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Stephen Trafford Abbie Bradshaw Kyle Mckeown Adam Martin Holly Riglar.

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Presentation on theme: "Stephen Trafford Abbie Bradshaw Kyle Mckeown Adam Martin Holly Riglar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stephen Trafford Abbie Bradshaw Kyle Mckeown Adam Martin Holly Riglar

2 General Outline:  Smart phone app  Target audience – 30+  Client: Wildago  Question and answer app  Promotional  Unique  Characters: Pearl and Smokey

3 Equipment:  Camera  Stationary and paper  PC  Microphone  Iphone or Ipad (testing)

4 4 Software:  Microsoft Word  Adobe Photoshop  Adobe After Effects This software will become useful in our group work as we can use it to make schedules for each group member and to also make our plans for the application. We will be able to use this to keep track of our work each week and plan what we need to do for the following. This software will be useful when we are designing the characters, whether we want to draw them from scratch or edit them. We will also be able to use tools such as layers to create image backdrops for our characters to set more of a scene. After effects will be a good software to use when we have our finished scenes as we can add more effects and filters to them if we wish. We can add effects to the images and scenes to then put all together in Flash.

5 5 Software  Adobe Illustrator 5 We will use this software as an additional vector based image editing as we need to work in vectors.  Audacity (or other music editing software) Audacity will be the software where we can edit audio, such as the music we will provide in the application as well as voice-overs for the characters. This will be useful to remove any noise and trim the audio if need be.  Adobe Flash Adobe Flash will be the main software we use, especially when we have created our sources and ready to put them together to create the app. Flash also gives us the chance to use coding, and to also use the rotoscoping techniques to animate the characters.

6 Design Considerations:  Voice activated  Voice acting (for Pearl and Smokey)  Location: Sheffield  Art style  How many questions  Script and appropriate lines  Personality  Other characters  Interface

7 Popular Apps  Angry Birds  Minecraft - Pocket Edition  Facebook  Fruit Ninja  4Pics1Word  Temple Run

8 Why are they popular ?  Sleek.  Well designed.  Easy to use.  Fun and, or informative.  This basically means a simple to use user interface crossed with a great idea.

9 Target audience Demographics: Age group: 30+. Gender: Male or Female. Marital Status: Any. Occupation: Art enthusiasts, Wildago lovers. Education: Undergraduate and so forth. Monthly income: Anywhere between RM500 and above. Location: Any. Psychographics: Men or women interested in the world of Wildago and its characters and require a fast easy and constant way to access additional information about them on devices such as the iPad and mobile phones. People that are Interested in the artist Wildago.

10 Schedule and Planning Week 1Pitch Presentation Week 2Pitch Feedback and necessary design modifications, plus application overview and final plan Week 3Development of technicalities, storyboards for the final chosen layouts. Week 4Research and practice of sound and scores for the application plus progress check critique Week 5Theory and practice evaluations completed for practical building over Easter plus Client visit EasterNo scheduled classes, work on project and individual report EasterNo scheduled classes, work on project and individual report Week 8Interactive example of the application, research and practice of app building– Progress check critique Week 9Sound/voice/audio recording and incorporation to the application – Client visit Week 10Finalizing application– Final preparation of group work Week 11Project development – Hand in group work by Friday 3rd May Week 12Final presentations (see shuspace nearer the time for schedule), Hand in individual work ONLINE by Friday 10th May.

11 Conceptual Designs




15 Preview:  A preview of the Application A preview of the Application

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