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Digitising Old Chinese Books in Germany and Europe Martina Siebert East Asia Department - China section.

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1 Digitising Old Chinese Books in Germany and Europe Martina Siebert East Asia Department - China section

2 | Preliminaries ‘Digitising the Nation’ versus ‘Digitising the Special” Old Chinese books in the Sinosphere Old Chinese books in Europe = = > 600.000 entries in NCL Union catalogue of Chinese Rare Books collection started in mid 17th c. total number today = ? Siebert : Digitising Old Chinese Books in Germany and Europe (8th CCDSCR, 2010 Taibei) Digitising the Nation Digitising the Special Berlin projects Digitising for the Future

3 | Siebert : Digitising Old Chinese Books in Germany and Europe (8th CCDSCR, 2010 Taibei) VD = “Verzeichnis Drucke des deutschen Sprachraums des... Jh.” “retrospective German national bibliographies” VD16 VD17 VD18 (1969-1996 / 1996 - ) : 75.000 editions (+25.000) (1996 - ): > 260.000 editions (2009 - ): ~ 600.000 editions library catalogue project website national search portal international search portal Digitising the Nation Digitising the Special Berlin projects Digitising for the Future

4 | Siebert : Digitising Old Chinese Books in Germany and Europe (8th CCDSCR, 2010 Taibei) Great Elector Friedrich Wilhelm, 1685 First printed catalogue of the Electors library, 1683 after 1945 separated into two institutions / only 1/3 of the Chinese collection left Digitising the Nation Digitising the Special Berlin projects Digitising for the Future 1701 “Königliche Bibliothek zu Berlin” (Royal Library of Berlin) 1922 establishment of East Asia Department 1918 “Preußische Staatsbibliothek” (Prussian State Library) 1912 1.603 shelf marks: Libri sinici new shelf mark: Libri sinici N.S. 1945 2.403 shelf marks: Libri sinici N.S. 1661 “Churfürstliche Bibliothek zu Cölln an der Spree” (Electoral Library of Berlin)

5 | Siebert : Digitising Old Chinese Books in Germany and Europe (8th CCDSCR, 2010 Taibei) 1992 reunited as “Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz” (Berlin State Library, Prussian Cultural Heritage) 2006 Virtual Research Library CrossAsia 1951 DFG (German Research Foundation): Special Subject Collection East and South East Asia (6,25) 01.2010 Special Collection Area 6,25 digital  ~ 280 Libri sinici  ~ 320 titles in Manchu  499 titles of the “Old Japan collection”  429 Tibetan titles (“Collection Waddell”)  ~ 300 Chinese titles (“Collection Haenisch”) + ~ 4000 titles in Western languages about East & Southeast Asia Digitising the Nation Digitising the Special Berlin projects Digitising for the Future

6 | Special Collection Area 6,25 digital : Libri sin.

7 | Siebert : Digitising Old Chinese Books in Germany and Europe (8th CCDSCR, 2010 Taibei) Pagination Structural data (“bones”) > types of content features (title page, chapter, map...) in its Hierarchy (chapter / subchapter / map) Metadata (“skin”) > heading of a ‘chapter’, caption of a ‘map’, author of a preface > METS/MODS Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (SBB PK Digitising the Nation Digitising the Special Berlin projects Digitising for the Future

8 | Digitising the Nation Digitising the Special Berlin projects Digitising for the Future Project Interface Portals / Aggregators Interface user / producing consumer “prosumer” raw data“Semantic web”?

9 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Ostasienabteilung

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