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Podcasting: The basics What is it? Why would I want to do that? How do I do that? Created by Brett Oppegaard for Washington State University - Vancouver,

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Presentation on theme: "Podcasting: The basics What is it? Why would I want to do that? How do I do that? Created by Brett Oppegaard for Washington State University - Vancouver,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Podcasting: The basics What is it? Why would I want to do that? How do I do that? Created by Brett Oppegaard for Washington State University - Vancouver, DTC - 338 March 26, 2008 Courtesy of

2 What is podcasting? When broadcasting met the digital world, “pod”casting -- as in iPod-casting -- was born (2004). Key components: Internet distribution R.S.S. Transferable to a portable device Courtesy of

3 How do I do that? The podcatchers Start by listening to some examples. Podcatchers are like GoogleReader, or other R.S.S. Feeds, only they focus on podcasts. Here are a few to try: iTunes Juice Media Fly Nimiq FeedDemon podcatcher comparison FeedDemon podcatcher comparison Courtesy of

4 What types of programs might I create for this class? News – Traditional reporting of some breaking story related to your topic, with interviews of sources, authoritative reporter voice, etc. Opinion – Similar in structure to news, yet with a clear and stated bias Storytelling – Like those NPR pieces, with various sounds and voices and a developed story You are there – Go to an event and tell about it, with ambient sounds and interviews

5 What types of programs might I create for this class? Guide – You take the listener on a tour of a specific place related to your topic Around the table – Get together a group of experts on your topic and get them talking about interesting things Journal – Let the listener get inside your head as you deal with a particular issue or story related to your topic Review – A critical analysis complemented by ambient and secondary sounds, audio clips.

6 Continue your exploration of Audacity Experiment with your audio editor

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