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Combining Audacity & Wikis Christopher Fathman Danielle Pelletier Studies in American Language San Jose State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Combining Audacity & Wikis Christopher Fathman Danielle Pelletier Studies in American Language San Jose State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combining Audacity & Wikis Christopher Fathman Danielle Pelletier Studies in American Language San Jose State University

2 Agenda  Audacity & Wikis  L/S Lessons with Audacity & Wikis  Using Audacity & Wikis in a Writing class  A Wiki for YOU!  Questions/comments

3  A collaborative website on which teachers and students can post, share, and edit documents, videos, links, pictures, etc.  Different levels of authority can be assigned by administrator (teacher)  PBworks PBworks What is a Wiki?

4 What is Audacity?  A free voice recording software  Allows students & teachers to create mp3 files (voice recording) that can be easily shared or posted on the web  Audacity Audacity

5 How To Use Audacity??? play stoprecordvoice track *version 1.2 requires: file---export as mp3 (must download LAMEmp3 encoder) *version 1.3 automatically creates mp3 file

6 Listening & Speaking Courses  A Wiki is the foundation for everything……  Posting syllabi, assignments, calendars, links, grades, voice files, pictures, documents  Audacity allows students to create voice recordings (mp3 files) for listening/speaking assignments  Summaries, Movie/Documentary reviews, Interviews, Critiques, Autobiographies 

7 Audacity & Wikis in a Writing Class original student essay posted on the wiki T provides two forms of electronic feedback  essay with T feedback is posted on the wiki Track changes – grammar & vocabulary Give oral feedback – content & organization

8 Audacity & Wikis in a Writing Class Give written feedback on grammar issues using “Track Changes” on Word Grammar: SVA, VT, Frag, Art, Prep Vocabulary: WC (word choice = should be academic language) WF (word form = word families) – adj/adv/n/v

9 Audacity & Wikis in a Writing Class Give oral feedback using Audacity mp3 file containing oral feedback is inserted within the word document Content & Organization Thesis statements Topic sentences Support In-text citations Reference page

10 Audacity & Wikis in a Writing Class Benefits: Easy to do Keeps it interesting Integrates skills Students = electronically- savvy Drawbacks: Time Tech-savvy

11 A Wiki for YOU!

12 Thank You!

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