s) 21.81004.74.324010 30.371004.7IX part of CVCS during baking may be: -turned off -purify water in DIV/LIM drain tanks with flow up to 9.4 kg/s 40.33504.7 50.15504.7 60.13504.7 74.6504.7 84.4504.65 94.4500.05 Note: sum of flow in points “8” and “9” should be equal to the flow in point “7”. Availability Notice This document was created under the ITER International Partnership. While this document was developed for the purpose of the ITER project, it may be shared with interested parties. There are no specified limitations on the distribution of this document.

20 TCWS Team2008 AIChE Annual Meeting Abbreviations: HTMF – high-temperature mechanical filter LHX – letdown heat exchanger IX – ion exchanger OMF – outlet mechanical filter VCT – volume control tank VDG – vacuum degasifier RP – recharging pump NBI PHTS Radwaste Draining CCWS-1 N-VDS Demi Water Compressed Air Radwaste 1 2 Draining Refilling 3 VCT VDG Draining 4 5 Demi Water Draining 6 Electric NBI PHTS 7 Nitrogen N-VDS Vacuum RP IX OMF LHX HTMF Hydrogen Process Flow Diagram of NBI CVCS Availability Notice This document was created under the ITER International Partnership. While this document was developed for the purpose of the ITER project, it may be shared with interested parties. There are no specified limitations on the distribution of this document.

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